Well, here is my rant.
I hate tournaments that have a cap on them. I can udnerstand Nationals, because it is hard to find a place that can hold all the players in the Nation, but for small scale events that you can easily control such as BR's and Prereleases, I think that TO's should find places that can fit all the people in your area, so no one has to be left out of the fun. I was very upset that I got put on a waiting list for an event, but when I got there, they had increased the cap by 10, meaning I got in. But still, there were 22 people on the waiting list. With hard work, the TO, Judges, and store emploies managed to find tables and chairs (and space) for everyone, which was nice. Unfortunatly, the event started two hours later than stated.
I'm not going of the offensive here and expect people to have to defend themselves, just ranting.
I guess I can give you another rant, if you say please.
I hate how half, or sometimes even more than half, of the events that take place are on Sundays, since I, and I'm betting a lot of other people, can't make it to any thing on Sundays because of Religous comitments. I know that if you want to get in as many BR's as you can and the only way to do this is on Sundays as well, but it would be nice if there were some events that got schedualed on a weekday holiday, if at all possible.
Again, I'm not attacking, and I don't want to defend what I feel. Just ranting.