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i like charizard
I might be a little bit ahead of myself, but I can't help looking forward to Dark Explorers (May 9th) and get excited about the possibilities Raikou EX brings lightning decks. While it can't be splashed into every deck, I believe it will have as big of an impact on the format as Mewtwo. What do you guys think?

Now, on to my list.

Pokemon (17):
3 Raikou EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus EX
1 Zekrom EX
2 Zekrom
1 Thundurus
4-3 Eelektrik
1 Smeargle (UD)

T/S/S (30):
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 N
3 Juniper
2 Sage's Training
4 Collector

1 Super Rod
2 Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
1 Eviolite
2 Max Potion
4 Junk Arm

Energy (13):
2 Rescue
10 Electric energy

Here's the Raikou text:

Raikou EX - Lightning - 170 HP

{L}{C} Thunder Fang 30
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

{L}{L}{C} Voltage Arrow
Discard all {L} Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 100 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

{F} Weakness, {C} Retreat Cost

When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

And Ultra Ball:

Discard 2 cards from your hand. Search your deck for a Pokémon, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Start with Thundurus or Zekrom for early damage. Then, with Skyarrow out and 2+ Eels on my bench, I can switch between Raikous to snipe for 100 every single turn. Mewtwo EX counters other Mewtwo, and Zekrom EX is for big hitting. Smeargle

I might want to add another Max Potion, and maybe another Eviolite. I also need a few more draw Supporters. I just don't know what to drop since I haven't been able to test much.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

Then cut some max potion and some electric energy. Maybe cut some skyarros bridge too. 2 is enough I think. I think you also need more sage's to discard or zekrom EX/thundurus. You need pokemon communication for magnezone too. Try switching out level ball for it maybe.
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

I've been thinking about this deck idea for a while and here is my idea for the deck and justifications on why I play different cards then the ones you have listed. Not that mine is flawless or anything :) Obviously my not playing Magnezone has a huge effect on my picks.

Because stage twos are way too slow this format I recommend dropping the Magnezone line and candies completely.
- 6 Magnezone line
- 2 Rare Candy

+2 Pachi (Possible Donk with Shaymin)
+2 Shaymin (Combo with Pachi and/or set up Mewtwo for revenge ko)
+3 Juniper (huge increase in speed and discards electric energy)
+1 Sages

-3 Catcher (Because you snipe the bench they aren't overly necessary)
-1N (Can be Inconsistent)
-2 Rescue (Situational and not overly necessary as you have super rod)

+1 Double Colorless Energy (For Mewtwo)
+4 Fighting Energy (For Terakion and can be put on Raikou as well)
+1 Terrakion (essential for mirror match)

-1 Smeargle (Not Necessary if you increase own supporters and he is inconsistent)
-3 Skyarrow (Not overly necessary since it doesnt help with eels that will get catchered. Also Discarding for retreat can help get other things set up)
-1 Max Potion (With Junk Arm It isn't overly necessary if you are able to get set up quick enough)
- 2 Ultra Ball (Level Ball gets the Job done cheaper)

+1 Pokegear (Get The Supporters you need and junk armable)
+ 4 Level Ball (Search for everything but your EXs)
+2 Switch (Junkarmable)
+1 Cilan (Guaranteed Energy, search for Fighting)

My final list will be

Pokémon (15)
2x Raikou EX
1x Mewtwo EX
4-3 Eelektrik
2x Pachi
2x Shaymin
1x Terakion

T/S/S (30)
4x Juniper
4x Sages Training
2x Collector
2x N
1x Cilan

4x Level Ball
4x Junk Arm
2x Dual Ball
2x Switch
2x Pokegear 3.0
1x Max Potion
1x Ultra Ball
1x Super Rod
1x Eviloite
1x PlusPower

Energy (15)
Electric 10x
Fighting Energy 4x
Double Colorless Energy 1x

I dropped an electric energy for a pluspower. because I well timed plus power can get you the ko on the mewtwo ex or zekrom ex.
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

^ But that would be too many energy accelerator and too little attackers. You've basically also completely changed the pokemon lines so it wouldn't be a eel zone deck anymore, which he wants. 2 raikou and 1 mew two and 1 terrakion will never survive. No ultra ball. It isn't needed IMO. 4 level ball is also over doing it because collector gets out everything else. 2-3 level ball is enough. I would either run 4 collector or 4 dual ball but not 2 of each because that isn't really consistent. 4 fighting energy is also not really needed. Try prism and more DCE instead and less fighting (about 2) because prism can be used with all the attackers and DCE is for mew two. I'd also run some PONT too. Just about 2 for refreshing early on. Skyarrow bridge is something to be considered because it helps to retreat if there isn't 3 eelektriks on the bench or if you don't have enough energy too.
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

