Raichu Variants


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This thread is used for all competitive discussion on Raichu variants in the Standard format. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs.

You may post deck lists here, but only as a means to add to the discussion. If you're looking for advice on your list, post in the Deck Garage.

Roaring Skies Cram Session
Raichu Rising
Raichu Decks for U.S. Nationals
Wally World - A Look at Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokemon
Exploiting the Decks of Worlds

Raichu / Crobat Skeleton List:

Pokémon: 21
  • 4 Raichu (XY 43)
  • 4 Pikachu (XY 42)
  • 2 Crobat (PHF 33)
  • 3 Golbat (PHF 32)
  • 4 Zubat (PHF 31)
  • 4 Shaymin-EX (ROS 77)
Trainers: 25
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Birch's Observation
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 4 Sky Field
Energy: 9
  • 5 Basic Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

Open Spots: 5
Has anyone had good testing results with this deck in Standard? I feel like without Colress, your draw power isn't strong enough to sustain the whole game. I've considered playing Slurpuff to improve the draw power, but that would leave the deck open to Raichu's other problems, such as relying on Special Energy (Bronzong helps with this), or not being able to OHKO Megas (Crobat helps with this). Any ideas?
Has anyone had good testing results with this deck in Standard? I feel like without Colress, your draw power isn't strong enough to sustain the whole game. I've considered playing Slurpuff to improve the draw power, but that would leave the deck open to Raichu's other problems, such as relying on Special Energy (Bronzong helps with this), or not being able to OHKO Megas (Crobat helps with this). Any ideas?

I've been using this decklist on PTCGO and it does overall well. When coming up on high tier deck, I find it inconsistent at times, mostly from absolutely terrible opening hands or 4 draw Birch's. If it gets going though with ultra balls and Shaymins, I can set up easily for a KO by the 1st or second turn. I needed another attacker alongside Raichu and I found Seismitoad covers Raichu's weaknesses pretty well, as much as I hate that card in general. It also allows me to stall enough to get Raichu rolling. The Hawlucha is there in case my starting hand doesn't look so hot, and as a way to threaten EXs early on. Plus the free retreat makes it a solid starting pokemon. I am debating on removing one or replacing it with something else, but it has proven its use enough for me to keep it in there for now. I will admit draw power slows down later on if I use all the Shaymins up early, or flip tails late with Birch.

I played 5-0 in League Challenge with 18 player. I played against BatMan, Primal Groudon, Mega Ray, Vespiquen and Reshiram Hydreigon
I had low expectations that this deck would survive the next rotation since the star was from xy. With the reprints of circle circuit raichu now in generations, does anybody think there could be a resurgence in raichu decks? I don't see and haven't see many if any raichu decks in my area. I am toying with the idea of building one to try out at a local casual venue. What are the two or three best variants out there right now? I have only heard of the milotic bats variant in passing.
I had low expectations that this deck would survive the next rotation since the star was from xy. With the reprints of circle circuit raichu now in generations, does anybody think there could be a resurgence in raichu decks? I don't see and haven't see many if any raichu decks in my area. I am toying with the idea of building one to try out at a local casual venue. What are the two or three best variants out there right now? I have only heard of the milotic bats variant in passing.
Theres a pretty good bronzong variant I've been toying with. google also has a really inventive list with baby yveltal that shreds night March and yveltal.
I found the one by google and I'm puzzled why the feebas line is so thin. I'd love to see the bronzong variant.
I think it's so thin because yveltal can also be used to accelerate dark energy so the Milotic is only needed in situations where you really need that DCE or a VS seeker. It's more of a contingency plan.

I'm posting the bronzong one down below!

Both Please
The bronzong one is:

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

Pokémon - 25

3 Shaymin-EX ROS 106
4 Pikachu XY 42
4 Raichu XY 43
2 Bronzor BKT 95
2 Bronzong PHF 61
4 Zubat PHF 31
3 Golbat PHF 32
3 Crobat PHF 33

Trainer Cards - 28

3 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
1 Switch PRC 163
2 Lysandre FLF 90
1 AZ PHF 117
1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
4 Ultra Ball PLB 90
1 Sacred Ash FLF 96
1 Float Stone PLF 99
4 VS Seeker ROS 110
4 Sky Field ROS 89
1 Muscle Band XY 121
1 Level Ball NXD 89

Energy - 7

3 Metal Energy BLW 112
4 Double Colorless Energy XY 130

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

As for the Yveltal list, I got it from @google. He has an awesome podcast and makes a lot of quality content on youtube as well. It's a cool list and a fun deck to play that I think is a smart play depending on your local meta because it performs well against a lot of big threats. Here's the deck breakdown video:

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Yeah, milotic is there because the deck is reliant on sycamore and you often drop stuff you needs
Early. I can't find space for more than a 1-1, there's other cards if add before more milotic. Do have an AZ for reuse though.

Cheers for the kind words danglesmcjangles :)
It was like 8 months ago now. It is lot harder now because Paralel City. I haven't played Raichu in long time but i can give a list what Raichu should look :)

4-3 Raichu
4-3-2 Bat
3 Shaymin EX
2-2 Milotic
2 Hawlucha

4 Prof. Sycamore
1 Giovannis Scheme
1 Hex Maniac
1 Lysandre
1 Judge
1 AZ
4 Skyfiel
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
3 Level Ball
2 Sacred Ash
2 Muscle Band

3 Fighting
I originally ran 2 muscle band in my Raichu/Bats list, but I have been testing with Burst Balloon and it seems to be going well. Anyone else having similar success?