Raichu ideas??


Bubble Tea and Matcha Ice Cream
Anyone wanna help me out building a raichu deck with the lvx ?? now im wondering if I should use the raichu prime or the hgss one... I will have trouble killing sp decks with raichu hgss since the sp pokemons almost all have 110 hp which sucks for me... but on the other hand it has free retreat and it is faster to set up. Other issue is if I use electivire fb or magnezones... imo magnezones works better with the hgss one and the electivire might be better with the prime version. Now I would like you guys to help me out build a electivire version and a magnezone version so I can test both and see which one I prefer.

Other issue is my donphan and machamp matchups... Now to avoid losing against them I might tech a 1-1 dewgong sv counter and sunnyshore gym.

Edit: Please read the Player's Sandbox rules. I posted the links. ~EspeonROX.

Raichu from HeartGold SoulSilver.
Raichu Prime from HS-Undaunted.
1. Don't run dewgong, sunnyshore gym is MUCH faster!
2. Run the HGSS Raichu, and run 2-2 on the Lv.X. The HGSS raichu does 100 dmg for 2(energy), while Raichu prime does 120 for 3. However, raichu has a 20x secondary attack for 1, while the prime doesn't!!
3. ADD PICHU!! (i'm talking about the baby steps pichu), IT WILL BE A LIFESAVER AGAINST SABLOCK!!
4. Run 3-2-2 of the magnezone prime, and 2-2 of the electivire, because elect will recover 3 for raichu, while magnezone prime can switch energy around. (Anothe reason not to get raichu prime, because magnezone prime ca do aything raichu can do, BETTER.)
5.If your going up against donphan/machamp, use rare candy. Very few DON/MACH decks have spiritomb, so rare candy should be safe!!
6.If you want speed and not energy recovery, switch the 2-2 electivire with 2-2 scizor prime.
which pichu are you talking about?? I think I will run a 3-1 raichu hgss lvx line but idk how I can really use voltage shoot well... it takes 3 energies on raichu that i have to discard after and I need 2 energies in my hand to discard... Now I should probably run 4 energy pickups and probably some fishermans to discard the energies from my hand for voltage shoot. Ive heard about another combo with rayquaza LA and raichu prime but idk if it really works well...

rayquaza: http://www.pokemon.com/us/trading-cards/database/diamond-pearl-series/dp6/14/
If you do run rayquaza then you would lose consistency rather than gain it so no rayquaza and stick with the electivire but run some stuff to recover the pokemon that may die
Yah i know I will run 1 palmer with maybe 2 cyrus's conspiracy to go get the palmer late game as well as some important energies. Well I am still uncertain about electivire fb lv x or magnezone sf 6... cuz with magnezone It is true that it is slower and u lose space bcuz of the stage 2 and the rare candies but with him u can attack turn after turn and you can also run the magnezone sf 5 which lets you search for a lightning pokemon every turn. IMO electivire works better with raichu prime and magnezone works better with hgss raichu
what about ampharos hgss? its acceleration bolt does 30 dmg and also lets you search for any 2 energies and attach them to any 1 pokemon.
i use ampharos in my raichu deck to stack energies for at least 3 turns, then when ampharos gets KOed, i attack turn after turn with my raichus

That doesn't work. If you read Raichu's attack it states "Discard ALL energy attached to Raichu" so if load up more than 2 energy on Raichu they are all discarded no matter what.
i meant spread them around your raichus, then use raichu prime to charge up on the energies you need each turn. if you get KOed, you'll still ahve enough energies in play to use your next raichu prime
well the ampharos idea could work if you stack the energies on 3 different raichus. Not a bad idea at all.
@shadowsniper : never will I use SP pokemons... nuff said

Idk what I should focus my deck on... speed? retrieving the discarded energies and hit for 100 constantly? focus on voltage shoot? or just try to mix everything in together and be less consistant
Because I hate SP pokemons... there is no challenge when u play with an SP deck because U have the upperhand on almost everything... there is no satisfaction or merit winning with SP because its just too easy nuff said.

@ogeray: I see what u mean now. Try to use ampharos's attack and attach them to anyone and use raichus power to use the energies as u please. Now I see a little combo going on. Build up ampharos and try to use his attack atleast 3 times and deal 90 dmg and have 6 energies attached on your bench. with 90 dmg u probably have 1 KO. Now out of the 3 attacks with ampharos u should atleast attach 2 energies onto a raichu hgss, send in raichu hgss when ampharos dies and attack for 100, 2KO's. Now u probably get revenged KO due to raichu's low HP. Have a raichu prime on the bench and move 3 energies onto him. Level him up and use voltage shoot, snipe a Uxie and attack for 120 on the same turn, 4KO's. Now finish off the work with your last raichu hgss for a 5th prize. For the 6th prize idk how u pull it off lol.
I've been toying around the idea of playing Raichu SF in conjunction with the LV. X and Black Belt. Raichu can hit the opponent's active (or Snipe) with Voltage Shoot for 120 with Black Belt in play, and if you don't have sufficient energy attached for a second attack you can use Slice and hit for 70 to the active with no energy.

No super-competitive or anything, especially since you have to be down on pries for that combo top work, but it seems like it'd be fun to toy around with.
Or you could belt it, and slive for 90! thats pretty amazing.. if only you could do that every turn. But still, 120 snipe, plus 90 for free is great!
I doubt you could snipe for 120. IIUC, Black Belt only increases damage to the opponent's active. However, if you KO the opponent's active with Voltage Shoot (shouldn't be too hard, as with E-Belt and Black Belt you're doing 140 to the active), the current ruling is that your opponent has to replace the active Pokemon with one from the bench before you would use Slice as the second attack (hitting for 90 in this case). Huge damage potential.

In the end, it's too situational (requiring you to be behind in prizes sucks) for it to be the sole strategy of your deck, but it could be a nasty surprise for your opponent.
the thing with ampharos and raichu is that you add 3 energies each turn (2 from acceleration bolt and 1 from your hand)
you can also belt the ampharos if neccessary to get the extra kill/stay alive the extra turn. also, mareep hgss searches your deck for lightning energy to add on itself, so if you keep your ampharos alive, you still have another 2 energies to spare. raichu prime can easily 1HKO iwth e-belt and even plus power if neccessary. by the end of turn 4, your ideal setup should be:
amhparos with 2 energies
and 3 pikachu/raichu primes with 3 energies each

this should easily give you the first 5 KO, and if you can last for 2 more turns, ull be able to recharge raichu prime one last time

overall, when i played it, it was pretty fast. i did use one raichu hgss just because of its free retreat in case you need, and it hits for 120 belted for onnly 2 energies
i was going to play Raichu Prime with Super scoop up and Pachirisu Triumphant. or you could just play raichu as a tech in Magnezone.