

*ponders everything*
Welcome to the New Age!



Hello, Pokebeach. It has been quite awhile since I last posted an RMT, but here I am with my third one. This metagame has already been an exciting experience for me, with all of the new threats Black & White 2 have brought. I liken it to DW OU, where similar threats and the new kid on the block, Genesect, roam. OU will mold into that shape soon enough, but for the time being, we have seen an unbelievable influx of Rain teams, centered around the dreaded Therians mostly and abusing Keldeo. It makes for a hectic metagame where several favorites rise and fall, literally, with the tide.

And then there was this team. I have not seen a legitimate BW2 rain team on Pokebeach yet that revolves around the new threats. This team here aims to do just that - showcasing the beasts of the new age, themed on the relatively new hit by Imagine Dragons. You cannot get more standard than this, but you have to deal with it. Now, I present to you, Radioactive.

The team really does not need a building process, as it includes Politoed naturally as the Rain inducer, an offensive core, the defensive backbone of most Rain teams, and the glue that takes out troublesome threats to the sweepers. Simple enough, right? You will see this while laddering guaranteed.

EDIT: Now that Thundurus-T has been removed, and Tornadus-T has been banned, this is not your typical Rain team.​

At A Glance


A Closer Look


Everglade (Politoed) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 164 SDef / 24 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Scald
- Toxic
- Protect
- Perish Song

What would a rain team be without the captain of its majestic ship? That one is Politoed, who summons the Drizzle at a whim, just by entering combat. This Politoed is a special creation I was working on when Porii Sames (Smogon) showed me this set. I fell in love with its ability to stand against Rotom-W, who is a thorn in the side sometimes. Tanking Volt Switches is invaluable, as Latias needs back-up on that. Scald is just about standard on ANY bulky water, solely for the burn chance (uninvested Scald also one-shots lolEmboar in Rain). Toxic, yeah, Toxic. This poisons all of those walls (that aren't Steel), specifically opposing Latias, and softens them up for the sweepers to pound through. Protect is standard for just about any defensive Politoed, racking up Leftovers and Toxic damage, stalling out Perish Song turns, and scouting. Use wisely though, as it is Protect after all. Perish Song is there to stop set-up sweepers and Baton Pass teams, who can get out of hand easily against teams lacking Ditto. This move can end the last enemy Pokemon prematurely too.

I have no idea where Porii got this spread, but it apparently is designed to outspeed Skarmory and tank Volt Switches while being somewhat of a mixed wall. I just fell in love with it anyways, but if anyone wants to modify it, sure.

The nickname comes from where you think it would, from the everglades of Florida, a marsh. Politoed's coloring reinforces the idea.


Addie (Latias) (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Psyshock
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Recover

Thundurus-T seemed like the most replacable part of the team when all was said and done. I had an obscene weakness to RP Landorus, Electric-types in general, Sun teams, and most Terrakion. I never thought one of my favorite Pokemon could fix all of that, but alas, I was wrong. Offensive Latias provides checking to all of this while filling most of the void left by Thundurus-T. This set is getting more and more popular, but it is rare to see it as of now. Only the top players have realized its versitality. Psyshock is what makes Latias a mixed attacker, comfortably checks Terrakion and other Fighting-types, and so on. Surf is technically Latias' main STAB move in rain given the boost, but it her best coverage option, for Sand teams, Fire-types, and hitting Scizor neutrally. Draco Meteor is the nuke attack, hitting like a literal nuke despite Latias' meager SAtk in comparison to Latios. Only Steel types resist it, and Keldeo and Jirachi love those. Last is Recover, which prolongs her health by leaps and bounds, making her the tank she was born to be.

The EVs, which grant bulk, a Life Orb number, max speed and as much special attack power as possible, may look odd on a normally defensive Pokemon, but she needs them more than you think. Her base stats wall enough as is. A Life Orb provides her surprising power, and the recoil heals off by Recover. I chose her over Latios due to her massive Special bulk.

Latias' nickname is a girls' name I happen to like. It fits especially well on her.


