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'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar) HGSS on -Revised list-


I actually hate Metagross...
Ok so i'm a collector, pretty new to the game and this is my first ever attempt at a deck so definitely a work in progress. Trying to put something together for the post rotation format HS-. Here's what I got:

Pokemon 21

3 Reshiram (BW any)
2 Zekrom (BW any)
2-2-2 Emboar (BW 15, 18 & 20)
2-2 Dodrio (HGSS UD)
2 Shaymin (HGSS UL)
2 Smeargle (CoL)
2 Shuckle (HGSS Promo)

Trainers 16

2 Super Scoop Up
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Switch
2 Rare Candy
2 Revive
2 Junk Arm
2 Seeker

Supporters 9

2 Professor Juniper
2 Interviewers Questions
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Fisherman

Energy 14

2 Rescue Energy
10 Fire Energy
2 Electric Energy

Ok so this deck is pretty much about funneling energy onto the main attacker Reshiram with Emboars ability and then retreating/scooping when the damage gets too high to recycle Reshiram. If the flip fails I've included Dodrio to serve as Unown Q replacement (free retreat for Reshiram). Rescue energy and revives makes sure Reshiram stays in the game no matter what. Any discarded energy recovered using energy retrieval, as well as junk arm to get ER's back so Reshiram can hit for 130 turn after turn. Shuckle for draw power and Shaymin for energy movement. Stupidly included BTS first time round but the rare candy is a pretty good replacement.

I still have concerns about the obvious water weakness. Suggestions extremely welcome.
RE: 'Ramboar' Reshiram/Emboar HS-

Some Seekers could really help you out. And expert belts for that extra damage and HP always help.
RE: 'Ramboar' Reshiram/Emboar HS-

Is this for HGSS-on? If so, Broken Time Space will be rotated.
RE: 'Ramboar' Reshiram/Emboar HS-

Wait, you're using a 2-3 Dodrio line? as in 2 Doduo and 3 Dodrio? I don't think that will work very well for you :p

If this is HGSS on, you'll need to drop the 2 Broken Time Space. I'd suggest replacing them with 2 Rare Candy, and lowering your Emboar Line to 3-2-3. I feel that it would be too heavy to keep 4-4-4, it just seems slightly unnecessary. The same goes with 4 Shaymin UL, thats just too much to be really necessary.

I think you could probably afford to drop at least 1 Interviewer's Questions. In my experience, going over 2 copies is overkill.

Your Energy lines look decent, but I would suggest replacing all 3 DCE with Rescue Energy. That way you never need to use those DCE to attack with your Emboars, since you'll have the equivalent of 7 Reshirams.

Okay, I'd say that adding in a starter would be a good call. My call is Stantler UL or Minum UL, although of course Smeargle CoL is a good option as well. Stantler and Minum let you establish your board very early, with their inbuilt Call Energy, and since you're using Shaymin, you can move that energy off of them if you choose to sacrifice them. Smeargle lets you use 2 Supporters per turn, but its power is a risk. If you find a Supporter in your Opponents hand, you have to use it. It does give you good information about what your opponent has however.

For your TSS lineup, I'd strongly suggest adding at least 2 copies each of Switch and Seeker. They are both very strong cards in this format, and they limit the amount you're relying on your SSUs. A copy of Flower Shop Lady is also very important, giving you the option to recycle your Pokemon and Energy.

1 Shuckle HS Promo is always at home in Emboar based decks, since you can dump all that fire energy onto him for draw power, and then Seeker/Shaymin the Energy off him to be reused.

In summary, these are my suggestions:

-1 Emboar
-2 Pignite
-1 Tepig
-2 Shaymin
-1 Dodrio
-2 BTS
-1 Interviewer's Questions
-3 DCE

+2 Stantler/Minum/Smeargle
+1 Shuckle
+2 Rare Candy
+2 Switch
+2 Seeker
+1 Flower Shop Lady
+3 Rescue Energy

Hope this helps
RE: 'Ramboar' Reshiram/Emboar HS-

vareki said:
Wait, you're using a 2-3 Dodrio line? as in 2 Doduo and 3 Dodrio? I don't think that will work very well for you :p
Mistake I meant 2-3 as in 3 Doduo lol. My BTS choice was just idiocy though. Thanks for those suggestions. Really helped and I've updated the list. Looks like I'm going to need to get hold of some of those cards so I can play test it.

