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Raticate deck?


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys, here's my first post in here, I need your help to build a good offensive Raticate deck. Here's what I've got so far:

4 Ditto
4 Rattata
4 Raticate
2 Sableye
1 Darkrai EX
Total: 15

Trainer: (Item/Statium)
4 Poison Hypnotic Beam
4 Level Ball
3 Giant Cape
2 Aspertia City Gym
3 Dark Patch
3 Energy Switch
2 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search
2 Pokemon Catcher

Total: 24

Trainer: (Supporter)
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
2 Bianca/Cheren
2 Skyla
1 Random Receiver

Total: 12

4 Double Colorless Energy
6 Darkness Eenrgy

Total: 10

Please tell me what you guys think. The main thing here is to energy accelerate Ratticate with dark patch+energy switch+DCE, then use pison hypnotic to OHKO anything. Sableye is for the issue of not losing consistency since raticate has that few HP, so we can always have one raticate ready to go, Darkrai would be just to be able to retreat tour active pokémon, and catcher is to easyly take out any EX you want, just 2 because 4 raticate is enough to take out 2-3 EX and other 2 pokemon so you get those 6 prizes.
You're relying too heavily on the Poison Hypnotic Beam I think. Unless you can pull one every single turn, you're going to be forced to switch into Sableye to Junk Hunt them back. As soon as Sableye comes out, it's likely going to get KO'ed from an EX (unless you're lucky and your opponent hasn't had good cards).

I think the deck would suffer most again'st Landorus. If he's turn 1 it's game over, considering that pretty much everything in your deck is weak against Fighting, and Landorus EX's Gaia Hammer only takes a single energy.
redterror117 said:
You're relying too heavily on the Poison Hypnotic Beam I think. Unless you can pull one every single turn, you're going to be forced to switch into Sableye to Junk Hunt them back.

That's kind of the point :p

I think I'd drop one Ditto and Giant Cape because you really need the Supporters.

-1 Ditto
-1 Giant Cape
+1 N
+1 Random Receiver (for Junk Hunt)
I would say that you need a super rod (that way knocked our rattata's don't destroy your deck) and at least one more catcher. I like the idea of the deck though. I would also drop a ditto for another darkrai ex, preferably run 3 (It's not that unusual to have them prized and when someone switches out their pokemon hit by super fang the turn before, you can snipe with darkrai and not risk losing free retreat.)
anythingbutgrass said:
I would say that you need a super rod (that way knocked our rattata's don't destroy your deck) and at least one more catcher. I like the idea of the deck though. I would also drop a ditto for another darkrai ex, preferably run 3 (It's not that unusual to have them prized and when someone switches out their pokemon hit by super fang the turn before, you can snipe with darkrai and not risk losing free retreat.)

Yeah, I know , I'd up the darkrai count because the main point of the deck is to rely mainly on the raticate+poison hypnotic beam+catcher to easily ko any pokemon, then probably a darkrai to finish the job, but I'd use darkrai mainly as a way to retreat and to be able to junk hunt sonething...
spiritomb said:
Darkrai doesn't have junk hunt. :/

Shaldirnt said:
Yeah, I know , I'd up the darkrai count because the main point of the deck is to rely mainly on the raticate+poison hypnotic beam+catcher to easily ko any pokemon, then probably a darkrai to finish the job, but I'd use darkrai mainly as a way to retreat and to be able to junk hunt sonething...

But that did make me realize something: Raticate has free retreat anyways. If fact, I don't believe there's anything with more than one retreat. Maybe something else that spreads damage would be better than Darkrai.
Oh, I didn't realize that. In that case, registeel ex is probably a really good card. Take a couple turns of hyper fang to set up registeel, then you can do triple laser to take out 3 pokemon at once.