Warwind (Tornadus) (M) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 8 HP / 248 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- Tailwind
- U-turn

Until January 19th, this spot belonged to the emperor of the skies. Alas, he was banished to Ubers for being too tyrannical. In his place, this incarnation of dearly departed Tornadus-T serves as the mid-to-late-game sweeper, spamming Hurricane like no other. His motto: "Wallbreak, wallbreak, wallbreak." Tornadus is one of those Pokemon that most of the time, you can choose one move and watch something get wrecked. Hurricane only has a few dedicated counters in OU, so it is largely safe to use relentlessly. I chose Focus Blast because this is Specs Tornadus after all, and it goes hand-in-hand with Hurricane in the form of nearly unresisted coverage. It also is easier to KO Tyranitar this way. Tailwind gives me the option of sacrificing Tornadus for the good of the team, allowing a fast sweep or pseudo-Agility for Keldeo or Latias. U-turn rounds off the set by providing momentum.

One more time, regular sweeping EVs make it certain that Tornadus-T hits hard and outspeeds about the entire unboosted scene of OU. 8 HP means that, without SR factored in, Seismic Toss is a 3HKO. A Choice Specs gives Tornadus the raw boost it needs without limiting its health, as without a spinner I can't afford Life Orb damage.

The nickname comes from War and Whirlwind, another fusion to attest to the power of Tornadus.


Pontus (Keldeo) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Secret Sword
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hydro Pump

As one of my favorites of this generation, I jumped off a cliff in glee at the chance to abuse this colt. I am not one to care about the mockery it receives about its semblance to My Little Pony; I care only for its uniqueness. Keldeo is the most powerful of the new threats from BW2 in terms of sheer force, often seen using Choice Specs to break through almost everything in 1-2 shots. This is a Choice Scarf version however, needed to outspeed Salamence and Volcarona and tie with Terrakion, two of which are big threats. Hydro Pump, like Scald on Politoed, is this Water type's favorite "click and watch the fireworks" move, for if opposing Amoonguss, Latias, Celebi, etc. are removed, the hurt will be dealt to anything. Secret Sword is Keldeo's signature move (weird that it's known for its Water moves though, huh?), essentially a Fighting-type Psyshock with 5 more BP that cleaves through the pink fluff easily, something not most special attackers can boast about. Tyranitar and Abomasnow are cut to pieces by this move too, and that (and Ninetales getting blasted by Hydro Pump) is the reason a well-played Keldeo can be impossible to win the weather war against. It is a well-placed Pokemon in a rain team that wants absolute control. Hidden Power Ice aids in giving Keldeo coverage and revenge killing, specifically Salamence. Last in order is Surf, just a filler move and a failsafe for when you can't afford to miss with Hydro Pump.

Max SAtk and Spe EVs, as you have seen in this RMT far too often, ensure Keldeo's hard-hitting and quick nature, competing with enemy Musketeers, Infernape, and Keldeo. Keldeo is mainly used as a revenge killer and to keep the weather in my favor, as it can take out every non-rain summoner.

Pontus is the name of the Greek seas, the literal ocean itself, and it has a part of Pony in it (for laughs), fitting for a water horse.


Xenthek (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
IVs: 0 Spd
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock

I underestimated this Pokemon when it first came out, and here I am using it on each of my teams without a Jirachi, although this one has both. Ferrothorn is the main defensive pivot of this team, taking hits from anything from Specs Latios to Band Terrakion's Stone Edge. Iron Barbs punishes any physical attackers with 12.5% damage, which can add up against Pokemon with multi-hit moves, like Cloyster. Shed Shell is chosen over Leftovers because of a major thorn(s) in my side: Magnezone (and Magneton). Power Whip is my attack move of choice to destroy Gastrodon, a major threat to this team, not become Taunt bait, and hit Rotom-W, otherwise problematic. Leech Seed provides 12.5% health recovery each turn while draining an opponent's health in the absence of Leftovers. Stealth Rock provides the entry hazards this team enjoys, netting key KOs left and right for Tornadus, Latias, Keldeo, and even Jirachi. Together, they can take out troublesome Pokemon like Ninetales, Abomasnow, Kyurem, Starmie, and such Pokemon that are grounded. Gyro Ball is used because of Dragons and other speedy stuff. It is what to use for Latias (after Leech Seed), even though it can't do over half to standard ones. I enjoy having that sort of insurance against them. Overall, Ferrothorn plays a great role as the core of the team that makes the outer core of sweepers function.

