• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14

  • 3 Charizard-EX (Combustion)
    1 M Charizard-EX
    2 Pikachu / Litleo
    2 Raichu / Pyroar
    2 Fennekin
    2 Delphox
    1 Keldeo-EX
    1 Reshiram/Toxicroak-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

  • 2 Professor Sycamore
    4 Blacksmith
    2 Lysandre
    1 Caitlin
    2 Skyla
    4 N
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Hypnotoxic Laser
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Rare Candy
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Float Stone
    1 Protection Cube
    1 Scramble Switch
Energy: 14

  • 10 Fire Energy
    4 DCE

- Preferred starter would be Toxicroak to put pressure by its poison
- Option 1: Raichu can also act as a secondary starter with a free retreat cost
- Option 2: Pyroar acts as an additional stall and DPS
- I will change the pokemon based on the current metagame matchup
- Delphox engine for consistent hand and turns
- Chari & M-Chari as our main goto pokemon for hard hits
- Scramble switch to add back-up options to another hitter
- I might include max potion in the future
- Caitlin helps with Delphox draw if you do not get a good draw
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

I see a few problems with this decklist. First, I'll ask, which Charizard EX are you using?

Other things that could be fixed:
Colress - Shauna is more dependable, switch them out.
Roller Skates - you use 3 Fiery Torch... yet 4 of these? I'd take out one for a Fiery Torch, another for a Shauna, and 2 more for Escape Rope/Switch
Keldeo - this is going to be murdered by Venasaur. Scrap Keldeo for another Float Stone and find more switching options, Keldeo is just 2 free prizes for anybody playing Venasaur (which is a lot of people)
Muscle Band - why 3? You might need thisn for Pyroar, but you only run 2. Don't tell me you use this for Charizard EX unless you're running the combustion blast one. Take at least one of these out for a Float Stone.
Tool Scrapper - using this to take off your own tools is feasible. If you're not, use megaphone instead.
M Charizard EX - use 2 of these and use them as your main attackers. Take out all your muscle bands and put in a M Charizard, a Protection Cube, and a Float Stone as aforementioned.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Dia said:
I see a few problems with this decklist. First, I'll ask, which Charizard EX are you using?

Other things that could be fixed:

Colress - Shauna is more dependable, switch them out.
Not in this deck. This deck, Colress is much better to use, especially since he's using only one for the late game.

Roller Skates - you use 3 Fiery Torch... yet 4 of these? I'd take out one for a Fiery Torch, another for a Shauna, and 2 more for Escape Rope/Switch
Fiery Torch discards Energy, whereas you can get them back with Blacksmith, you aren't guaranteed an Energy in your hand every time. Skates are really good -- trust me, I've tried them personally and can attest to their playability in speed decks. Whereas I do agree that maybe in this deck they aren't as good, I disagree with adding in Escape Rope. As well as Switch, which isn't the best card to run in this because of my next response.

Keldeo - this is going to be murdered by Venasaur. Scrap Keldeo for another Float Stone and find more switching options, Keldeo is just 2 free prizes for anybody playing Venasaur (which is a lot of people)
No one is playing Venusaur. Keldeo also sits on the bench for Rush In, which mitigates the usage of Switch for a simple Ability, which also means they would have to Lysandre or whatnot to get Keldeo up. Which also is essentially a free turn for you because you get to murderize their Venusaur. ;)

Muscle Band - why 3? You might need thisn for Pyroar, but you only run 2. Don't tell me you use this for Charizard EX unless you're running the combustion blast one. Take at least one of these out for a Float Stone.
He's running the Combustion Burst version, ergo the Muscle Band is how he OHKOs major threats like Yveltal, Keldeo (in Blastoise) and other 170 HP Pokemon without the necessity to Mega Evolve.

Tool Scrapper - using this to take off your own tools is feasible. If you're not, use megaphone instead.
I agree wholeheartedly. I only use Megaphone when I don't have a Tool in my deck to Discard.

