Rarest Ever English Stamped Promos Releasing in Southeast Asia!

Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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The Pokemon Company has been awarding stamped English promos at tournaments in Southeast Asia. This region is unique because it gets English Pokemon cards, but Japan’s The Pokemon Company manages the brand.
In November and December, a stamped Chien-Pao ex was awarded to the Top 4 players in each age division at the Regional Championships in Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Each print featured the country’s event logo. The most recent Regional took place in Malaysia on December 2nd; no other Regionals are currently scheduled.

This means there are only 12 copies of each card currently in existence, making them some of the rarest English prints ever produced. These cards will undoubtedly be desired by the most serious English collectors.


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It would be hilarious if the stamped Iono became more expensive than the 12-copy-run stamped Chien-Pao ex (and she WILL)
Wouldn't be surprised. A few exceedingly rare prints of Pokemon Catcher go for way less than logic would dictate...
It was actually a whole month ago for SG's regionals and they gave me my Chien-Pao stamped promo but not the Top 4 playmat yet lol
People are offering $650ish for the promo from what I heard from my friends, but haven't heard of anyone actually selling it yet so the market value is still quite undetermined
Edit: Also no Gardy yet
Another edit: For SG, I don't think we got the trophy case for the cards, we just got the card raw (at least that's the case for Seniors)
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