It's a REALLY good comic strip from 89'-95', it's about an arrogant, gifted, rebel first grader with that disease making you all hyper, and stuff, but in a different way, who's best friends with a stuffed tiger, and their inseparable friends, who are always there for each other, through thick and thin, and it teaches about friendship, too, all while being funny, and heartwarming... it's beautiful, you've got to read it, they're now published as books....PMJfan001 said:1/10what is that suppose to mean by the way??
Electimortar said:text/10 Meh.
Your welcome... and you got ninja'd BTW.... A DS game cover is not sexy... trust me...862345678909876432567890745678087647--655448765877999= 5/10PMJfan001 said:Yeah thanks Suicune!and woah sexy 10/10 (water pours from ____)
The ____ is mouth by the way...