Rarity of Rotom?

As a judge, I watched 2 boxes at the PR. The first one was 2/2/1 and the second one was 2/1/1. Not great if you are hoping to catch them all! :cool:
Mew the source of all said:
It probably won't stay that way. Pre-release boxes have different rarities then normal boxes. For example Mew ex from Legend Maker was common at pre-release and was rare in normal boxes.

Ahahahahaha. No, they don't. They are the same boxes they distribute to online retailers (that's how we can sell them before the official release). The box says nothing about being special for prerelease because they aren't special. They're a normal box, with normal ratios. One box is different than the other because it's not a science.
Hmm, they were really rare at the Prerelease today. Probably 1/2 per box. x_x

dmaster out.