BW/BW2 Ragequitting

6-Dimension said:
I ragequit quite a bit on PO. I don't see the big deal for them, it's onyl harming me, though I see the problem on Wi-Fi.
I'm polite when I ragequit, though. I mean, sometimes i quite for my own good, because sometimes you know, that random crit that might not have mattered that much in the long run makes you mad. But I always just say "gg" and close the window. do you politely ragequit? lol "GOD YOU SUCK...bye gg." xD. Even if they have a wonder guard Spiritomb I won't ragequit. I usually just laugh that they have to cheat there way to the top and do the battle anyway. That's not to say some things just annoy me...Aron's...I'M LOOKING AT YOU. There should be a report button at the end of any match. If they quit or what ever report them ;D

I get disconnected alot though even if it says I have 3 bars ;_;
I never ragequit on PO, but once or twice I've encountered people who have one powerful Pokemon taken out or crit hax or something like that, and they just accuse me of 'hacking' and leave. Which is just amazingly silly, since I have zero hacking skills and even if I could, I wouldn't hack PO.
I think that if you ragequit then there should be a long explaination of why you shouldn't ragequit from all of the professors, just like Monte(the mole from Animal Crossing) if you didn't save the game before you quit.
Are you asking me to write a message that will appear in every Pokemon game made since now whenever someone turns off his DS mid-battle? :p
Or 3DS.

Not that it'll have any effect. Well, if the message takes a while, they could get so annoyed they'll think twice.
I never rage quit when I play Random Match up on Wi-Fi. Sometimes I do it on PO when I batton pass +6 def, sp.def, speed and sp.atk to my Xatu and they crit me on the first turn. Other than that I rarely rage quit because I want to lose with some dignity and let my opponent enjoy in his game.
Although I never really Ragequit,I find it rather annoying when others do and there are no restrictions to diminish that kind of behavior.While it does not effect me,it takes away from the online/competitive aspect....I would prefer to compete against others and actually play through the entire match without the opposition leaving immediately afterwards...
In my eyes,a true gamer admits their defeat.

Because of Ragequitters,my Platinum win/loss ratio is ?/69.That's how bad it is.