M Charizard EX - use 2 of these and use them as your main attackers. Take out all your muscle bands and put in a M Charizard, a Protection Cube, and a Float Stone as aforementioned.
He already has one in the deck, and only uses it as a last resort/tech. The deck you are describing is a completely and utterly different deck entirely. His main strategy for the deck is to fight with Combustion Blast, while not having to waste a turn Mega Evolving to KO (though he reserves the option to). This advice is actually classified as bad advice, and you might want to be careful, because you could actually get a warning for that in the future.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

who uses venusaur? i dont think thats what you should be worried about. If anything worry about Genesect. Red Signal to Megalo Cannon. But really during that match up just dont play keldeo ex if you are worried about that. I suggest to keep Keldeo for every other match up you can use it. Plus it can hit for 140 with muscle band on water weak pokemon.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Kecleon-X said:
Dia said:
I see a few problems with this decklist. First, I'll ask, which Charizard EX are you using?

Other things that could be fixed:

Colress - Shauna is more dependable, switch them out.
Not in this deck. This deck, Colress is much better to use, especially since he's using only one for the late game.

Roller Skates - you use 3 Fiery Torch... yet 4 of these? I'd take out one for a Fiery Torch, another for a Shauna, and 2 more for Escape Rope/Switch
Fiery Torch discards Energy, whereas you can get them back with Blacksmith, you aren't guaranteed an Energy in your hand every time. Skates are really good -- trust me, I've tried them personally and can attest to their playability in speed decks. Whereas I do agree that maybe in this deck they aren't as good, I disagree with adding in Escape Rope. As well as Switch, which isn't the best card to run in this because of my next response.

Keldeo - this is going to be murdered by Venasaur. Scrap Keldeo for another Float Stone and find more switching options, Keldeo is just 2 free prizes for anybody playing Venasaur (which is a lot of people)
No one is playing Venusaur. Keldeo also sits on the bench for Rush In, which mitigates the usage of Switch for a simple Ability, which also means they would have to Lysandre or whatnot to get Keldeo up. Which also is essentially a free turn for you because you get to murderize their Venusaur. ;)

Muscle Band - why 3? You might need thisn for Pyroar, but you only run 2. Don't tell me you use this for Charizard EX unless you're running the combustion blast one. Take at least one of these out for a Float Stone.
He's running the Combustion Burst version, ergo the Muscle Band is how he OHKOs major threats like Yveltal, Keldeo (in Blastoise) and other 170 HP Pokemon without the necessity to Mega Evolve.

Tool Scrapper - using this to take off your own tools is feasible. If you're not, use megaphone instead.
I agree wholeheartedly. I only use Megaphone when I don't have a Tool in my deck to Discard.

M Charizard EX - use 2 of these and use them as your main attackers. Take out all your muscle bands and put in a M Charizard, a Protection Cube, and a Float Stone as aforementioned.
He already has one in the deck, and only uses it as a last resort/tech. The deck you are describing is a completely and utterly different deck entirely. His main strategy for the deck is to fight with Combustion Blast, while not having to waste a turn Mega Evolving to KO (though he reserves the option to). This advice is actually classified as bad advice, and you might want to be careful, because you could actually get a warning for that in the future.
Sorry, I just skimmed the strategy, didn't realize this wasn't based more on Combustion Blast than M Char.
That being said, I will revoke my last suggestion. Keep the Muscle Band.
However, I disagree with what you said about Venasaur. I've seen it tossed around a lot at League, and combined with Genesect, it makes Keldeo an easy OHKO. Lysandre is not necessary for that, nor catcher, nor whatever method you might use to try to bait out Keldeo. It may be good for a quick switch, but Float Stone/Switch seems far more dependable, especially if you're talking about using Keldeo as your only method of switching besides discarding energy.
In regard to Roller Skates, seems to be personal preference. I won't argue, but running Fiery Torch and Blacksmith works as drawing power and energy retrieval.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

You seem to forget that this is a fire deck. Those players would be wasting a turn knocking out a keldeo ex doing nothing but providing utility, while the dangerous fire pokemon with all the energy will just OHKO all the grass types anyway. Heck victini ex is more of a free prize than keldeo.

