A friend told me that it is hard to create a deck out of Raticate BREAK, and because I am stubborn (haha), I decided to take up the challenge. I really like Raticate BREAK's ability and attacks, and I believe that if played right it can bring down EX cards. Garchomp is also a great EX killer, so I paired it with RB. Thing is, this is the very first deck I constructed, so I need a few comments.
Here is the list:
Pokemon: 17, all from BREAKpoint
Rattata: 3
Raticate: 3
Raticate BREAK: 3
Gible: 3
Gabite: 3
Garchomp: 2
Trainer: 27
Pokeball: 2
Evosoda: 2
Level Ball: 2
Vs Seeker: 1
Reserved Ticket: 1
Professor's Letter: 2
Pokemon Fan Club: 1
Winona: 2
Korrina: 2
Shauna: 2
Pokemon Center Lady: 4
Scorched Earth: 1
Aspertia City Gym: 2
Fighting Fury Belt: 1
Giant Cape: 2
Energy: 16
Double Colorless: 4
Fighting: 12
I do not strategize that much, since I am a beginner, but it revolves mainly on taking advantage of the free Retreat Costs of both Raticate BREAK and Garchomp. Raticate BREAK poisons first, then Super Fang to finish. Garchomp just uses its second attack to defeat EX Pokemon.
I just made do with what cards are available, so if it doesn't make any sense please forgive me T^T. Any feedbacks will be much appreciated!
Here is the list:
Pokemon: 17, all from BREAKpoint
Rattata: 3
Raticate: 3
Raticate BREAK: 3
Gible: 3
Gabite: 3
Garchomp: 2
Trainer: 27
Pokeball: 2
Evosoda: 2
Level Ball: 2
Vs Seeker: 1
Reserved Ticket: 1
Professor's Letter: 2
Pokemon Fan Club: 1
Winona: 2
Korrina: 2
Shauna: 2
Pokemon Center Lady: 4
Scorched Earth: 1
Aspertia City Gym: 2
Fighting Fury Belt: 1
Giant Cape: 2
Energy: 16
Double Colorless: 4
Fighting: 12
I do not strategize that much, since I am a beginner, but it revolves mainly on taking advantage of the free Retreat Costs of both Raticate BREAK and Garchomp. Raticate BREAK poisons first, then Super Fang to finish. Garchomp just uses its second attack to defeat EX Pokemon.
I just made do with what cards are available, so if it doesn't make any sense please forgive me T^T. Any feedbacks will be much appreciated!