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Rat Poison: Raticate/Lasers

At the end of the 2013-2014 season they will make it BW-On again.

Mew-EX and Ditto and Zekrom-EX don't work. Zekrom-EX takes up too many energies, Mew-EX messes with the prize trade, and Ditto takes up too many slots.

Also, what will you do if they put 40 damage on Ditto?
I feel like Dowsing Machine would be a better Ace-Spec than Computer Search because with all of the HTL's you are using, you'll undoubtedly want another at some point in the match.
I use Zekrom when I'm out of lasers. My idea is to take out all the EXs with Rat and then finish everything else off with Zekrom.
But if they have 40 damage on Ditto then you can't use "Transform" to put a Rattata on it without KO'ing it.

Added another Zekrom, Tynamo, Skyarrow Bridge and Eviolite. Took some stuff out. I'm thinking about adding another Switch. Thoughts?
With Eels it would probably be a good idea to have as much Switch as possible so you can have it available when they Catcher up Eelektrik. (And yes I said "when" not "if".)
So at my league I came forth with it. I was pretty happy how it preformed, it only got donked once.