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Standard Rattata Shaymin Revenge Deck


The Angel That Flew Too Close To the Sun
Pokemon 19
Alolan Rattata x4 (SuMo 76/149)
Alolan Raticate x4 (BS 82/147)
Shaymin x4 (SL 7/73)
Tapu Lele GX x3 (GR 60/145)
Wimpod x2 (BS 16/147)
Golosipod x2 (GR 9/145)

Items/Trainers/Stadiums 31

Ultra Ball x4
Feild Blower x1
Rescue Stretcher x2
Choice Band x4
Float Stone x3
Bodybuilding Dumbells x1

Bridgette x1
Guzma x3
N x4
Professor Kukui x2
Professor Sycamore x3
Wally x1

Reverse Valley x2
Energy 10
Counter Energy x4
Grass Energy x3
Double Colorless Energy x3

I believe that this deck will great as a gx counter due to Raticate's high no energy damage combined with Shaymin's revenge attack once Raticate dies. I am open to any thoughts/suggestions on this deck.

The start of this deck is based on getting many Alolan Raticates as possible and using Shaymin to achieve revenge kills once Raticate dies.
I enjoy the interesting interaction you established here. Raticate with a Choice Band hits for 80 damage, and once it falls you can attach a single counter energy onto Shaymin to hit for 120, 150 choice banded for a total of 230, 210 against Gardevoir GX. Golisopod will hit for 180 choice banded and secure the solid follow up KO.

However...there's no need to take a 2 hit KO with Alolan Raticate and Shaymin when you can just single handedly achieve those 2 hit KOs with Golisopod. Golisopod also has a pseudo 160 HP due to its ability to take 30 less damage. He is far more significant than Alolan Raticate. Resolute claws should be the attack you are focused on hitting for 150 base, 180 choice banded on GX Pokemon.

The other concern that you run into is that you want choice band on every attacker to really make this work. You MUST put one on Alolan Raticate in order to take advantage of its first attack, but then you're reducing your damage output on your other attackers if you can't find the choice band for them as well. Also, Alolan Raticate's damage output gets completely ruined by field blower. If they pop off the choice band you really just get no value out of the card anymore. By focusing simply on Golisopod, you can just hammer GXs for 180 damage every turn. That's much more efficient than spreading your tools between two attackers.

I would remove all Shaymins and all Alolan Raticate and focus on a 4/4 Golispod line. He is the best anti-GX attacker right now. The 2 reverse valley now become pointless, so we remove those as well, and Wally is really not needed here, so let's get rid of him as well.

Now that we've cleared out 15 card slots, I would run the following changes instead:

+2 Golisopod - Your main attacker
+2 Wimpod - Obvious reasons
2 Tapu Koko Promo - The spread damage can bring high HP GX Pokemon down to size so that Golispod can come in and finish for 180 damage. Sacrifice him to make counter energy live.
1 Latios - The same reason, except now you have the ability to focus 30 damage on specific targets and put 60 HP basics in danger immediately. Sacrifice him to make counter energy live. Choose which one you think is more important for the match up when you Brigette.
+1 DCE - You simply need it with this playstyle. The counter energy works as a substitute DCE on Golisopod when your Koko/Latios fall, but you need the DCE for Koko/Latios in the first place.

+1 Sycamore. Draw power draw power draw power.

+2 Octillery
+2 Remoraid

Give yourself some extra draw options.

+2 Counter Catcher - No reason not to run this when you plan on being behind on prizes at certain points in the game.

+3 Grass Energy - Now that Golispod is your focus, let's up that Grass energy count a bit.

-1 Float Stone. Let Tapu Koko be your Guzma pivot here, so 3 float stones is too many with the rest of these changes. Just run 2.

-1 Bodybuilding Dumbbells. Kind of nice, but I don't really feel it's needed. Let's focus on hitting 180 damage all the time.

-1 Counter Energy. Great in concept, but 4 of seems overkill. You only want it in play when you're behind on prizes. You'll probably end up with 2 Grass and 1 Counter energy on a Golisopod when you're ahead on prizes.

This should round you out to 60 cards and a much more efficient build.

This is a cute deck that actually has potential. Let me know what you think about my suggestions.
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I enjoy the interesting interaction you established here. Raticate with a Choice Band hits for 80 damage, and once it falls you can attach a single counter energy onto Shaymin to hit for 120, 150 choice banded for a total of 230, 210 against Gardevoir GX. Golisopod will hit for 180 choice banded and secure the solid follow up KO.

However...there's no need to take a 2 hit KO with Alolan Raticate and Shaymin when you can just single handedly achieve those 2 hit KOs with Golisopod. Golisopod also has a pseudo 160 HP due to its ability to take 30 less damage. He is far more significant than Alolan Raticate. Resolute claws should be the attack you are focused on hitting for 150 base, 180 choice banded on GX Pokemon.

The other concern that you run into is that you want choice band on every attacker to really make this work. You MUST put one on Alolan Raticate in order to take advantage of its first attack, but then you're reducing your damage output on your other attackers if you can't find the choice band for them as well. Also, Alolan Raticate's damage output gets completely ruined by field blower. If they pop off the choice band you really just get no value out of the card anymore. By focusing simply on Golisopod, you can just hammer GXs for 180 damage every turn. That's much more efficient than spreading your tools between two attackers.

I would remove all Shaymins and all Alolan Raticate and focus on a 4/4 Golispod line. He is the best anti-GX attacker right now. The 2 reverse valley now become pointless, so we remove those as well, and Wally is really not needed here, so let's get rid of him as well.

Now that we've cleared out 15 card slots, I would run the following changes instead:

+2 Golisopod - Your main attacker
+2 Wimpod - Obvious reasons
2 Tapu Koko Promo - The spread damage can bring high HP GX Pokemon down to size so that Golispod can come in and finish for 180 damage. Sacrifice him to make counter energy live.
1 Latios - The same reason, except now you have the ability to focus 30 damage on specific targets and put 60 HP basics in danger immediately. Sacrifice him to make counter energy live. Choose which one you think is more important for the match up when you Brigette.
+1 DCE - You simply need it with this playstyle. The counter energy works as a substitute DCE on Golisopod when your Koko/Latios fall, but you need the DCE for Koko/Latios in the first place.

+1 Sycamore. Draw power draw power draw power.

+2 Octillery
+2 Remoraid

Give yourself some extra draw options.

+2 Counter Catcher - No reason not to run this when you plan on being behind on prizes at certain points in the game.

+3 Grass Energy - Now that Golispod is your focus, let's up that Grass energy count a bit.

-1 Float Stone. Let Tapu Koko be your Guzma pivot here, so 3 float stones is too many with the rest of these changes. Just run 2.

-1 Bodybuilding Dumbbells. Kind of nice, but I don't really feel it's needed. Let's focus on hitting 180 damage all the time.

-1 Counter Energy. Great in concept, but 4 of seems overkill. You only want it in play when you're behind on prizes. You'll probably end up with 2 Grass and 1 Counter energy on a Golisopod when you're ahead on prizes.

This should round you out to 60 cards and a much more efficient build.

This is a cute deck that actually has potential. Let me know what you think about my suggestions.

Thanks for the info I will try to improve the deck with ur invisions.
I'm confised why you posted this deck list again. Did you not see my suggestions for the deck?