Either way, your league must be weird. Because Venusaur ex is just not good. Even M venusaur is not. Genesect/Virizion is the only actual top tier grass deck you need to worry about. And once again, adding 1 Keldeo Ex as a tech is not a huge waste of space. If you are up against a grass type deck. Just dont play it and you are sure to win. Its just that simple. It can be simple discard fodder for ultra ball or Junipered away. Theres no reason you MUST play Keldeo Ex. Unless of course you start with it. But its much safer than a tech of lets say Jirachi that you can sometimes start with. Which if you do becomes dead weight to your team.

You have to keep in mind that its a tech. Like in an Aromatisse deck with Rainbow energy. The deck is majority tech pokemon used to focus on specific match ups. Generally those pokemon are not play in every game, just the ones that it will be useful. Otherwise they are discard fodder. Do those pokemon make that deck bad by any means. No. Will one Keldeo Ex make this fire deck bad. No.

Also i sort of approve on the roller skates. Unlike the torch. It can be used whenever its in your hand. It doesn't need to also discard a fire energy to grab you cards. It also does not take up a supporter for that turn like Juniper, N, or any other draw support. This allows you to sometimes drawing into more cards, and still being able to use blacksmith/Lysandre that turn. Its really a choice between bicycle and roller skates. A personal preference for this deck since it does have a few cards that could clog up your hand and prevent you from using bicycle effectively anyway.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Ivy_Profen said:
You seem to forget that this is a fire deck. Those players would be wasting a turn knocking out a keldeo ex doing nothing but providing utility, while the dangerous fire pokemon with all the energy will just OHKO all the grass types anyway. Heck victini ex is more of a free prize than keldeo.

Either way, your league must be weird. Because Venusaur ex is just not good. Even M venusaur is not. Genesect/Virizion is the only actual top tier grass deck you need to worry about. And once again, adding 1 Keldeo Ex as a tech is not a huge waste of space. If you are up against a grass type deck. Just dont play it and you are sure to win. Its just that simple. It can be simple discard fodder for ultra ball or Junipered away. Theres no reason you MUST play Keldeo Ex. Unless of course you start with it. But its much safer than a tech of lets say Jirachi that you can sometimes start with. Which if you do becomes dead weight to your team.

You have to keep in mind that its a tech. Like in an Aromatisse deck with Rainbow energy. The deck is majority tech pokemon used to focus on specific match ups. Generally those pokemon are not play in every game, just the ones that it will be useful. Otherwise they are discard fodder. Do those pokemon make that deck bad by any means. No. Will one Keldeo Ex make this fire deck bad. No.

Also i sort of approve on the roller skates. Unlike the torch. It can be used whenever its in your hand. It doesn't need to also discard a fire energy to grab you cards. It also does not take up a supporter for that turn like Juniper, N, or any other draw support. This allows you to sometimes drawing into more cards, and still being able to use blacksmith/Lysandre that turn. Its really a choice between bicycle and roller skates. A personal preference for this deck since it does have a few cards that could clog up your hand and prevent you from using bicycle effectively anyway.
Keldeo is 2 prize cards, and a OHKO for Genesect/Venasaur. Not sure why knocking it out seems like a waste to you, or why you think Venasaur is a bad card, but it doesn't really matter at this point. But Keldeo would have to be used often considering the fact he has 2 Float Stones and one Escape Rope in his deck, and no means of retrieving energy besides Blacksmith, which, as you say, uses the supporter for the turn. He needs Muscle Bands on both his Pyroar and Charizard, so without Keldeo, I get the feeling that there would not be much switching, which is absolutely necessary for Charizard. He only has so many Blacksmiths, even with Pal Pad.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

I'm sorry but 1 Grass 2 Colorless for 60 damage poison is sad. Doing at most 90 with virbank city gym and 20 more with muscle band. Thats for 3 energy. Lets look at the good exs. Genesect 3 energy 100 damage 20 bench, 3 energy G booster 200 damage no ifs ands or buts. Keldeo Ex, 3 energy 110 damage. Darkrai 3 energy 90 damage and 30 bench. Yveltal Ex 3 energy 90 damage move an energy away, Evil ball hits for 80 for 3 energy, not including defending pokemon energy. Mewtwo with 3 energy already hits for 60 assuming the defending pokemon has no energy.

