• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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RaiZeels revamped!


So I put together this list right before battle roads in Easley, SC and went 4-1 missing top 4 by 4.4% which i was pretty mad. I can't honestly say that I faced any real challenges though besides a cmt w/ terrakion (my only loss and really just could draw anything to save my life) everything else was yanmega/terrakion/groudon ex, reshiboar w/ mewtwo/entei, leafeon w/ techs, and a lackluster raieels build. I since have acquired a Mewtwo ex, and I have a tornadus ex coming but wanted to get thoughts on the deck and possible advice. THANKS!


3 Thundurus
1 Tornadus
2 Raikou EX
2 Zekrom
4 Tynamo (2DEX, 2NV 40 hp/30hp)
3 Eelektrik
1 Shaymin UL


3 Junipers
3 N


1 Super Rod
2 Eviolite
3 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm
2 Plus Power
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Switch
2 Level Ball
1 Random Reciever


You could try
-2 thundurus (1 should be enough)
-1 PONT (3 should be enough. I'd want more juniper/sage's for discarding)
-1 DCE (really only 3 is enough)

+1 juniper (discarding)
+1 tornadus EX (should help against terrakion/others)
+1 mewtwo (helps as a counter)
+1 smeargle (helps a lot since SAB is already here and can help you in those situations when you can't draw anything)

And this is just my preference but
-1 shaymin (might not be too needed plus you don't have ssu or seeker which could help it a lot. I guess you could keep it but I'd try to find space for a ssu)
+1 other (switch, etc.)

-1 something you might not need too much
+1 ssu (for shaymin and others)
I have one mewtwo that I'm about to put in as well as a tornadus ex that I have coming. I like the shaymin as a late game tech where I can drop it and move energy and get a much needed KO (happened saturday actually). I want to play around with the Smeargle but most of the time I'm looking for a turn 2 thundurus KO but I will test it this week and see how it goes. I also may drop the thundurus line down to 2, Im affraid that leaving it at 1 will mess with the consistency. Thank you though! all the advice given to me gives me different things to think about!
I might just be reiterating what Jirachi said, but here's what I'd do:

-1 Thundurus
-1 Tornadus
-1 Shaymin (it may just be me, but I have started with it a few times... all losses)
-1 DCE

+1 Lightning energy
+1 N or Juniper (your choice)
+1 Tornadus EX
+1 Mewtwo EX
+1 Smeargle

And maybe find some room for 2 Skyarrow Bridge. With Raikou EX, Thundurus, Tornadus EX, and your Tynamos having 1 retreat cost, it will be useful.

Also, sorry if this is really obvious, but what is SAB?
Hope I helped!
SAB = SkyArrow Bridge. He's got 2 already in there so he's ok on that.

dmaster out.