Don't look up Discount Pokemon Decks. His decks are trash and he makes so many mistakes. He's not even a good player. He gets the deck lists online and then plays them like trash. Don't follow him. Follow DarkIntegralGaming or Team Fish Knuckles and take their budget lists. They actually know how to play the game, unlike Discount Pokemon Decks.
Full disclosure: I recently was on a video of Discount Pokemon Decks and I will unabashedly state that I like his videos and am a supporter of his.
Universe18943: You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I would like to remind you that DPD's decks are (by definition) not top tier decks. He takes low budget decks - many of which might only cost 20 or 30 dollars (if not less) - and tries to be competitive with them. Absolutely, some of these decks are not competitive - his recent Sharpedo deck is an example of that. However, several of his decks (Altaria, Wailord mill, Raichu Bees) are decent decks. But, again, let me just state that it's in the title of his channel: DISCOUNT. Anybody who's played this game for more than 2 months knows that if you don't have the best cards, you're not going to have a top tier deck.
As for his deck quality, he doesn't pick and choose among his videos like many other youtubers... including the 2 you mentioned. I don't want to disparage DIG or TFK - they are really good and I watch them all the time too - but the fact is that you get a sampling of videos from them. With DPD, you know what you're going to get with a deck, he's not going to selectively edit out the bad matches he plays. There's a level of honesty and trust with DPD.
Finally, as I mentioned, I have played against him and his skill level is excellent. I'll use this as my case in point: one of the biggest things I've learned from him is that just because you have a card in your hand, you don't have to play it. I didn't really think about this until he mentioned it in a video, and he's 100% correct. For example, last night I was playing a match and had a float stone and a sycamore in my hand. I really wanted to sycamore, but I was in a good position in the match, I felt confident that I could hold the card for a turn and not suffer irreparably. During my opponent's next turn, he Lysandred one of my IAP's (Incapacitated Active Pokemon - a term coined by DPD) and I was able to play both my float stone and my sycamore en route to victory. DPD is a fine player and - more importantly - a very good teacher.
Discount Pokemon Decks is the first channel I look to when I'm checking to see the latest Pokemon videos. I would highly recommend his videos. If you haven't been there, you'll find a variety of good, competitive decks that you can certainly use to help you climb the ladder or win some packs in a tournament on PTCGO.