Jungle hammer hits for 90 and heals for 30 for 4 energy. Thats pretty sad as well. If i recall that is very similar to Chesnaughts Touchdown attack or w/e. Which is also very bad. healing 30 isnt really going to change too much. Granted it will mess up some math. But generally it takes too long to set up. At least 3 turns to charge it manually. All so you can do 90 damage.

keldeo is 2 prize cards, and a OHKO for Genesect/Venasaur. Not sure why knocking it out seems like a waste to you, or why you think Venasaur is a bad card, but it doesn't really matter at this point. But Keldeo would have to be used often considering the fact he has 2 Float Stones and one Escape Rope in his deck, and no means of retrieving energy besides Blacksmith, which, as you say, uses the supporter for the turn. He needs Muscle Bands on both his Pyroar and Charizard, so without Keldeo, I get the feeling that there would not be much switching, which is absolutely necessary for Charizard. He only has so many Blacksmiths, even with Pal Pad.

Once again you failed to understand that YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY IT. If you are afraid of it being catched out for a cheap 2 prizes. Don't play it. 1 Card less in your deck will not make it terrible. How many decks run tool scrapper just for garbodor? I imagine like 90% of them. Does everyone play garbodor? no. Should people not put it in their deck just because not everyone uses garbodor? No.

As for the point of why it could make a bad play to focus down Keldeo Ex. Heres one. I have a fully charged charizard in play, and a keldeo ex. This could include w/e other pokemon i have on my bench it doesnt matter. You on the other hand have only 1 Venusaur Ex charge and maybe Virizion Ex used to charge it. In total that took you at least 2 turns to charge Virizion to emerald slash and 1 more turn to drop a DCE on that Venusaur ex. You catcher out Keldeo Ex, take 2 prizes with Venusaur. I send out charizard. Take 2 easy prizes on Venusaur Ex. You send out Virizion to charge your next Venusaur if you even have one and the energy in the deck, doing 50 damage. Charizard is at 120 hp or something and then knocks out Virizion for 2 more prizes. Now you are down 2 prizes. You send out next Venusaur hit charizard for 110 max then charizard hits you back for the last 2 prizes. Even if by some chance you manage to take out charizard with that second Venusaur, by that time with black smith, victini/victory piece or just manual attachments, there is one more waiting on the bench. to OHKO you.

Keep in mind that this didnt even bother to use pyroar. Which is what would be the main choice either way. Also if it were me. I wouldn't have used Keldeo Ex during that match anyway.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Ivy_Profen said:
I'm sorry but 1 Grass 2 Colorless for 60 damage poison is sad. Doing at most 90 with virbank city gym and 20 more with muscle band. Thats for 3 energy. Lets look at the good exs. Genesect 3 energy 100 damage 20 bench, 3 energy G booster 200 damage no ifs ands or buts. Keldeo Ex, 3 energy 110 damage. Darkrai 3 energy 90 damage and 30 bench. Yveltal Ex 3 energy 90 damage move an energy away, Evil ball hits for 80 for 3 energy, not including defending pokemon energy. Mewtwo with 3 energy already hits for 60 assuming the defending pokemon has no energy.

Jungle hammer hits for 90 and heals for 30 for 4 energy. Thats pretty sad as well. If i recall that is very similar to Chesnaughts Touchdown attack or w/e. Which is also very bad. healing 30 isnt really going to change too much. Granted it will mess up some math. But generally it takes too long to set up. At least 3 turns to charge it manually. All so you can do 90 damage.

keldeo is 2 prize cards, and a OHKO for Genesect/Venasaur. Not sure why knocking it out seems like a waste to you, or why you think Venasaur is a bad card, but it doesn't really matter at this point. But Keldeo would have to be used often considering the fact he has 2 Float Stones and one Escape Rope in his deck, and no means of retrieving energy besides Blacksmith, which, as you say, uses the supporter for the turn. He needs Muscle Bands on both his Pyroar and Charizard, so without Keldeo, I get the feeling that there would not be much switching, which is absolutely necessary for Charizard. He only has so many Blacksmiths, even with Pal Pad.

