Rate My New Splices


Peach is staring into your soul

Ok, so I'm working on my spriting techniechs. The first one was much easier then the last one.
In the first one, I have Garchomp as a base. I added Gardevoir's Body (I had to trim Garchomp a little to make it fit.) then added Drapion's Arms. After I added Milotic's Tail, I put Missmagius's hat... er... head piece on. I recolored from mismaggius. Keep in mind I didn't recolor the tail, white part from Gardevoir so that there could be a little contrast. I didn't recolor the arms as well because it looked cool as it was.
Ok, time to move onto the second one. Blastoice was my base. I then added Spoink's Pearl. I then removed the legs, wanting to add the Spring. It didn't work. So I tried to add Entie's Legs. That didn't work. But I did manage to get some hed pieces from Entie onto Blastoice. Next came Ariadoes. His legs fit perfectly. I proceded to recolor In ariadoes's colors. After I was done, I wasn't pleased. It still looked too much like Blastoice. I also had a huge gap where his legs used to be (you see, ariadoes's legs didn't completely fill that huge gap). So I added a filling and recolored to what I thought looked right. Everything looked right, except for the face. Then it hit me: Swampert. I added the cheeks and the eyes, hoping to give it a more spiderish look. It worked.

So, what do you think?
That Blastoise looks... odd, so to speak.

The first one is VERY good! I like the combination choices, and for the second one, it looks... well, its AMAZING, just looks weird :p
That.....Looks.....AMAZING! Man! I wish I had enough talent to make something like that. That is just...SO GOOD!
It's better than the ones you made before. The second sprite has too many little sprites. =] As for the first one, the combination between the top sprite and the "dress" of Gardevoir is really awkward looking. Nevertheless, the sprites did improve ever since the last ones. =] Good luck with the future sprites and remember to splice them smoothly.
I wanted there to be enough detail that they didn't look like a normal Splice.