BW/BW2 Ragequitting


Aspiring Trainer
There sure are a lot of disconnects from people who are about to lose. It's pretty annoying, and it completely throws off my win-lose record. Most games have a penalty for disconnecting (for Mario Kart Wii, you lose more points than if you had placed last; Team Fortress 2 puts a "RAGEQUIT" marker on anyone who disconnects too much; and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 matches up disconnectors with other disconnectors), so it's a bit baffling that such a popular and high profile game like Pokémon Black and White has absolutely no penalty.

I would've hoped that you could at least store Battle Videos of matches against people who disconnect at the last second. Even if there's no other penalty for ragequitting, you could still show to all of the world that you just went up against a sore loser.

Heck, I remember one time I faced against someone and lost, and I took the loss without disconnecting. I had a rematch against him, and this time, I won--sure enough, he disconnected. Apparently, my politeness had no effect on him.
Well, I'm wondering how such an oversight could come about when every other developer is putting in safeguards against ragequitting. It's almost as if Game Freak had never heard of people disconnecting when they're about to lose.
We should write a letter using bold red.

But honestly, something should be done.
Maybe just count it as a loss if it disconnects.
I would love to be able to at least keep Battle Videos that end in a ragequit.

Better yet, there could be a part of the Battle Videos database devoted to battles that end in a ragequit, for everybody to see. After all, the point of one is to avoid the shame of losing, so if the shame gets posted public for anyone to see, it should be the ultimate humiliation.
BrOkenICE said:
We should write a letter using bold red.

But honestly, something should be done.
Maybe just count it as a loss if it disconnects.

I can see why that wasn't included. It would be unfair to people with bad connection.
I was thinking that too...maybe if you have 3 bars, and it disconnects, it counts as RQ.

Or set people will bad connection with others with bad connection?

I've stopped playing via random march-up so I stopped caring.
That's what was done for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. It was designed to get ragequitters to realize what they've been doing. It worked for a while to keep them away from normal, honorable players, but it seems the ragequitters didn't learn a thing. A month and a half after the game came out, someone started finding loopholes to get the ragequitters to leave the ragequit servers and play against regular people again, and the system completely fell apart.

It's impossible to identify a ragequitter 100% of the time, but there are ways to identify them pretty accurately. For instance, if someone disconnects when the opponent has a big advantage, when the match is almost over, and/or when the opponent is ahead in some way (be it HP, number of kills, ranking, or so forth), chances are more than likely it's a disconnect. This cannot help someone who just happens to get disconnected at a bad time, but if someone is winning and then disconnects, it's extremely unlikely that was a ragequit.

This system would also leave out settings-based ragequitting though, but until the game designers find out what's popular, it's impossible to determine. For instance, some people would disconnect in Halo Reach if they wound up on any stage but their favorite, or if another player decides to do something they didn't want them to do. This sort of ragequitting is harder to pinpoint and can only come after observing player behavior at large.
I HATE people who ragequit!! I would have TONS of wins over wifi if people wouldn't ragequit -.-'. The Pokemon company really needs to find a solution.
And on some games, it completely backfires in your face. Like in MegaMan StarForce 2.

Quick explanation. If you disconnect on StarForce 2 from a Wifi battle, be it an intentional ragequit or you actually lost connection, the next time you connect you'll get a little message telling you to be more polite. (I forget if you get that message more than once.) The thing is, there is a code in the game for something called Auto Tribe King, which basically gives you 2x attack power at the start of the fight. It's possible to get Tribe King by the normal channels, i.e. get all 3 tribes together via the use of Brother Cards (which requires a bit more explanation that you don't need to hear), but for the people that use the cheap way to get to Tribe King, it's...well, unfair and heavily frowned upon. (If you want a very poor analogy, it's like playing standard OU, and Darkrai is also legal. Just because you can use it does not mean you should.) As a result, whenever I see one, I disconnect because they aren't playing fair and get nagged with the stupid message later. In all other cases, no matter what game, I always take the loss, because I lost fair and square. (And before I sold the game, I had a consistent 80% win record on all of my online matches.)

At least StarForce 3 has a much better battle system.
But what about hackers who have unbeatable shiny mews, kyogres, etc. ?
When you encounter one of them, the sensible thing to do is turn off your DS.
Exactly. We do that too (if we end up fighting them ever, the chances of which are very very close to zero).
ShinyObsessed said:
But what about hackers who have unbeatable shiny mews, kyogres, etc. ?
When you encounter one of them, the sensible thing to do is turn off your DS.

If you battle a hacker that has literally "unbeatable" things, then wouldn't you be able to guess by their terrible grammar, text speak, TALKING IN ALL CAPS, and saying they're unbeatable and/or the best player in the world in the chat/forums/PM/IM/whatever?
I don't disconnect on anybody, regardless of what they do. I've come across unrepentant hackers over Pokémon Battle Revolution, for instance, but I still don't disconnect. If a game has a win-loss record, I don't care about it. But I do care to see the battle to the end and make sure my opponent had a good time.
I can see why you do that, but if your opponent isn't being fair about it and there's no way you can win, then why give them the satisfaction?

I've fought some guys that used Ubers on their teams, but I only allowed it once or twice because I knew I EV trained and they didn't, so it wasn't that big of a deal. (Interestingly enough, one of the people I fought with actually turned off his DS at the end, even though he killed the biggest threat to his team with a lucky Sheer Cold.)

It just...strikes me as odd you'd put up with that.
I have (call me a liar if you want) never ragequit when it comes to Online/Wi-Fi matches. It really isn't that hard. Ragequitting just shows how of an even worse player you are if you're losing in a fair match, and then you ragequit. :/
Once I was Wi-Fi battling some one and they rage quit. After that I logged on again to battle and the game matched me up with the same person another eight times.
I never intentionally disconnect on anybody because it's bad sportsmanship, pure and simple. I'm polite, courteous, and keep a personal honor code. Disconnecting would be spiteful, even against cheaters.

I'm also always interested in seeing how my Pokémon fare against someone with an advantage, as I sometimes shut them down and make them lose anyway. They more often than not ragequit before the game actually declares a loss for them though.
I ragequit quite a bit on PO. I don't see the big deal for them, it's onyl harming me, though I see the problem on Wi-Fi.
I'm polite when I ragequit, though. I mean, sometimes i quite for my own good, because sometimes you know, that random crit that might not have mattered that much in the long run makes you mad. But I always just say "gg" and close the window.