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Standard Raichu/Electrode


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (17):
-3 Pikachu SM76 (any other 70hp Pikachu is good)
-3 Raichu GX
-2 Raikou BKT
-2 Raikou SLG
-1 Tapu Koko GX
-2 Voltorb EVO
-2 Electrode EVO
-2 Tapu Lele GX

Supporters (12):
-1 Brigette
-3 Guzma
-4 N
-4 Professor Sycamore
-1 Acerola
Items (11):
-4 Max Elixir
-2 Field Blower
-1 Super Rod
-4 Ultra Ball
-1 Rescue Stretcher

Tools (6):
-3 Choice Band
-3 Exp. Share

Energy (11):
-12 Lightning Energy

This deck is untested but I'd still like some feedback and opinions on it.

The strategy is pretty similar to speed Darkrai. There are also tools like Electrode to make things easier. Another thing you can do to pile on more energy onto to your Pokemon to do more damage with Raichu is Raikou from BKT. I think it's a pretty good backup attacker and it's especially good if there's a baby A.Ninetales or a Hoopa SLG in your way. I'm not sure about the Tapu Koko GX but I think it's a decent tech.

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Aether paradise is pretty usless in my opinion only affects basic electric and grass while your main attacker is a stage 1. Take those out and add energy and a rescue stretcher. Just a suggestion tho
Aether paradise is pretty usless in my opinion only affects basic electric and grass while your main attacker is a stage 1. Take those out and add energy and a rescue stretcher. Just a suggestion tho
Whoops, didn’t even realize it was only for basics lol. I added a stretcher, an Acerola, and another lightning energy. I’m not totally sure about the Acerola so if you have any other better ideas I’d like to hear