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Expanded Raichu/Eels


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon - 21

* 1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
* 3 Raichu-GX
* 4 Pikachu ROS 20
* 2 Raichu XY 43
* 4 Tynamo NVI 38
* 4 Eelektrik NVI 40
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60

Trainer Cards - 29

* 1 Choice Band GRI 121
* 4 Sky Field ROS 89
* 3 Battle Compressor Team Flare Gear PHF 92
* 3 Level Ball AOR 76
* 3 Ultra Ball DEX 102
* 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
* 2 Colress PLS 118
* 1 N FAC 105
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 Guzma BUS 115
* 1 Karen
* 2 Float Stone BKT 137

Energy - 10

* 10 Lightning Energy 4

Total Cards - 60

I've been looking for a new, non-meme deck to build in October when SHL drops and I really like the idea of this deck. I chose to go the sky field angle because Eels decks tend to play with a full bench anyways and Raichu-XY provides a very solid one prize attacking option with sky field up.

The nature of this deck with two stage 1s results in an overly high pokemon count compared to a turbo deck like Raikou or Darkrai, so I'm a bit limited in my tech options.

Edit 1: Included Karen, traded Eelektross for a level ball.
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Since the Eels bring back energy, consider Raichu BREAK and its Grand Bolt attack for a big OHKO late game attack, and yes, I would use Karen over Sacred Ash in this deck because baby Raichu is very squishy.
Electross is cute but not worth it really. Raikou could makes a good 1 prize attacker. More Guzmas less float stones. And sense your running sky field giratina promo would help the greninja and trev matchups. Karen over sacred ash cuz night March and vespiqueen
I'd run Raikou but I like Raichu XY a little more as a one prize attacker in this variant simply because you don't want to stack energy on Raikou to scale above the 110 base damage mark, while Raichu XY takes one less attachment to get to 160 base, 190 with choice band which OHKOs all basic EX/GX and I'm already running the Pikachus. I'll never need to play more than 3 Raichu-GX so I can comfortably use one Pika per game to do this play.

Tina promo is a good point but I feel thin on consistency as it is. Trev and Greninja took a shellacking at the first regional of the season so hopefully they'll fall in use a bit. I've got one and will keep it handy in case I need to make a quick switch.

Raichu BREAK is in the same category as Eelektross here honestly, it's cute but I need to pare down cuteness to build in more consistency.
Raikou SM4 wouldn't be used as a one prize attack (although it's nice to mess up the prize trade) but a set up in the early turns while you establish your board state. I would try to include 3-4 roughs seas to win you the Trev match, (trading Raichus for Raikous) if not Giratina Promo.
Also... Bridgette?