Rain Team. (Looking for helpful tips)


I'm pretty new to using weather war teams, but not facing them. I've faced several. I feel like now I want to use a Rain or Sun team. This is my rain team for now, and I'm kind of on the fence as to what I want my last slot to be (although for these purposes I have one).



Quiet Nature

Ability : Drizzle

Item: Waccan Berry

EV Spread:

252 HP/ 252 SP.ATK/ 4 SP.DEF


Surf / Ice Beam / Hydro Pump / Perish Song

This is my rain starter, and I want it to be able to take a hit or two so I decided that Quiet with Max HP is a great start. Surf is for Toxicroak healing, Hydro Pump for more STAB when I need it. Ice Beam for coverage and Perish Song because it can get down to two Pokemon rather quickly, So rather than Protect, I choose Perish Song so I can get those quick KO's


Adamant Nature

Ability : Dry Skin

Item: Black Sludge


252 HP / 252 ATK / 4 SPE


Rain Dance
Sucker Punch
Drain Punch
Gunk Shot

Gunk Shot is a matter of preference, since Breloom is popular. I find that it helps me in a pinch to get rid of it. Sucker Punch is for anything thats weak to it. Drain Punch for more recovery. Rain Dance to bring back the rain provided I'm against a Sun team.


Modest Nature

Item: Life Orb


4 HP / 252 SP. ATK / 252 SPE

Ability : Swift Swim


Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse

This is mainly for getting rid of pesky dragon types or anything with a low SP.DEF. Kingdra loves the rain, so I figure STAB moves are appropriate with its mediocre move pool. Life Orb for getting even harder hits off.


Timid Nature

Ability : Swift Swim

Item: Absorb Bulb


4 HP / 252 SP. ATK / 252 SPE


Surf / Ice Beam / Giga Drain / Hydro Pump

Again, similar reasoning to Kingdra, this is another STAB Abuser. I tend to lead with Toxicroak (It obviously depends on the opponents team but you know what I mean). So Ludicolo is meant as a clean up sweeper.

I chose Timid over Modest based on the fact that I want to outspeed more than usual since Ludicolo doesnt have the highest Base Speed in the world.


Adamant Nature

Ability: Technician

Item: Expert Belt (any other ideas?)


252 HP / 252 ATK / 4 SP DEF


Bullet Punch / Bug Bite / Super Power / Rain Dance

Since I find Toxicroak dies quickly when Cresseila hits the field, I want something else to induce rain effects if Politoed AND Toxicroak die.

So I chose Scizor. Massive attack investment allows me to hit things hard, but not fast since I wanted bulk. If Speed is a better option please let me know. I've never run Scizor before. Bullet Punch is priority/STAB, Bug Bite is for STAB as well as for Breloom, Super Power for opposing Steel Types, and Rain Dance I already mentioned.

Now I technically dont HAVE A 6th slot yet, but I would like ideas as what is useful to run. I know Rotom - W already, but I have enough bulk as it is. So here is what I chose for my testing.


Adamant Nature

Ability: Insomia

Item: Focus Sash


4 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPE


Sucker Punch / Taunt / Brave Bird / Protect.

Now your probably wondering WHY Honchkrow. My reasoning is this.


They bother me quite a bit, so if I see it. I will throw out BOTH Toxicroak and Honchkrow to deal with it. Sucker Punch it to oblivion. Also it can deal with Hitmontop and various fighting types like Conkeldurr.

So. Please RMT :3
Toxicroak with Sucker Punh and Scizor with Bug Bite is enough to deal with Cresselia (even just the Scizor is enough)(coming from a past Cresselia-player)

I would recommend Ferrothorn for the last slot. Holding and Occa Berry for the 4x Fire weakness, then go Brave or Adamant Nature, and Gyro Ball, Protect, Power Whip, and one other move.

Hope this helps :3
I would recommend sticking protect on your first four mons. Sure they might be hard hitters when the rain is up but if someone sets up Tailwind or Trick Room you'd wish they had the ability to use protect. Also, why is Scizor running Rain Dance? Sure it might sound good to run Rain Dance in theory but it's only going to end up getting Scizor killed more often than not. Stick to running an attacking spread and give it a Steel Gem over Expert Belt. Also, stick Protect on him as well. If you really want a mon with Rain Dance try fitting it onto Ludicolo.

How often does Cresselia go for attacks? Usually they play a supportive role so relying on Sucker Punches to KO won't always work because they may just use status moves. Scizor is a more reliable way of checking it and with rain up you don't have to worry about potential HP Fires.