ry sneas and toto RULE! Rhydon,Sneasel and water lover Member May 26, 2007 #42 9/10 you've been on this site for a long time
K Kevin Garrett is a competitor Advanced Member Member May 26, 2007 #43 5.50 I think this is only the first or second time I've seen you.
P PaperAirplane :F Aspiring Trainer Member May 26, 2007 #44 Gamer! 7,5/10 BTW: Gligar is pretty active in some other corners last time I think...
S Shadow Chaos Aspiring Trainer Member May 26, 2007 #45 5/10 because you hate me.... Y_Y Dammit l am gonna get an 1 for sure....
K Kevin Garrett is a competitor Advanced Member Member May 26, 2007 #46 (I'm not sure who that was toward Shadow Chaos.) Anyway, your new, but your on alot. 6.25/10 (NerdyPerson, I guess that just shows I don't go everywhere here. )
(I'm not sure who that was toward Shadow Chaos.) Anyway, your new, but your on alot. 6.25/10 (NerdyPerson, I guess that just shows I don't go everywhere here. )
P PaperAirplane :F Aspiring Trainer Member May 26, 2007 #47 1/20 because I hate you... err... No, really: 5/10- active in last few days -.- Sry, that above is for SC 7,501/10 for you
1/20 because I hate you... err... No, really: 5/10- active in last few days -.- Sry, that above is for SC 7,501/10 for you
K Kevin Garrett is a competitor Advanced Member Member May 26, 2007 #50 Black Rayquaza 8.00 Your everywhere and have been registered here for a while. (Let's try and be more mature about this. Ever since Shadow came here it's as though someone lit a fire. -.-; ) Edit: NP 8.00
Black Rayquaza 8.00 Your everywhere and have been registered here for a while. (Let's try and be more mature about this. Ever since Shadow came here it's as though someone lit a fire. -.-; ) Edit: NP 8.00
P PaperAirplane :F Aspiring Trainer Member May 26, 2007 #52 guess...7,502/10 the one above is for Kevin 1/20 Because I hate you no, really 5,007/10 for you
K Kevin Garrett is a competitor Advanced Member Member May 26, 2007 #54 7.75 Your established in many section and have been registered longer than me.
S Shadow Chaos Aspiring Trainer Member May 27, 2007 #56 8/10 for you because even when l am a noob you are not going to flame me but you forgive me and give me another chance which is very nice. Lol not really you actually deserve a 1/10 but l am to nice to say that out loud!
8/10 for you because even when l am a noob you are not going to flame me but you forgive me and give me another chance which is very nice. Lol not really you actually deserve a 1/10 but l am to nice to say that out loud!
P PaperAirplane :F Aspiring Trainer Member May 27, 2007 #60 10/10, because I don't hate you anymore. no, really: around 5/10