Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

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Awesome banner! Where is GTF nowadays? :)
Anyways, this defenitely deserves a 8/10.

I lol at my colorful arangment of text. Who dares to rate it? :p
9/10 for the Kurama one. I love Yu Yu Hakusho that is my favorite anime. Could you make me a sensui (i think thats how you spell it) banner. Im not good at banners. :( The only good one I've made is this one for the newmoon clan.
Considering that I just rated your avatar, i might as well rate the signature too~


5 points because its a clan signature,
3 points because it supports the holiday I enjoy,
And 1 point because I dont want Ghost Army to beat me up...
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