Rant Thread

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Well i think that the japanese get only one advantage and that is they get to actually work the cards first, we have to play with proxies or replacements for the time, but they can never be consitent cause the combos they make wont ever be worlds legal, so we get the advantage in a sense because we can make combos way before a set comes out, they have to wait for us to make combos.
No not true japanese players have an advantage with a few things 1 in their most most recent booster boxes SF-GC you`re almost guarnteeed 2 LVXS and a shiny or 2LVXS which means they get lvxs alot easier than us also in us booster boxes we usally get 1 lvx or 2 if you`re very lucky. 2 All their starter decks contain lvxs except SF and GC that are decent like gliscor lvx which helps get them lvxs for a low price instead of trading or buying them.3 The japanese have 11 cards in their packs 4 commons 3 uncommons 2 non holographic 1 foil rare card and a basic energy.
EastbayTrainer said:
I have horsea active, rare candy in my hand, 2 water energies a googleanes a Kingdra, and a plus power do you give up? "
haha most of the time I hella lie and say I have all that to see if they beleive me haha

Why would they "Give up" if you already won the game. Just say "Horsea, candy, Kingdra, PP, discard 2, good game." You should always end your games with a shake of the hands followed with "Good game" or something. At least that's what I do.

And apparently, lying about that kind of stuff is against the rules and you can get a game loss for that. Seeing as anybody can do that.

As for stalling, I'm too much of an impatient player to stall. I don't get mad, I just get eager to do my turn.

My rant is about how this thread about random rants, turned into rants about stalling lol.

I think the only thing I have to rant about is cocky players. I understand if you're good, that's cool and all, but be humble about it. Don't walk around thinking you're unbeatable. There's always someone that's better than you.
Well, here is my rant.

I hate tournaments that have a cap on them. I can udnerstand Nationals, because it is hard to find a place that can hold all the players in the Nation, but for small scale events that you can easily control such as BR's and Prereleases, I think that TO's should find places that can fit all the people in your area, so no one has to be left out of the fun. I was very upset that I got put on a waiting list for an event, but when I got there, they had increased the cap by 10, meaning I got in. But still, there were 22 people on the waiting list. With hard work, the TO, Judges, and store emploies managed to find tables and chairs (and space) for everyone, which was nice. Unfortunatly, the event started two hours later than stated.
I'm not going of the offensive here and expect people to have to defend themselves, just ranting.

I guess I can give you another rant, if you say please.
I hate how half, or sometimes even more than half, of the events that take place are on Sundays, since I, and I'm betting a lot of other people, can't make it to any thing on Sundays because of Religous comitments. I know that if you want to get in as many BR's as you can and the only way to do this is on Sundays as well, but it would be nice if there were some events that got schedualed on a weekday holiday, if at all possible.
Again, I'm not attacking, and I don't want to defend what I feel. Just ranting.
Well abaxter, both your rants are easily explainable, although I can see where you're coming from.

Caps at BR's - Have you ever wondered how much rent they got to pay for bigger events? Its free for you tossers in the USA (Europeans got to pay), so its no miracle that sometimes you have to settle for a smaller venue.
As for the Sunday-Saturday thing - Did you consider the fact that most of the TO's have this little crazy thing called WORK on weekdays, even during most of the school holidays? That, and the fact that a lot of players in the older age groups (me included) tend to work on Saturday. Therefore, they try to spread it on Saturday and Sunday, to give everyone an equal chance.

So yeah, both your rants are counterable by easy logic. You should see things from the eyes of the TO y'know. No offense.
That sort of what I didn't want. I realize that the TO's go to great effort to have these events, and that they use their entire day to do so, and I appreciate that. I realize they are trying to spread things out so everyone can go. I know that my rants can be easily argued. But that is just what I feel, and was just letting everyone know. I once went to a Citie's on a Friday, and it was cool to get to do something like that during the week.
Yeah, stalling's annoying. Played a guy at BRs who stalled for ages, and time would have been called in 3 minutes... I ended up winning, though.
Stallers themselves aren't the worst. Whats worst are the stall-rushers. Players that stall yet will rush once they're behind.
I was playing a Best-Of-Three top cut, and faced with this incredibly slow playing guy. Plox vs Plox, so it took long already. He had a slight advantage all the time so he played slow, until I took over and took Game 1. Ten minutes on the clock, suddenly he was in a hurry to play game two, particulary because I had a horrid start versus his amazing one. So then I decided to took a page from his book and adjusted to his own game pace in game 2, causing me to win by time. Fair? I think so.
Had this one kid who realized that he was going to be overcome in prizes. So he said "I've got to go to the bathroom," got up and left to the restrooms. I waited for 20 minutes when time was called.

I still won.
Unfortunately, over here, yes you are allowed. It was only a BR.
Oh well WOW that honestly is dumb. He shouldve been called for Misconduct or something
and 20 minutes like half the match so that is something a prof shouldve called out,
and if your prof missed that then wow...
Luckily, I was entertained while watching another hilarious game.
Dude, don't bump a bloody topic like this. if people got rants they'll post them.
Also zyflair - Yes, you may leave your seat. Yet you can ask a judge for time extension in that case.
I have a new Rant about this whole Spelling and Grammer system,
Ive looked around and seen people get negative spelling/grammer points and the people who it was given by said this as thier reason
" needs to use commas better"
I mean honestly put more thought into why you are giving this person a negative point because other people do see it, it would be more appropriate to say
" this person does not use periods at the end of thier sentences, and does not use commas in the correct manner "
there, if your going to post about someone on thier spelling put some thought into it please, why ruin someones rep because they didnt use a comma that well? I know spelling and grammer is something very important but when people just say 5 words then boom a negative spelling and grammer point thats not right. So please to everyone who uses the grammer system seriously, dont make it something we all hate.

Also someone has given me a negative point and thier reason was this
" Please capitalize and use puncuations. It's a little hard to hard your writing. "
they didnt even say thier statement correctly.
Well, the system was created for the sole purpose of improving Spelling/Grammar. It should really have nothing to do with one's e-status (although you in fact look at it that way, I suppose) and people should not subtract points from others because they think he's an idiot in particular. That being said, of course lots of people will think the same way as you and think that MOAR GREEN POINTS = ZOMG I R MOAR GAWDLIEK THAN U LOLOLOLOL.
But it's a completely fair system. If you catch someone on using a comma in an inappropriate way, you can also leave one of those annoying pieces of spam on his "rep" page with a nice red -1 behind it. So it's not like a red number means everyone is nitpicking on you, it's just that you don't fight back enough. xP
By the way, I see this system getting totally screwed because of the crazy amount of nitpickers around here.
Weather forecast: every regular member has at least -100 S/G at the end of this year. And then they'll remove it, and you can finally go back to building your e-status without hurting others at random. Yay. ^^

PS: If I totally misunderstood your post and my answer has nothing to do with it, that would be because you don't use periods at the end of your sentences. xO
Lou Cypher said:
Dude, don't bump a bloody topic like this. if people got rants they'll post them.
Also zyflair - Yes, you may leave your seat. Yet you can ask a judge for time extension in that case.

im pretty sure your wrong,
our PTO stated that you are allowed to leave your seat with opponents permission ONLY, unless its a medical emergency.
a time extension will be presented if nessacary.
thats what our PTO/head judge stated.
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