Rant Thread

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Ill battle if you dance
Hello this is Eastbaytrainer Here, I know that all of you have your frustration, angers, and annoying thoughts about pokemon or something that is related to the TCG in general

here is the rules and how it goes

1. Please keep it clean, try to keep the cursing to a low minimul family friendly amount please, young children do use this thread and adults who may find it immature and not appropriate, But if you must
because you are this angry try to keep it to highschool appropriate slang

2. Please put thought into your rants and post, I dont want to see something like " i hate Claydol enough said", I want some actual thought and intellect put into these posts, Ill give you the layout on what your post should look like

3. Under No circumstance are you allowed to flame, spam or make fun of another persons post no matter how retarted or stupid you think it is, you will look stupid and retarted for acting in such a way, if someone post about how they may hate how everyone uses rare candy like there is no tommorow then let them, its thier rant so dont ruin it for someone okay

4. You can rant abotu anything pokemon related TCG related, TFG related, anything to do with pokemon, youc an rant about something on pokebeach, Battle Roads, The ratio of lv X to packs let it all out

How your rant should look

what you are ranting about,

Example " Here is my rant about why i hate stallers at TCG organized tournaments such as battle roads, you are both tied and there is 3 minutes left, you have a possibility of winning but your opponet takes his sweet time and you already know whats hes gonna do but he takes 30 seconds to decide if he wants to use claydol or not, then the judge calls time and he attacks and takes a prize, and there has been an instance were if i gotten my turn right after i wouldve won because i couldve knocked out two pokemon "

so here i gave
1. What i was ranting about
2. Why
3. ( optional ) and example of a situation were it affected me

So here is a rant thread for everyone Enjoy

By Eastbaytrainer

P.s. If i mispelled anything tell me so i can fix it, yes you can rant about it also.
My sig is my rant.

I also know someone who has been stalled out I think around 6 times since Nationals. He doesn't say anything up front but anyone who would watch some of his battles would say that he was stalled. I once saw a kid take a 45 second descision making break for what he was going to do with his Claydol. I take 6 seconds max to use a Claydol because I actually think ahead and want to win in an old fashioned way. I don't care for stallers myself either.
I completely agree with you, It should never take more then 20 secodns MAX to decide to use claydol or not, when people stall i ask them if they are russian, and when they ask why i say " cause your stalin " ( wwII communist leader go read a text book )
I think ahead also, While my opponet goes I think about what im gonna do while watching my opponets move, They have also tried to cheat while doing this ( same people who stalled me ) they think im not watching them because im thinking but one person in general has tried to attach 2 energies illegally, use claydol twice and then use like 3 supporters, I think it sucks how people cheat like this i rather have the matches be you can only win 4 ways
prize win,benched out,Decked out, or your opponet gives up
But I do like how battle roads time has increased to 40 minutes, but that means that the stallers take so much longer
just yesterday at a battle raods in my first match my opponet took 10 minutes each turn before he even attacked,
I mean honestly unless upi have a mental disorder that slows you down ( and if you do how are you playing pokemon ) you have no excuse for this
See, that's why I'm happy that The Netherlands have reverted back to 45 minutes best-of-three.

That said, I think there should be some kind of rule to avoid T1 donks. I mean, seriously, what fun is there in just doing Pokemon X - Rare Candy - Pokemon Y - Good game?

Maybe make it so that you cannot win on Turn 1 or 2?
You do know that cosmic powering 1-2 cards is a hard choice.
There are those occasions where you have you think of what to choose, because you may cosmic power something you should not have.

I hate stalling in general.
Yesterday in a round, I was watching some one going to sudden death (over time) and the person took like 10 mins to do a useless turn.
Stalling is not needed.
Sure, I am admit, sometimes I do stall when shuffling, but that is how I shuffle.
In addition, what the person did was just took up 5-10 mins of our pairing time and we could have started another round by then.
I think that T1 and T2 wins are just a test of skill if you cant avoid it or find a way around it,
I mean I know T1 and T2 kills are very popular right now but i mean they are beatable
its not GG haha. . . oh god GG. . . if i would have made this thread during GG rain. . .