Ferrothorn's typical EV spread is one of the few spreads in existence that can rarely be modified to be made better. The 252 / 88 / 168 spread is so balanced it isn't even funny.

In all honesty, I have no idea where I conjured up this nickname. I just liked the sound of it, like the metals Ferrothorn is made up of.


Vega (Jirachi) @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 72 SAtk / 184 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Thunder
- Psyshock / Psychic

The glue of the team, Jirachi is what makes the team tick, eliminating and/or setting up on problems like Amoonguss. I enjoy using SubCM Jirachi, even if my set is a little different from the standard "flavor of the month" Water Pulse version. Leftovers gives Jirachi recovery to set up more Substitutes with. That move, unsurprisingly, makes this set what is. It gives Jirachi a chance to capitalize on the inevitable switches it causes from being the Lord of Hax, renowned from generation to generation. Calm Mind allows it to boost up behind its Substitutes safely, meaning it becomes a force after only one. Thunder is a standard on Rain CM Jirachi, becoming a 100% accurate 120 BP move with a 60% Paralysis rate, thanks to its ability, Serene Grace. All manner of bulky waters attempting to wall a Specially Defensive set are hit by it, and just about every other Pokemon out there. Coverage aside, Psychic is an unorthodox option, but it provides a great STAB option, a doubled chance of dropping an opponent's SDef one stage, and a way to smash the Amoonguss and, sometimes, Breloom I set up on. It is a deceptively powerful move at +1 (CM). On the other side, Psyshock allows me to have more Physical presence, like with Latias and Keldeo, while still hitting everything I want to hit, like Keldeo or Terrakion.

Max HP investment allows for 101 HP Substitutes, meaning that they can only be broken by two Seismic Tosses. 184 Spe with a Timid nature allows Jirachi to outspeed Positive-natured, max Spe Therian Landorus (91 Spe), and anything below 309 Spe in terms of final stats. The extra 72 EVs are thrown into SAtk to give Jirachi a boost while attacking.

Vega is a star, and seeing how Jirachi is a Pokemon the wishes and is from space, you can figure it out.

Threat List

Gastrodon: Walls quite a bit of the team. Ferrothorn and Latias can take it out, but the rest have trouble.
Terrakion: Always a problem, especially if Scarfed. It takes prediction and double switching to get around Choiced ones, but non-Scarfed can be dealt with by Latias and/or Ferrothorn. Choice Scarf Keldeo can at least tie with it.
Salamence: A lesser threat, but a threat nonetheless. Keldeo outspeeds and OHKOs any at +1 or below. Gyro Ball on Ferrothorn also helps.
Mamoswine: Can take out the Tornadus-T and Jirachi, but Keldeo threatens it back out by outspeeding and OHKOing with Hydro Pumps, as long as EQ mispredictions don't happen.
Magnezone: Sets up on Ferrothorn and Jirachi and can 2HKO the team behind a Sub. Shed Shell on Ferrothorn fixes this, but I haven't seen too many of them. Latias checks it nicely.
Latias: An impossible wall. Status and Leech Seed beat stall variants, and either Encore or Perish Song can wreck CM variants. My Latias can take out more defensive ones.
Starmie: A problem for Tornadus and Keldeo, but Latias and Ferrothorn can handle it.

