random legal card question


Aspiring Trainer
I'm fairly new to the game. When buyin cards I picked up a championship deck from '08. Im wondering if i can use the cards in legal tourny play even they have different backs(i have sleeves to cover that up) and grey borders? I was reading rules online and it seems cool just as long as the tourny doesnt specify that those cards cant be used.Wondering if its a general thing or specific tournys i cannot use them in. Thanks in advance for the responses.
No, you cannot run these cards at any official tournament due to their different backs. That really is all there is to it - they have different backs and as such cannot be used.
You can, however, use them at league play as that isn't defined as an official tournament.

WC decks are mainly used to give newer players an insight on the more complex strategies one can have within the Pokemon TCG.
Thank you. I have the claydol line from a WC deck and I was thinkingabout picking up a set from ebay and was wondering if i should spend the money for a tourny deck. Looks like I'm gonna have to. Thanks again.