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Raichu Pime + pachirisu


Aspiring Trainer

2 Pichu, from storm front ( for emergency energy using memery berry)
3 pikachu, HGSS Promo (for a quick flip for free energy attachment from deck before evolving)
3 Raichu Prime (main attacker)
1 Raichu lv x (more strat with an extra attack, and small upgrade to a raichu)
3 pachirisu ,lost link (get energy in play to move to raichu for attack)
2-2 bronzong SF (pull 2 energy from deck, get rid of uneeded card)
1 Raquaza LA (flip to attach thunder energy from discard then move to raichu)
1-1-1 Magnezone prime (draw power/ backup killer)

Trainers would include
4 Super Scoop Ups (reuse pachi)
4 Seeker (reuse pachi)
4 fisherman (return energy)
4 interveiwers questions (find energy)
2 memory berry (use with Pichu)
2 Conductive quary (return energy)
2 expert belts ( better power)
2 BeBe's Search (search)
1 luxery Ball (search)
1 bench sheild (protect a tech)

10 Thunder Energy
4 Cyclone energy (good for taking out their techs)

Strategy would genrally be;
Turn 1, pikachu with 1 energy.
Turn 2, Raichu Prime and drop pachi, move energy to raichu and hit with 100 damage.

I chose the magnezone because i wanted to save the seeker/scoops for pachi and not use them on a uxie, but it looks way to clunky. i was thinking Enginears Adjustments to draw 4 by discarding an energy because my energy recycle is so good And i might need energy in the discard to use with raquaza, but the number of supporters will be too much in my opinion.
at least ill be safe with trainer blocks ;p

should the number of pahirisu be 3 or 4?

should i include the pichu at all? (2 pichu + 2 Memory berries) i think it makes it a little bit too clunky for a backup to the engine you guys have suggested.

Should i move this post to the deck garage since I edited it?
I'm building this myself. Personally thinking of SV Minun to fill my bench. And a tech rayuaza LA and bronzong cycler to get at my energy.

IMO the biggest problem for this build is getting the energy. You're burning three energy a turn minimum, and with the lvx that's 5 energy. Rayquaza may help a little, but in the end you'll come into an energy drought soon.

And, Raichu is pretty fragile.
the best pikachu is the holographic promo one, it is (i think) the only HGSS block card without a x2 weakness. Also think about using magnezone (SF6) and possibly a conductive quarry
In my opinion you should be running a 2-2 Stormfront bronzong line, along with 4 energy returners. Pick up energy from your discard and cycle it back into your hand. Rayquaza LA can also be used, along with conductive quarry. Also, fisherman will grab back a lot of energy if you every need it. Between just 1 bronzong and rayquaza/conductive quarry you should be able to pick up 3 energy to attack, and if you need more you can fish, or set up another bronzong. You'll want lots of seekers and super scoop ups to be able to keep reusing pachirisu.
I do not like Rayquaza LA in this deck because of all the coin flips.I think with 4 fishermans and conductive quarry you should be fine getting energy back of just run a few more energy.Bronzong is good in any deck like this one. I also think that Magnezone prime is a little much just for draw power i would maybe 2 uxie of supporter draw.
Yeah I made a practice deack and the magnets are a little in the way, plus i need more energy in my hand that 6 cards wont help. (i think i would rather have a 1-1 noctowl amd draw 1 extra card every turn[lol jk) plus it will be annoying to barter for a magnezone. plus i have VERY little access to a uxie as they are gold like pokemon collecter and broken time space.

-3 Magnets, -3 interviwers, -1 Pichu, -1 memery berry, -1 bench sheild
+ 4 engineers adjustments, +3 warp points, +2 energy
Since this thread contains a list with 60 cards in it, this thread belongs in the Deck Garage.

I posted this deck idea many days ago...

in page 3 is my deck list... actually your decklist is slow in my opinion... Raichu can attack turn 1 and is posible make a consistent 3 or 4 120 a turn.