Once again you failed to understand that YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY IT. If you are afraid of it being catched out for a cheap 2 prizes. Don't play it. 1 Card less in your deck will not make it terrible. How many decks run tool scrapper just for garbodor? I imagine like 90% of them. Does everyone play garbodor? no. Should people not put it in their deck just because not everyone uses garbodor? No.

As for the point of why it could make a bad play to focus down Keldeo Ex. Heres one. I have a fully charged charizard in play, and a keldeo ex. This could include w/e other pokemon i have on my bench it doesnt matter. You on the other hand have only 1 Venusaur Ex charge and maybe Virizion Ex used to charge it. In total that took you at least 2 turns to charge Virizion to emerald slash and 1 more turn to drop a DCE on that Venusaur ex. You catcher out Keldeo Ex, take 2 prizes with Venusaur. I send out charizard. Take 2 easy prizes on Venusaur Ex. You send out Virizion to charge your next Venusaur if you even have one and the energy in the deck, doing 50 damage. Charizard is at 120 hp or something and then knocks out Virizion for 2 more prizes. Now you are down 2 prizes. You send out next Venusaur hit charizard for 110 max then charizard hits you back for the last 2 prizes. Even if by some chance you manage to take out charizard with that second Venusaur, by that time with black smith, victini/victory piece or just manual attachments, there is one more waiting on the bench. to OHKO you.

Keep in mind that this didnt even bother to use pyroar. Which is what would be the main choice either way. Also if it were me. I wouldn't have used Keldeo Ex during that match anyway.

Haha calm down buddy. You're getting way too heated about Pokémon cards.
I'm saying that without Keldeo, this deck does not have much power to retreat and switch around like he said his strategy was to do so. And of course I am not referring to Venasaur EX, I am referring to M Venasaur EX. The one that, with a Muscle Band, can OHKO any EX, and can paralyze lock any Mega, if not OHKO it. I really don't need any of your pointless hypotheticals; Keldeo is prize bait for a grass deck, period. And with how popular Genesect and Venasaur are, that's not good, and, in my opinion, the deck should use other methods of retreating such as switch and float stone because I feel that Keldeo can be easily prized, provide a bad start, or be Genesect bait.

Additionally, you're assuming I use Venasaur EX alone. I use it in a Virizion/Genesect deck with its Mega and it works wonders; many people don't use switch anymore due to Float Stone gaining such popularity, and Virizion is the only card that can cancel out Venasaur's effect. It can even paralyze lock cards such as Sigilyph and Pyroar.

Of course, this is very off topic, but because you were so persistent in proving to me that a completely unrelated card had no use, I felt I should explain myself. Maybe now we can stop talking about this.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Dia said:
Ivy_Profen said:
*Snippity Snap
*Snappity Snip

Okay, both of you -- I may be no doctor, but I prescribe both of you a Chill Pill.

@Dia: This deck is to be in the open format, which is entirely different from your League. Ergo, basing suggestions off your League instead of tournaments like Regionals and Nationals (the current format) isn't going to be very useful when he doesn't play at your League. I do agree on Mega Venusaur -- I actually have a deck of him -- but nevertheless, you shouldn't be arguing a change to a deck against something that can only be considered Rogue, and as such, not Meta. I realize you have put an end to that already, and I commend you for doing so, but you shouldn't be arguing the point in the first place. Either way, you should have also listened when he said "you don't have to bench it", which he is totally correct in saying, because you can always use Wing Attack or whatnot to deal damage accordingly, as well as retreat to the other and Combustion Burst. Or Mega. It's more of a situational thing -- nothing to argue over. Thank you for understanding!

