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Who would win in a slap fight between Machamp or Pichu?

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Pokefan4000 said:
Can't really tell what it is...but it kinda looks cool.

I'll save ShadowLugia some breath. It's Rundas from Metroid Prime. Anyway 7/10.
You people have no Metroid experience! Thanks for covering my back, meaty. Anywho, I changed my avy. 6/10, Flame. It's a decent fusion.
flameman226 said:
awsome and my fuision more beast the psyduck

You were off my list because of your post at the top of this page, but now you're back on it. And it's my naughty list. Santa's a good friend of mine. >=)
Anyway 8/10 nice to see you have something new.
ShadowLugia said:
Once you deny Psyduck's beastliness, you cannot turn back.
7/10 for the fusion.

It's like if Darth Vader tried going back to the good side. Well actually he did, but guess what, that killed him.

0/10 because Psyduck's mad at you.
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