I mean also some of the stuff i do may be slow but its never stalling, when i shuffle i make sure i do a good job,
When i use bebes or another supporter I think for about 15 seconds before i use it,
But claydol I mean YES it could take 40 seconds to put one card back but when you put that card back and take another 30 seconds to draw 3 cards cause you have to look at each one, I think people should have a limit like chess or something were you have a 5 minute max turn
That said, I think there should be some kind of rule to avoid T1 donks. I mean, seriously, what fun is there in just doing Pokemon X - Rare Candy - Pokemon Y - Good game?

Maybe make it so that you cannot win on Turn 1 or 2?
Yeah, someone should punish those Kingdra and Butterfree players, wouldn't you agree? xP

But the thing that annoys me the most is the inability of some people to actually tell what they're doing, play too slow or too fast and are just unable to keep my attention on them overall. Not only does it make the game very boring (both to watch and to play) but it can also get confusing, cuz the only way I can remember someone used his Claydol already is because he tells me Cosmic Power. Yes, this is yet another reason why Uxie>Claydol. xP
Gotta admit though, I find BRs to be a lot more enjoyable lately with the best of 3 system back in place. It means I can go and play some more risky decks I've been wanting to try out for some time now. So no other rants for now ^^
When i use claydol I tell my opponet, I declare all my moves loud and clear so there is no mix up
I mean I think it is a Rule in ALL CARD GAMES to announce your moves when you make them but its something
that you have to know to catch, AND im a kingdra player if you cant tell ive been playing kingdra for a while now,
started with Kingdra EX now onto Kingdra ( la )
I think we should all go burn every Claydol card, and Smite all those who use Claydols that Survive
Here my rant, and I love to rant in case you were wondering.

I HAVE ALWAYS hated professor's rulings at tournaments and they really just make no sense to me. 2 examples of my experiences...first of all, I was shuffling my deck, and a card fell on the floor, a judge did not let me pick it up and told me that THEY PERSONALLY had to pick it up. Okay? that is lame. Next, I think that you can have your prize cards how you want them instead of in a 2X3 format.

I hate judges sometimes.
HAH wow seriously thats messed up,
My judges are cool cause there is like 1 or 2 only haha
i usualyy put my prizes in any such crazy order
and Feel free to rant anytime
EastbayTrainer said:
I think that T1 and T2 wins are just a test of skill if you cant avoid it or find a way around it,

A test of skill? When you have a lone Turtwig, with Roseanne, Bebe, Claydol and Candy in your hand, but YOU start, so your opponent pulls a Horsea Candy Kingdra Energy Buck's Pluspowers start, see where the skill is in tryint to avoid that? I'd honestly LOVE to see you try.

About exclaiming actions, I tend to go through this.

"Roseanne...Baltoy and Energy...attach energy...Power Claydol....Telepass your Bebe...."

Stuff like that. I don't go fully "I use Claydol's Poké-Power Cosmic Power to put two cards on the bottom of my deck, so that I can draw four cards". No, I just say "Power Claydol", I put one or two back on the bottom of my deck, quickly show how much I got on hand and then draw cards. It works best like that.
I didnt mean I announce liek that laughing out loud
I usually say, " claydol 1, claydol 2"
ive said a few times
" okay im going second its my turn all you have out is a basic with 70 hp ( lets say its electabuzz )
i have horsea active, rare candy in my hand, 2 water energies a googleanes a Kingdra, and a plus power do you give up? "
haha most of the time i hella lie and say i have all that to see if they beleive me haha

and that sucsk if turtwig is your only poke out and you dont have any call,
also how can you make a rant about kingdra when your avatar is kingdra ?
As much as I'd love to agree with you Lou, things happen and you don't have anything to be able to do about it besides complaining. I have no personal hates about anything in the TCG... except for n00bs that have no idea what they're doing. Nono, don't disagree with me yet. I know that everyone has to start from the beginning, but when they start going all stuck-up on getting a badge and refuse to listen any kind of constructive criticism, you immediately shut down from them. Especially when they say:

"Your deck sucks. Kingdra fails. My deck will pwnz yours."