Previous Members


Plasmar (Thundurus-T) (M) @ Life Orb/Lum Berry
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 8 HP / 248 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunder
- Nasty Plot
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Focus Blast

Part one of the offensive core is the monstrous serpent, Therian Thundurus. He is the team's set-up sweeper, wielding an imposing 145 base SAtk and trolling 101 base Spe. Thundurus-T's ability, Volt Absorb, neutralizes all Electric attacks and heals it, critical to a rain team, as they often pack several weakesses to that type. It is somewhat critical to alleviating the recoil everything has on him. Thunder, once again, is used as the hard-hitting STAB move, with 100% accuracy in the rain. Hidden Power Ice creates a pseudo-BoltBeam combination, resisted by few Pokemon in the game. It also catches the x4-weak Pokemon like Salamence and Gliscor for OHKOs unless they switch out, giving me even more momentum. Focus Blast rounds out the perfect coverage, smashing Magnezone, Tyranitar, and more. Nasty Plot, finally, is what makes the set so powerful, as after just one he is able to 2HKO standard Chansey with FB. Just power up and smash when the team is weakened or slower than Thundurus-T.

Standard sweeping EVs once again ensure that Thundurus-T is a relentless beast, hitting obscenely and moving first when he can. 8 HP EVs keep an odd HP number while trolling Chansey by having 301 HP, thus surviving three Seismic Tosses. I am debating on Lum Berry for less recoil and giving me a pseudo-status absorber.

Thundurus-T's nickname is a fusion of Plasma and Mar, in reference to the electrical powers and brute force of the Pokemon itself.

*Generic Specs Tornadus-T*


Everglade (Politoed) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 164 SDef / 24 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Scald
- Toxic
- Protect
- Perish Song

Addie (Latias) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Psyshock
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Recover

Warwind (Tornadus) (M) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 8 HP / 248 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- Tailwind
- U-turn

Pontus (Keldeo) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Secret Sword
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hydro Pump

Xenthek (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
IVs: 0 Spd
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock

Vega (Jirachi) @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 72 SAtk / 184 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Thunder
- Psyshock

Closing Statements

This new metagame of BW2 has been an exhilirating ride already, with so many new experiences. I enjoy using this team, as it abuses my favorite playstyle, Pokemon, and weather. Any help, criticism, fixes, etc. is most welcome. I hope you enjoyed this RMT. Feel free to test it yourself and share your results.​

Not a bad team, but there are some weaknesses to it. I've noticed you don't have any real Physical attackers so here's an idea that will help to fix problems while keeping your team the same (assuming you want to get rid of walls a lot faster). Since you've already got Politoed as your Choice Scarfer why not change up the set of Thunderus-T to the Nasty Plot set (similar to the one that was sent to Ubers). It can break pretty much any wall you throw at it while using Nasty Plot to boost it's outrageous SpAtk stat. 1 Nasty Plot 2 hit KO's Chansey with Focus Blast.

Plasmar (Thundurus-T) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Thunder
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Focus Blast

Also I feel you should replace Life Orb on Keldeo with Leftovers. I always used Leftovers when I was competitive in DW OU back in the days and it really payed off by keeping Keldeo alive longer, which was one of the reasons I made it to #5 on beta server's ladder. I'd also recommend Surf over Hydro Pump for better accuracy. You get the increased damage boost from Rain anyways. Other than that everything else seems fine. I've included solutions to your threat list you gave, which includes more suggestions about the team.

Gastrodon: Play conservative with Ferrothorn if you see Gastrodon on your opponents team. Jirachi can also take it down because after 1 Calm Mind, Gastrodon can't break your subs with Special moves. By the time they realize that it will be too late. Assuming you use my Nasty Plot Thunderus-T, you can always wall break it (set up while it's not already out yet).
Terrakion:This is something your team can't deal with right now. Since your team is rather hazard weak, having Tentacruel on your team as a Defensive Spinner can help a lot not only by getting rid of the Hazards, but also by setting up some Toxic Spikes as well as countering Terrakion (and it's gifted with Rain Dish).
Salamence: I recommend replacing Leech Seed for Gyro Ball on Ferrothorn, and giving it a Relaxed nature with 0 Speed IV's. Not only will it be a good Pokemon to switch in to take a Paralyzing status condition, but it can easily finish off Salamence with Gyro Ball (if it gets Locked into an Outrage, all the better), especially since Fire Blast can't 1 Hit KO Ferro in the rain.
Mamoswine:Politoed and Keldeo can handle it. Just don't mispredict and switch in on an Earthquake. Mammoswine is a huge anti-metagame Pokemon, and probably one of the greatest checks to the Therian forms, and since it can destroy Ferrothorn with Superpower and Jirachi with Earthquake, be absolutely careful. If you're remodeling your team at any point and are looking for some counters for it, Rotom-W is a good choice; Bronzong is another.
Magnezone: Give Shed Shell to Ferrothorn. You can switch into something else while your opponent tries to do whatever they do.
I saw this team and laughed when I saw that my team has four of the same members.

