Ray-Deo Legend?


Pokemon Army
ray-deo legend can do 150 for 4 with a discard of 2 or 3 energy. which pretty much OHKO everything in the meta, the body is outstanding saying when you knock something out you draw 2 prizes, so paired with some cards i think it could be unstoppable.

here is the list i got so far
2-2 Ray Deo Legend (Hitter)
2-1-2 Typhlosion prime (Energy Returner)
2-2 Bronzong SF (Energy Getter)
2-1 Uxie X (Draw Power)
2 Sabeleye SF (Start)

what else could this card be paired with, i thought about ninetails PL didnt like the flip, maybe a healer for some tank, idk tell me what you think.
Typhlosion Prime + Blissey PLT was what I was thinking. Return energy with Typhlosion Prime, while you heal with Blissey.
Heatran Lv.X!!!!!! Returns those 2 Fire energy you discarded back to Rayquaza/Deoxys, so you can use the same attack with basically no discarding effect (unless you have more than 2 fire energy on it, which you shouldn't). Just be sure to get some Warp Point/Warp Energy/Switch to get that Heatran to the bench if your opponent gets it active.
heatran lav.x wont work the energy has to be discarded from a fire or metal type which ray deo legend is not

anything else?

also what kind of trainers and supporters work to get out the legends?
Wow, 2nd dumb mistake I've made on this one thread; for some reason I was thinking PDL...
I would consider running Azelf Lv.X to get rid of both of the weaknesses. The Azelf LA also helps get some necessary cards from your prizes, so it isn't really taking up unnecessary space. It's a shame getting 1-shotted by Garchomp C Lv.X...
Rotom MD. It's attack lets you attach 2 energy from the discard to one of your Pokemon. Use Warp Point or Switch to put RDL on the bench. Run Bench Shield to avoid RDL being sniped while loading it up again.
I'm sorry, but RDL has to be my least favorite card of all time. I don't see why people think it has any potential, weakness to Garchomp hurts, sure you could get out an Azelf X, but a Bat drop plus a dragon rush kills it, plus you would have to waste a turn leveling Azelf up. If you try to set up RDL on your bench, Luxray can bright look it up and Garchomp can one shot it. You may say that that would take forever, but it would take a lot less time then setting up RDL. Legend Box can't help it speed up because that card fails, if you are running 10 energy, on average you are going to get one energy to attach, not to mention you would have to rely on getting TWO specific cards from your deck, I'm sorry those are very low odds, a lot lower than 1 and 4 and you can't run more than four Legend Box. Even if you did manage to get the kill with RDL and draw two prizes, you will most likely get revenge killed, I mean an E-Belt Uxie can take away half of its health! A discard of 2 energy minimum does not help this card either.
If I where to try to build a deck with this card I would want to try it as a Blazray tech or something, just run an energy heavy list, hit early game with Blaziken, have a bench shielded RDL, and try to attach an energy to it every turn while hitting with low energy quick hitter such as Luxray... After 4 turn or so, bring this thing up to finish the game. Maybe some Rayquaza LA to recover energies, energy link, lucian's to move them. This most like wouldn't work well, just brainstorming.
I disagree. I know someone who actually made a very efficient RDL deck. I actually remember very distinctly and basically it involves using Regice to discard energies, dialga PT to put them on the top of your deck, then legend box to attach them to RDL, then use Typholosion to attach the energies you discard from using the attack.

This is just one way, but I'm sure you could make another kind of RDL deck