Finished Rate the sig & avatar above you.

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Avi: 5/10; It's a cool char, but no special effects.
Sig: 7/10; Funny animation, a nice but rather busy TC, and important links. Nice job!
A: 7/10 Not bad. But no idea what it is...
S: 7/10 Not bad. But unequally sized images lol.
A: 6/10 - I see something blue on the pic (no not the regi) something I can't found out what is!
S: 8/10 - Better. Not too many pics. Nice, because you have two "enters" between text. Else ... booring.
A: 7/10. Getting old...But still nice enough.
S: 6/10. Remove the lines and it'll be 8/10 because it's not too big.

P.S, the blue stuff on IPM''s avatar is actually "Hello !!", but he used a pencil in paint to write it.
Avi: 7/10; Almost had to squint to read the text, but it's a timeless classic.
Sig: 0/10; Non-existent, I'd fill out that TC or/and Banner form at Light Venusaur's or my place.
Note: I spent a combined time of 3 hours doing the stuff in my sig, please critique.
Junichi said:
Note: I spent a combined time of 3 hours doing the stuff in my sig, please critique.

Could you at least say why you rated as you did? (Like what you liked/disliked)
Thanks, as a fellow graphic artist it helps to know what you need to work on. On the big banner, I did have a spot of trouble getting the text to look right with the odd colored BG.-Junichi
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