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radical144 trading thread have FA lucario ex landous ex


Aspiring Trainer
Hi i ship from FL USA

highest want xXx bulk ultra rare NM-M only
2 Drifloon PB
2 vs seeker FRLG RH only
xXx porygon, porygon2 porygon-Z except non-holo triumphant porygon/porygon2 in NM-M only

2 lucario EX FA
1 lucario EX
1 M lucario Ex55/111
1 landours Ex
1 mewtwo ex promo
1 toxicroak EX
1 mew ex 46/124
2 cobalion energy press 1 full art
2 frost spear kyruem
4-4 pyroar combustion and intimidating mane
1 fighitng fury machamp
5 dynamotor eelektrik 1RH
3 forest's curse trevenant
3 shadow ball espeon
3 energy crush leafeon
5 juniper
4 N
1 korrina
1 tierno LP
3 dark patch 2 RH
4 DCE 2 HGSS LP 2 base set
MP Pokemon said:
CML for a Lucario EX FA and Landorus EX.


looking for bulk ultra rares i value the lucario and lano at 45 combined, i value ultra rares (ex prime or lv.x) at 3-4 maybe 5 for some. feel free to offer.