I was inspired to test this set more after the thread I made on using the Assault Vest. So, not suprising this one is also a AV Milotic. But, before you leave. At least give her a read lol. Milotic base stats are: 95/60/79/100/125/81
Milotic @ Assault Vest
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SAtk
Bold Nature
-Ice Beam / Icy Wind
-Mirror Coat
-Dragon Tail
Scald- Scald is the STAB of this set. Scald comes with the nifty 30% to cause a burn on a target which is very useful to help Milotic take physically offensive hits in the RU tier.
Ice Beam- Ice Beam is a good move to use as coverage on grass types. It's able to deal some damage against them it also has the 10% change to freeze mons in the battle. This is very unlikely but it can happen.
Icy Wind- Icy Wind is a alternative to Ice Beam. If you're not interested in the power you can run Icy Wind as a move to slow down mons. This in favor puts scarfers at their regular speed stats, makes Milotic out speed some other faster mons to get off some extra damage, or a partner can switchin.
Mirror Coat- This is what makes this set so special. Mirror Coat can still be used even with your Assault Vest on. Cause Mirror Coat is classified as a special move. Mirror Coat is a great way to get off huge amounts of damage on mons suchas Shaymin, Raikou aand others this can essentially OHKO if they hit hard enough.
Dragon Tail- Dragon Tail is perfered to stop mons from setting up on Milotic. Of course, this fails if the opposed has a active Substitute up. But otherwise. This stops mons from doing so allowing Milotic to be protected from the boosted damage coming from different mons.
Checks & Counters
Yeah, I mentioned Raikou as being a answer to using Mirror Coat with. But, If Raikou turns out to be a Sub + Calm Mind set then it utterly beats Milotic since Dragon tail doesn't bypass Substitutes. It can get up to +6 on Milotic with no problems then kill it with Thunderbolt.
This becomes a problem only if your asleep long enough. Being put asleep enough is a problem in itself. Cause Milotic can't ulitilze it's improved bulk cause I don't carry Sleep Talk. Roserade can also ware it down with repeated Giga Drains. Sure, it can be Mirror Coated back but you still have that damage on you. Which can be problematic.
Empoleon can outstall Milotic in the long run. It can Toxic which wares down Milotic, it can also Knock Off your Assault Vest make it harder to use Mirror Coat. It's able to freely get off hazards on your field.
Virizion can wound Milotic badly even with a neutral Leaf Blade. This 99% will force you out. This set also allows to get off a free Swords Dance since you're fearing the Leaf Blade attack which can deal alot the following turn to the next switchin.
I Recommend!
Cresselia makes for a decent switchin for some of it's threats and it's a better switchin for stronger moves that still hurt Milotic even the mons who have Guts as a ability. Cresselia can deal with most of them. For even better support you give it Lunar Dance so it can fully heal & cure Milotic for more usage.
Flygon is a good scarfer to have in the case of Milotic. It's reliable enough to get off alot of damage on the threats listed above. It can U-Turn out to keep offensive momentum going on your side.
Entei undoubtly handles any and all grass type issues barring the chances to sleep. Entei is able to deal amounts of high damage and also able to cripple down walls with a remarkable 50% chance to burn cause of Sacred Fire. It also has a decent priortized move by extremespeed.