Spirit Of Mew said:<Lenny|SoonHeroes> You're all so immature.
Best quote ever
I've seen better...
Spirit Of Mew said:<Lenny|SoonHeroes> You're all so immature.
Best quote ever
Oookay...Lou Cypher said:I'll take a second stab after Zyflair
Dr4g0n said:I thought it was "The optimist says the glass is half full; the pessimist, half empty..."
PokeChamp said:Darn yoo!
says, "One!".
infmach said:BTW, I don´t think that the new play games for the Wii are bad, I think they are like...creative.
Drapion is the new Gigas!
Dr4g0n said:Maybe you can use it for holding damage counters or dice. I normally just keep some extra cards in them, ones that I think I'll never use in my entire life.![]()
4 "no"s. I thought one would be sufficient.PokeChamp said:Nononono.
Dr4g0n said:Banned for hunting.
infmach said:I said I was time travelling, what about next monday?
PokeChamp said:LOL, I just found out you used my banner for your article! Fair enough, you made it![]()
Juliacolo said:You oughta know better... WOBUFFET ALWAYS WINS!
The Power of Three said:lolwut? 2-4 Weavile?![]()
Delta said:Could you do a rockman in 8 turning into different types of powersrs from rockman 2?
Juliacoolo said:Can I get an arceus kirby?
infmach said:DARN IT!*infmach loses his eyes*
Arcterra said:let's Bloo this.
Dr4g0n said:Arcterra said:let's Bloo this.
PokeChamp said:LOLing at the bible of PokeChamp!