Also I might remove one or two cards for Twins just because if I sacrifice a pokemon (i.e. Smeargle) while setting up it would help.
RE: 'Ramboar R' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on

Ok so I made some changes to the deck using the cards I actually have atm because I've been playtesting it.

- 1 Reshiram
- 1 Emboar Line to 2-2-2
- 1 Professor Juniper
- 1 Pokemon Collector
- 1 Fisherman

+ 1 Shuckle
+ 2 Junk Arm
+ 2 Revive
+ 1 Super Scoop Up

Four Reshiram is actually overkill I've found and three turn up pretty quickly in playthroughs as I can recycle the starter resh over and over. Three Junipers also tends to be overkill. In most of the games I've played two seem to suffice. I only have access to two Collectors atm which is a pain, but 4/6 times I draw them in the opening hand or on turn one.

I also noticed that everytime I've tested the deck I've never used a single rare candy but i'm going to keep them in there until further testing. Smeargle start remains untested as I've never drawn a hand with one yet. Reshiram actually tends to be a good starter soaking up damage while I set up.

Added another Shuckle for draw power. One addition I love is the two Junk Arms, they are actually extremely helpful for getting energy retrievals back from the discard pile to keep Blue Flare going turn after turn. Revive is another addition just to bring reshiram back from the dead.
RE: 'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on -Revised list-

Id say -flower shop lady and one super scoop up for two fishermans. If you run into trainer lock running only 12 energies youll be in a lot of trouble.
RE: 'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on -Revised list-

xDMVx said:
Id say -flower shop lady and one super scoop up for two fishermans. If you run into trainer lock running only 12 energies youll be in a lot of trouble.

Good idea.

The water weakness is a terrible disadvantage after playtesting against a water based deck. A regular Samurott tore reshiram apart for 160 damage on each turn. I'm going to go ahead and throw Zekrom in there for water defense. I can also afford to loose an energy retrieval since I now have two Fisherman.

+ 2 Zekrom
+ 2 Fisherman
+ 1 Pokemon Collector

- 1 Flowershop lady
- 1 Rescue energy
- 1 Pokemon communication
- 1 Super scoop up
- 1 Energy Retrieval
RE: 'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on -Revised list-


As it stands the deck is pretty well balanced in playtests especially with Zekrom cleaning up water based attackers. The only adjustment I want to make now is so that Zekrom can hit for 120 damage.

- 2 Fire energy
+ 2 Electric energy
RE: 'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on -Revised list-

If you are using Zekrom and Shaymin, you may as well add Pachirisu. Also, there is no real need for revives, so swap out a Revive for a Pachirisu.
RE: 'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on -Revised list-

love the idea of shuckle. I would only play a 1-1 line of dodrio though because i wouldnt want to start out with a doduo vs a donphan or something like that. not to mention doduo is just bad by itself to begin with
RE: 'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar Recycle) HGSS on -Revised list-

Black Belt Rene said:
love the idea of shuckle. I would only play a 1-1 line of dodrio though because i wouldnt want to start out with a doduo vs a donphan or something like that. not to mention doduo is just bad by itself to begin with

Depending on the deck I'm up against i'm still unsure whether to drop to a 1-1 Dodrio line. The retreat can be important but it's situational. Needs more testing, but the only problem with that is that I haven't tested it against any of the more popular decks yet. :/
Ok so I added in Cleffa on a whim and for the first time in my local league I got donked by a sneasle on the first turn. Anger rising.
Tyraniking said:
Please add the set number of the Tepigs and Pignites to the first post. Thanks :D

Updated. I use 15 & 18 personally. I haven't looked into using the promo cards yet though. Promo BW07 would probably be very useful early game ('Singe' burns the defending pokemon for one energy) to get a quick kill on baby pokemon between turns.