Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

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Phoenix_Assassin said:
4.5/10, The banner kinda looks terrible.
THANKYOU! Now I can change it, its been getting 9-10/10 :O Its a pfft banner :p

Cool - 2/10 :p
Shinx didnt get a rating :(

&note;Here i am to save the day!!&note;

10/10!!!! I LOVE the stars!

I want to use them on mine, but i dont want to be a copy-cat....

LMK if you dont mind! And maybe PM me the code for them...

0/10 - Needs stars, lol.

There you go, Its just text, no codes.
Copy and paste, change size to large, copy the star out of my sig if you want that one and it already is large.

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