Rate my VGC team

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dokie. so my vgc team took me a while to get.

Haxorus-Muscle Band
Adamant with 198 atk and 120 spd at level 50
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide
Giga Impact

Chandelure-Expert Belt ( cause of diverse moveset)
Modest-bout 183 Spa i think
Shadow Ball
Protect ( cause of haxy's e-quake)
Energy Ball

Zoroark-Wide Lens ( two moves that dont always hit)
Modest- (dont have him fully trained yet.)
Night Daze
Focus Blast

Volcarona-Power Herb ( solarbeam. Nuf Said)
Modest- (Dont have him fully trained either)
Quiver Dance
Heat Wave
Bug Buzz
Solar Beam

Then a tornadus and darmanitan as decoys to pull for weaknesses since you can look at your opponet's pokemon before the match. which gives four weaknesses to rock.

What ya think?
First of all, shouldn't this go in the RMT section?
Secondly, why do you have Solar Beam on Volcarona, but not sunny Day anywhere on the team?
I would switch focus blast for dig or shadow ball because lets say you are fighting a fighting type or bug type pokemon with higher speed than zoroark they use a fighting or bug type attack then zoroark if is not dead will need to gain focus then they attack again and zoroark is dead
Please post this in the RMT section, and be sure to follow the rules post when you do so. If you have any questions, PM me.

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