• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



i like charizard
Hey everyone! I updated my deck a lot over the past few week as I am preparing for Battle Roads this coming weekend. Any advice would be great, thanks.

Pokemon (16):
2 Raikou EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus EX
1 Zekrom EX
1 Zekrom
2 Emolga
4-3 Eelektrik

T/S/S (32):
2 Skyarrow Bridge
4 N
3 Juniper
2 Cheren
2 Bianca

3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Max Potion
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Eviolite
2 Switch
1 Super Rod

Energy (12):
8 {L}

The strategy is to start with Zekrom, Mewtwo, or Tornadus and get energy in the discard for Eels. Raikou can snipe, Tornadus for {F}, and Mewtwo/Zekrom are for bigger attackers. Zek EX is for taking out Garchomp and Hydreigon. I was going to take out my last Eviolite for a Max Potion probably, but in the few games I played in (when I had 2 Eviolite), it really helped me out. Of course, they were eventually Scrappered...

UPDATE: At League last Sunday I beat Fluffychomp fairly easily, beat an Emboar deck (despite terrible draws), and lost to Darkrai (no Hydreigon) twice; one had Terrakion/Sableye, the other just straight Darkrai/Mewtwo with Sableye. How can I improve this matchup? Thanks.
You're definitely going to want that 4th Pokemon Catcher because without Junk Arms in decks now, each resource is just that more precious and this deck thrives on being able to use Pokemon Catcher. The other three spots can definitely go for Switch. I can't tell you how really important Switch is for this deck because there are a lot of situations where you will probably be needing them. The reason that I would put in quite a few is the same reason I suggested the 4th Catcher, you need more copies of cards to be able to grab them. Hope I helped.

dmaster out.
Tool Scrapper definitely, at least 2 I would say. Garbodor basically destroys this deck until you can snipe him with Raikou. Plus, assuming Garbodor has a Giant Cape, he'll be able to survive if you haven't de-tooled him. I would say switch out the Zerkom for the EX, but that's just my personal opinion. And I also think you should be fine with 3 DCE.

-1 DCE
-1 Skyarrow (2 should be plenty)

=6 spots open

+1 Catcher
+2 Switch
+2 Tool Scrapper

=1 spot open

I think this deck looks pretty good otherwise :D
Thanks dmaster and LunarWolf. For the moment, I have added
+1 Catcher
+2 Switch
+2 Tool Scrapper

-1 Skyarrow Bridge

Although I guess now I might have to address the issue of countering Terrakion EX, Darkrai maybe, etc. *sigh*
More adjustments after looking at other lists:

-1 Eviolite
+1 Zekrom EX

and possibly
-1 Juniper (3 left)
+1 Bianca (2 total)

Any more advice? Thanks.
After League I made these updates. Any more advice?

-2 Thundurus
-2 Random Receiver

+1 Zekrom
+1 Eviolite
+1 Switch
+1 Max Potion
Take out the Biancas since you have 11 other Supporters and add in an Eviolite and Another Mewtwo EX. Hope I helped :D
4-3 at Battle Roads in my first day in Masters. I beat a Ninja Bugs/Sigilyph, Fluffychomp, Terrakion, and something else. Lost to a Darkrai/Garbordor, Empoleon/Terrakion (on one misplay), and Hydreigon. 41/108, not too bad.