IMO, Magnezone isn't good anymore. its not bad, but it isn't incredible. I'd suggest making this into Zek Eels by dropping Magnezone line and adding 2 Juniper, 3 Zekrom, and 1 Mewtwo EX. Raikou still fits in the deck. Also, I'd take out the Ultra balls for level balls, because magnezone won't be in anymore. Take out the 2 candy and the max potions, add 4 DCE, take out the eviolite and add a switch. -1 energy for a switch as well.
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

True but it contradicts the title of this thread and the point of the deck. I agree that zekeels is better but maybe he wants an eel zone deck.
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

To improve the deck in an eelzone way: I would take out Eviolite, because your mainly attacking with Magnezone and 1 isn't much help is it. I'd add another candy and exchange the smeargle for cleffa. I think bumping the skyarrow down to 2 would be fine, and add a Pont. -2 Max potions and +2 Zekrom, because Zekrom is a very good attacker. I think adding a couple Level Balls would be nice, but idk what to take out...
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

I am with you guys that ZekEels is better, but I like my Magnezones... Anyway, I'll probably just change it when Dark Explorers comes out since Magnezone will be having less and less of an impact as all these big basics are printed.

Based on your advice (and thank you to all of you who have helped), I might try this out. I'll make a more final list after testing at League this weekend.

Pokemon (15)
2 Raikou EX
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Zekrom
2 Thundurus
4-3 Eelektrik
1 Smeargle (UD)

T/S/S (32)
3 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Juniper
2 Sage's Training
4 Collector

1 Super Rod
3 Catcher
2 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Max Potion
4 Junk Arm
1 PlusPower
2 Switch

Energy (13)
11 Electric energy
2 Rescue energy

I might add Terrakion if I trade for one (packaged mine in a deal for Mewtwo EX).
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

It needs zekrom EX and another mew two EX. I'd say more like
2 raikou EX
2 mewtwo EX
2 zekrom EX
1 zekrom (would want 2 but no room)
4-3 eelektrik
1 thundurus

I'm not sure about shaymin since you don't have any seeker or ssu. I'd cut 2 PONT for 2 N for durant match ups and because it is helpful sometimes. I'd cut a ultra ball and a level ball because you can get out the basics with collector. I think tornadus or zapdos should be run against fighting pokemon. I'd cut a max potion for another catcher too. In my experience, 3 is needed.
RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX

I do understand that Terrakion would help in a mirror match, but it is not essential. Plus, it can ruin the consistency of this deck. I don't suggest the Terrakion tech because it ruins consistency. Trust me. I am very skilled with ZekEels/MagnEels decks!
I updated the list:

- 2-2 Zebstrika (don't need it until BW-on)

+2 Thundurus
+1 Zekrom EX
+1 DCE
If you're gonna use skyarrow, why not take advantage of tornadus EX?

If I were you, I'll just run EX attackers with zekrom support

3-3 elektrik line or 4-3 depending on your preference
1 raikou ex
3 mewtwo ex
2 tornadus ex
2 zekrom
1 thundurus

Raikou ex is very situational and is not the best in a normal set up.

Zekrom is there to break the 100 damage cap without relying on opponent's attachment. Thundurus for early game.
Lol, I totally forgot about Tornadus EX. I think I'll go:

-1 Thundurus
+1 Tornadus EX (might replace Zek EX with another later)

I do want to keep it a Raikou deck, and unfortunately, I can't afford 2 more Mewtwos. Oh well...
Equalize the amount of Sage and Juniper you have. In that way, you can maximize the draw you have
I'd prefer to have more juniper actually since sage's does not always discard your energies while with juniper you know what you are discarding and it gives you a new hand.
But if you want to dig in deeper in the deck, I've always found to be quite useful.
TyphloWolf said:
But if you want to dig in deeper in the deck, I've always found to be quite useful.

Play 4 random receivers and 4 ultra balls. Use 12 supporters, 4 juniper, 4 bianca, 4 N!. With these new trainers, you can dig through your deck WHILE setting up consistently.

These cards are staple in any deck in the current Japan meta game. They rarely use junk arms
Until BW-on (or CL-on??), I don't want to get rid of Collectors. Since I can get all my Pokemon except for Eels, it is really helpful in setting up. Especially since I have Smeargle to possibly use two Supporters per turn. And as for Random Receiver, wouldn't Pokegear be better for now?

And I must point out that, even though we cannot ignore the Japanese meta completely, it is very different from ours.

I do want to add another Sage/Juniper, but (like usual :)) I don't know what should I take out. Just looking at my Trainers, I think I could drop 1 Junk Arm. Would that be a bad idea? Thanks.
I don't think you should drop junk arm. It helps with discarding energie a lot and helps get back your trainers.I'd just drop some ultra balls maybe since level ball and collector take care of everything and others take care of discarding.