Finished Quote the Funniest Post Made By the One Above

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Flygon Jedi Master said:
nuked. this is not a spam zone. - PMJ
Oh well...not every one can appreciate the great works of JELLO and PUDDIN' that I now....something just as long....yet less spammy....


So I live in Connecticut, the most boring place on earth. Middle class suburbian homes line the streets, and small buisness is out of buisness. Somehow, some dude opened a league place that i go to only for tournaments and prereleases. I'm in 7th grade and have all A's in school, yet in Pokémon tounaments I usually rack up to 5th or 6th, always out of the top 4.

I now other stuff to fill this giant space.

Oh, my favorite Teletubbie is Po.
Or is it Poh...

Sounds like "Pope".
Didn;'t he die again?

So anyway, right now I'm hungry.

Are you hungry?

If you're not I must hypnotize you!
Although on technical terms, Hypno=pedophile.


You are very, very hungry.....ummmm....puddin'.....jello.....fruity jello.....fruity puddin'....yummmmm.....apples.....aapples....aaaples.....aaaapples....aaaaapples...aaaaaapples...aaaaaaapples....
you want some aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapples.....

By now you must think I'm insane....

I may be insane....







Alright, I hypnotized you, what else do you want?

Go away....

WAIT! Don't leave! You have to read the entire thing!

And why did you scroll down to here anyway?

Isn't this boring?

You need a life if you're actually reading this.


As I was saying, my favorite color is red, because it's so reddy.....Freddy...

I'm a natural poet....

If Kirby ate you he would get the power of get-a-life-ness.

It allows him to sit like a fat slob all day online reading bios written by people that feel like criticizing you because they're really bored and have nothing better to do.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 coming soon.....

Okay, Chapter 2!

Two....what the heck is the "w" in there four, it's a waste of space.

If you are a "w" person, you're a bad person!

What's a "w" person?








But seriously, a "w" person is something I made up for no reason, and the reaseon it's for no reason is non-existant, because there is no reason for that, and the reason for that is.....




Willy Wonka is my BFF!

You thought I was going to say "no reason", right?

Then why did you scroll down here, why are you even reading this?

Heck, go outside, read a book, get your lazy butt off the computer and do something!

Right now, people are dieing, starving, fighting, crying, and you're just on the computer in a community based on non-existant monsters that fight eachother.

Yet, I am with you too, in a small retreat from all the problems in this world, not caring about anything for these few precious moments before reality kicks back in.....

*FJM sighs*

*FJM sighs again*

I just wish I understood everything....

But no one does....

So if it doesn't really matter, I'm going to enjoy life to it's fullest, and make the most of the short time I have here!

Positive attitude!

That's what I say!

But that's just me.....

~FJM signing off with a *sigh*
Zyflair said:
Simple one:

Dentist HP 60 {C}
Poke-Body Intimidate
As long as you are holding a toothbrush while playing this game, all damage done to Dentist is reduced by 20.

{C} Take an X-Ray $500
Your Tournament Organizer must walk out of the building an will come back with an X-Ray. If your opponent cannot pay for the X-Ray, you win the game.

{C} Fill a Cavity
Flip a coin. If tails, the operation fails and your opponent's turn is skipped (for he/she will probably in too much pain to play during that turn anyway).

Retreat Cost: {C}

Rulings on Dentist said:
Q: Can the TO just doodle on a sheet of paper to save time?
A: Yes.

Q: What are we supposed to do with the X-Ray?
A: Keep it, of course.

Q: Can I just use a popsicle stick and pretend it's a toothbrush?
A: No. It must be a dentist-approved toothbrush.

Wow. It gets better and better.
Riskbreakers said:
Nah, you'd be slacking, I'd be watching, I has bigger turquiose eyes :).
Let's not talk about your eyes.

@Zyflair:I think all the time!....wait.....what was I saying.....sunddenly so hungry....*FJM runs off to fix himself a srcumptious sandwich*
Zyflair's bio said:
I will be working as a private investigator, solving the crimes of deck flaws keeping the poor list from being neglected. I will clear up and polish decent lists and offer different variations that might help.
Making bad decklists is a CRIME?!?!
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