I just enjoy beating them 6-0 in prizes right after. Sometimes, I wish I was back at Worlds where I was playing decent people.
Exactly Agreed, I dont have a badge haha so I dont know what it feels like this is my rant

I dont have a elague nearby the closest place I go to for BRs is Dublin which is an Hour away...
Same here...
I live 45 minutes by car away from my closets league/tourney
Otherwise I have to spend a whole weekend at my friends house who lives an hour away to go to another tourney/league. That really hurts when it comes to battle roads and PR's.
EastbayTrainer said:
and that sucsk if turtwig is your only poke out and you don't have any call,
also how can you make a rant about kingdra when your avatar is kingdra ?

It wasn't as much just about Kingdra. Last format, I had a Pinsir D start. Opponent starts with Chansey, attach, pass. I have only Energy on hand, and some evo's, so I attach, and do Delta Call to get Horsea, which goes to my hand. He goes Blissey, Boost Energy, Pluspower, Pluspower, Pluspower, good game.

And with that Rampardos coming in GC, that will only be even worse. I hate T1/2 losses which you can't do anything about due to cruddy hands. I don't like to win come T1/2 either, I prefer a well-played game over that.
On behalf of one of my fellow Pokemon TCG players, he recently posted this on our League's forums and I must completely agree, sorry for any bad spelling or punctuation as it is copied and pasted. It is mainly a rant for Players in the United Kingdom, but it may be the same for other countries,

I hope to god that somebody from pokemon reads this because im making a massive complaint. Why are the english players getting screwed out of anything good. According to pokebeach.com they are getting Shaymin levl x along with drapion , giritina , palkia and dialga. Ok we already have had dialga and palkia but there getting it again and its so powerful. They have already had drapion level x and there are rumours floating around in withen the TCG industrie we are not going to see shaymin level x for at least 1 or 2 more sets. WHAT IS GOING ON !!!!. And what they have said is that the next set is realeased april and the one after wont be untill world's weekend well if shaymin is 2 sets along then we will be screwed at worlds. Now this is a complete joke. There excuse is that the japanease realease there sets in 2 blocks instead of one but they still get the same stuff as we do and they have twice as many level x's. They need to get there act together because people have already started to quit the game because the pokemon company is screwing the british players out of everything good.


I totally agree with Aydenn as the Japanese Players do have slight advantage when it comes to worlds.
Huh? They have an advantage? No they don't. They're not allowed to use any set that has not been released in every country.

If you don't have it, they can't use it. But it does seem unfair that they get their cards eariler than ours.
j.payne46 said:
On behalf of one of my fellow Pokemon TCG players, he recently posted this on our League's forums and I must completely agree, sorry for any bad spelling or punctuation as it is copied and pasted. It is mainly a rant for Players in the United Kingdom, but it may be the same for other countries,

I hope to god that somebody from pokemon reads this because im making a massive complaint. Why are the english players getting screwed out of anything good. According to pokebeach.com they are getting Shaymin levl x along with drapion , giritina , palkia and dialga. Ok we already have had dialga and palkia but there getting it again and its so powerful. They have already had drapion level x and there are rumours floating around in withen the TCG industrie we are not going to see shaymin level x for at least 1 or 2 more sets. WHAT IS GOING ON !!!!. And what they have said is that the next set is realeased April and the one after wont be untill world's weekend well if shaymin is 2 sets along then we will be screwed at worlds. Now this is a complete joke. There excuse is that the japanease realease there sets in 2 blocks instead of one but they still get the same stuff as we do and they have twice as many level x's. They need to get there act together because people have already started to quit the game because the pokemon company is screwing the british players out of everything good.


I totally agree with Aydenn as the Japanese Players do have slight advantage when it comes to worlds.

That is the single worst-informed post I've ever seen.

OFCOURSE the Japanese get cards first. The price they pay, however, is that they can't use what they're used to at Worlds. Last year, they wanted to play their Turn 2 Scizor Ex decks. Scyther uses his multiplying attack, then Quick Ball for Scizor Ex...but then we didn't have Quick Ball yet, so they had to forfeit that idea.

That, and we get the same cards (Aside from a few promos which dont tend to be very good anyway) in the end anyway.
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