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Rainbow Road, Garchomp Spinda (any)


See you space cowboy...
4-3-4 Garchomp SV
4 Spinda SV
1 Smearlge
1 Unown Q
2 Uxie

3 Collector
3 Bebe
2 Pont
3 I.Q
2 Rare Candy
4 Energy Exchanger
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Palmer's

2 Fire
2 Psychic
2 Lightning
2 Water
2 Grass
2 Fighting
1 Dark
1 SP Dark
1 Metal
1 SP Metal


An ambitious or foolish idea, basically ive been trying to make a deck with SV garchomp. The idea here is some energy disruption with spinda's first attack synchro removal, it discards the same type of energy card attached to your spinda from the defending pokemon. I have energies of all kinds, so ill be ready to discard energies from any deck. while doing that ill be setting up garchomp to do damage with speed impact.

I.Q to get energy, energy exchanger to get the energy i need for any situation.

Again it is an ambitiously foolish idea but any help would be appreciated. Been thinking of adding rainbow energies but im not to sure if it works with synchro removal, and lost removal.
If you don't mind SP pokemon, you could change it up a bit and use the Ambipom instead of spinda. Just move their energy to a useless pokemon. You can also hit pretty hard if they don't have energy. Just a thought.
Jahikoi said:
You could just use one rainbow energy on spinda to de-attach any energy.

Really? are you sure of that because i wasnt to sure if it meant the type of element or the actual type of card, like if it were a special energy, i was gonna ask the prof's.

IF it is true i could lower the energy count and add in some ambi's.
Based on the wording, I would say it is, because it says same type as an Energy card on Spinda. I'm not a professor, but I'm pretty sure one would agree. As for the deck, -2 Energy Exchanger and +2 Cyrus' Conspiracy. It gets you exactly whichever Energy you need and a Supporter. This is assuming of course that you don't plan on replacing with Rainbow Energy and Ambipom G's.
Rainbow counts as ANY one type but also ALL types, so you could remove Any type of basic energy from the def pokemon, As far as I know. If togekiss GE were still legal I'd say yay (I had a chomp mt/toge GE deck for a season and a half). In the current format, a donphan/chomp list would be better...but this is still fun.
I agree with having a replacement for Spinda, surely there's a legal Pokemon that's better than that with the same job?