@Ivy_Profen: Chill. I get why you're getting fired up -- or at least seem to be -- but it's nothing. Just explain why you think he's wrong, and be done. If he -- or anyone else -- is being stubborn, just agree to disagree. Live and let live, dude. I do hope that this is imparted upon both of you, for this is a piece of advice you can take on through the rest of your lives. Besides, I already took care of it with my post, imparting my logic about his suggestions, anyway. Either way, thank you for understanding!

But yeah! I'm glad we could put this to rest! :D


(Nell is, like, one of the best Bleach characters.)

(Well, here she's like Cubchoo, but she's not really like that all the time)
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Thanks Kecleon-X.

I just got back to TCG so I still lack experience from playing with this deck.
Though I have planned the deck very well for every situation, I need more playtest.

You seem to get my strategy on how to setup this deck as a speed multi charizard setup with a few tech in Pyroar when needed.

I used to run this deck in our local tourney without Victini. I used Kangaskhan 2x. However even with blacksmith I would lose some turns in other meta deck speed accelerations. Then I discovered Victini-EX. He has the potential to go 1on1 with early EXs or quadccelerate my energy attachments (Turbo energize + blacksmith = 1 deadly chari). This is still dependent on the situation.

The problem I had with the setup with Kanga before was that I was able to tank but cannot keep up late game. Plus having problem setting up early will also delay Keldeo being setup. Victini-EX makes a good play as he can hit hard early while also powering up charizards.

I wanted to have both Lysandre + Escape Rope as my crazy situational cards when I deem it necessary to use. I could also use escape rope if I cannot bring Keldeo to ready status early. I still need more plays to confirm this.

If ever I remove Escape Rope what could be a good replacement?

Thanks everyone for your good response and review of my deck.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Making the suggestion based on the possibility of M Vena and Genesect, though I can see your concern, Kecleon X. That's just one part of why I don't like Keldeo in this deck; I explained the other two.
I would absolutely suggest using Victini. Without an Emboar/Delphox tech you're going to have a lot less draw power to help you get out energy or a lot less ability to get energy on quickly. But you can Ultra Ball away a couple of energy to get your Char, Blacksmith, and then use Victini's attack to load up Char, as you've said. Kanghaskan shouldn't make an appearance in a deck like this imo.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Setting up fast while also dealing damage every turn is the deal of this deck. Having Emboar/Delphox is not needed as it will slow down the strategy Victini + Blacksmith is enough to power-up real fast. The deck has its strong suites early to mid game.

I'll be retaining Keldeo-EX for the meantime. Its HP can suck up damage when needed as a semi-tank.

Escape rope can be replaced by Max Potion for recovery. Then power them up again with blacksmith.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Never suggested using Delphox or Emboar - I said that Victini is much more effective. The only worry with replacing the two is that you're limiting your switching options a lot by doing that. You're going to have to retreat using energy, or make Keldeo more prominent in the deck.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

I was also planning on adding Virizion with double draw to be able to tech to some counters as this is a pure fire deck.
RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

I was able to place third place in our league last week with this current build. I was thinking of adding a Virizion to be able to have some stall/counter vs water.
RE: Radiance v3.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

I might not. Base Virizion can only deal forty to begin with, and that requires two energy. So if you use Leaf Wallop once, you won't OHKO Keldeo, and they will OHKO you, even with resistance. You still OHKO them, so I wouldn't worry about it too much, given the fact you can set up another really easily by using Blacksmith.

I might look into something else, if you are struggling against Keldeo / Blastoise. There might be some colorless attackers for Grass out there, like THIS GUY so I might look into those as to satisfy that need. If not, then you could always run Rainbow Energy and something else to OHKO!
RE: Radiance v3.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar

Thanks Kecleon-X. I might just place in a solo Virizion (Double Draw). This will only be used to stall or as a starting active for a faster turn 2 setup. I'll post below my new and improved fiery deck. The before version would run out of juice fast especially if the opponents knows how to stop you in your tracks. This version provides a more optimized trainer distribution and allows further hands choices by hand refreshes and additional skylas.
RE: Radiance v3.1 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX

Please advice if there are any feedback on the 3.1 build
RE: Radiance v4.0 - Charizard-EX / Raichu / Delphox

Updated the deck to a more setup based build. Do share your opinions.