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Raikou EX (Help?)


i like charizard
Pokemon (16):
2 Raikou EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus EX
2 Zekrom
1 Thundurus
1 Tornadus
4-3 Eelektrik
1 Smeargle

Trainers (32):
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 N
4 Juniper
4 Collector

1 Super Rod
3 Catcher
2 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Max Potion
2 Eviolite
1 PlusPower
3 Junk Arm

Energy (12):
9 {L}

Use Raikou to snipe for 100 every turn or Tornadus/EX to help against Fighting weakness. Mewtwo is great, obviously. And I like to start with Thundurus (maybe Tornadus).

Any advice?
Does this help?

-1 Skyarrow Bridge
-1 Raikou EX (You won't be using Raikou That much, and Eels are going to get catchered up. You most likely won't need the 3rd Raikou. And if you really do, you have Super Rod)
-1 N (Change into Juniper

+1 DCE (Good for Zekrom and makes it so you don't need to get 3 energy every turn for Raikou)
+1 Junk Arm (Junk Arm is awesome. Plus it helps you discard energy)
+1 Juniper

Some other cards I'd like to ad, but can't really find the space. 1 or 2 more DCE, 1 Smeargle, 2 Pokegear. You could also try the Dual Ball engine Instead of Collector. If you do, you can also use Random Receiver instead of Pokegear.

Hope that help you out with your deck.
I've been having a lot of trouble (obviously) against a Darkrai/Fighting deck I've played at League.
Any ideas of how to counter that, or Darkrai/Tornadus? Thanks.
against fighting attempt to get your tornadus ex out with an evolite, it will deter almost all fighting types away from anything (terrakion ends up doing 50 MAX (unless plus powered))

Against dark... well you'll have to plan accordingly depending on what they do. They technically have a faster open than you (as they can darkpatch first turn, eels has thundrus for a tiny bit of accell right at the begining, then the eels come out. they also snipe 30 damage to the bench which is dangerous for eels, so you'll need to somehow have a "get them out a here" pokemon, which would usually be mewtwo, but a evolited darkrai is hard too take out with mewtwo. I personally use regigigas, but unless you are used to using him and/or want to, don't use him, as there are better cards. People have been splashing terrakion into eels decks due to darkrai scare, and it is quite good (but you'll have to give up a nice tiny chunk of cards you could be using elsewhere (for the prisim energies and the terrakions).
-1 Tornadus (Seriously, Mewtwo counters fighting WAY better as long as you get the Eviolite on it.)
- 1 Tornadus EX (Same as above, and you want to limit your EX usage because getting up on prizes is crucial with Zekeels, especially against Darkeai which you mentioned you were having trouble with. It also loses the prize trade with Terrakion of you do the math, so it doesn't really work anyway.)

+1 Junk Arm (all decks should run 4, it's a fantastic way to reuse trainers)
+1 Smeargle ( THIS is how you beat Darkrai. Consistency. And a second Smeargle can easily give that to you, netting you a massive three supporters in one turn with proper set up.)