Anyways, I think you'd really like a spinner with Scarf Thundurus-T and Tornadus-T, as it lets them do their job much easier. I would swap Keldeo for an Offensive Spinner set for Starmie. It really amplifies the effects of the Therians when they don't need to be scared about switching in.

I would also consider using Gyro Ball instead of Spikes on Ferrothorn, because it really helps your team against Lati@s, who are both rather big threats to this team.
Just a nitpick: Given you have Keldeo as a secure switch-in to Tyranitar, you may want to consider running HP Grass on Politoed over Focus Blast to have another way of dealing with Gastrodon.
Chillarmy said:
Just a nitpick: Given you have Keldeo as a secure switch-in to Tyranitar, you may want to consider running HP Grass on Politoed over Focus Blast to have another way of dealing with Gastrodon.

Without Focus Blast, his Politoed is walled by Ferrothorn, and it's useful against Tyranitar and Abomasnow. He can get rid of Gastrodon anyways with Ferrothorn, as well as Jirachi whilst in a sub (so long as Gastrodon has Earth Power over Earthquake)
I'll reply to all at once, I guess.

I knew you had that sort of knowledge. I have felt that Thundurus-T needed to be more powerful, but I need a way to outrun Scarfmence. Few walls can take it, Tornadus, and Keldeo together anyways. I will be adding Shed Shell to Ferrothorn, as Bulldoze is unreliable in other situations. Your reassurance about Terrakion just makes me want to Scarf Keldeo too and make Thundurus-T into a Nasty Plot or 4 attacks version. Any thoughts on doing this?

It's easy for rain teams to have four of the same Pokemon when one is Tornadus-T/Keldeo, and the other is Politoed...

I know Starmie would help, especially a Scarf one (Surf/Ice Beam/Rapid Spin/Trick), but losing Keldeo would leave me too vulnerable to the blobs, because a NP Thundurus-T and Superpower fron Tornadus-T only 2HKO. If I had a good physical Pokemon, I would do this. I am thinking Gyro Ball should go over Spikes or Leech Seed like you said. Which one though...?

Good idea, but Emvee summed up my thoughts on it well.

AoH said:
I knew you had that sort of knowledge. I have felt that Thundurus-T needed to be more powerful, but I need a way to outrun Scarfmence. Few walls can take it, Tornadus, and Keldeo together anyways. I will be adding Shed Shell to Ferrothorn, as Bulldoze is unreliable in other situations. Your reassurance about Terrakion just makes me want to Scarf Keldeo too and make Thundurus-T into a Nasty Plot or 4 attacks version. Any thoughts on doing this?

Prepare yourself for a long post haha,

Scarf Salamence isn't really a problem so long as you have Ferrothorn with you, since Fire Blast does half as much damage in the rain (so if your opponent predicts to Fire Blast you'll live and be able to switch into Politoed) or you can catch it on the Outrage and finish it off with Gyro Ball. Ferrothorn needs a Relaxed Nature which decreases its speed stat, as well as 0 Speed IV's to make Gyro Ball as strong as possible. But if you feel like keeping Thunderus-T scarfed as another way of dealing with it then it's fine.

As for a way to deal with Terrakion, I really recommend putting Tentacruel somewhere in your team as a Defensive Rapid Spinner (which can also help seeing you don't have a spinner yet). None of your Pokemon as it is (no matter which set you use) can switch in safely on Banded/Scarfed Terrakion. I have the set below if you wanna swap one of your Pokemon to try it out.

Tentacruel (M) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Protect / Ice Beam

It's a safe switch into Close Combat and X-Scissor. You can live Banded Stone Edge and recover a little from Rain Dish, then make the immediate switch into Ferrothorn. You still have problems with Sub SD Terrakion though but generally you'll be able to kill it on the next turn.

I'll give you some other sets to deal with Terrakion though, in case you want to try any of them out to your current team.

Gengar (M) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Disable / Destiny Bond
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

(It's a great Pokemon to have on a Rain Team, in case you have any doubts. Sub can scout out the Stone Edge assuming Terrakion isn't Scarfed or Banded, and you can Disable Stone Edge with Disable, or you can run Destiny Bond and kill it along with you (works well on other Pokemon that give you trouble as well).

Claydol (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam

(Note: If you choose to use this Claydol set, give Ferrothorn a Sassy Nature, and run a different move on Ferrothorn instead of Stealth Rocks. Either way, Power Whip and Gyro Ball are very essential on Ferrothorn, and it is important you have them both, no matter what Pokemon you choose to use. Anyways, this Rapid Spinner will help you against your hazard problem that you have right now, and is another Pokemon that can shrug off Electric moves. Earth Power helps with Terrakion, and Ice Beam against foes like Salamence)

Terrakion is a tough Pokemon to counter, but I feel that Tentacruel, Gengar, or Claydol is your best bet. Hope this helps.

Additional Comment: To help you against defensively weak walls/pokemon, why not try Psyshock on Jirachi instead of Psychic.
Well, Tentacruel is (brace yourself for a facepalm) "tentalizing", but I don't know what I could swap it with. I guess testing will see. I just like the idea of a Scarf Keldeo, as it helps greatly against Terrakion and Scarfmence.

Will test Psyshock. Sounds like a good fix given the targets largely have higher SDef than Def.

Will edit Ferrothorn's IVs. Got it. Thank you for everything.


EDIT: (reply to Emvee down below) I like Gengar and Tentacruel, but the rest of the team I like too. I have a feeling Jirachi may go for sake of already having Tornadus-T checks (the Scarfers), but it will all be seen in time. I don't know how you can see Tornadus-T going, when it is the primary sweeper, but to each his own. I'll see how it goes. Thanks.
AoH said:
Well, Tentacruel is (brace yourself for a facepalm) "tentalizing", but I don't know what I could swap it with. I guess testing will see. I just like the idea of a Scarf Keldeo, as it helps greatly against Terrakion and Scarfmence.

Will test Psyshock. Sounds like a good fix given the targets largely have higher SDef than Def.

Will edit Ferrothorn's IVs. Got it. Thank you for everything.


Glad I could be of assistance. Just remember, the Pokemon I gave you are able to safely switch in and kill Terrakion. Scarf Keldeo checks Terrakion by being able to OHKO it, however, it's not safe to switch it in while Terrakion is already out, which could cause you to sacrifice one of your Pokemon to send it out, if you know what I mean. If you're ok with that then you can Scarf Keldeo. The Pokemon you switch is totally based on your preferences. If it were me I'd switch Tornadus-T, but again if you really really need him then try a Pokemon that hasn't been helping out too much. Good luck buddy!
Glad to say that a change has been made. I've been facing Terrakion after Terrakion recently, but they all (twenty of twenty-three) fell to prediction and double switches. The three I lost to were a Double Booster and two SubSD, so non-choice Terrakion are a weakness. The change is credited to Emvee, as the Leftovers + Surf Keldeo is working great at keeping the weather in my favor. A longer-living one has kept the opposing weather summoners at bay quite well. Thank you Emvee.

Okay, massive update. The second I learned that Genesect was banned from OU, I knew this team had a revival coming. It was extremely weak to RP Genesect, but no longer. I took lots of advice from Porii Sames and Emvee and changed a few sets. Here's a summary.

Politoed: Scarf -> SDef
Thundurus-T: Scarf -> Nasty Plot
Keldeo: Calm Mind -> Scarf

The team has improved so much on PS! Thank you all. Rates are appreciated for this technically new team.

Pseudo-Bump. I want some opinions on the drastic changes I've made. One more is now done.

Thundurus-T -> Offensive Latias

This change fixed most of my major problems right away. A thread I saw on Smogon looked much like my team, and I fell in love with the Latias set Neliel Tu suggested. Thank you.
