• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

RayBoar with Delphox

Archa000x said:
Ok, it's gone through a mass amounts of indecisiveness and second (or twentieth) guessing.
Not to worry, even 10+ years veterans of hundreds of tournaments do the same; it's part of the process of preparing for a tournament. Get "comfortable" with your deck by playtesting (alot) against the top decks in your area. Some decks I suspect you'll see at every upcoming tournament and well represented are: Blastoise-BKEX-Keldeo, Darkrai-Yveltal (and variants like Garbodor), FairyBox, PlasmaBox, RayBoar (and variants), and VirGen (and variants). If you/your deck performs well against these decks, then you'll do OK. Also, don't be surprised if one of your opponents plays a rogue deck either...

Archa000x said:
• 3 Raquaza EX
• 3 Emboar
• 3 Tepig
• 2 Delphox
• 2 Fennekin
• 1 Rayquaza
• 1 Exeggcute

• 4 Skyla
• 4 Juniper
• 2 Colress
• 2 Shauna
• 1 N
• 4 Superior Energy Retrieval
• 4 Rare Candy
• 2 Skyarrow Bridge
• 1 Professor's Letter
• 2 Tool Scrapper
• 1 Switch
• 3 Ultra Ball
• 1 Level Ball
• 1 Heavy Ball
• 1 Super Rod
• 1 Dowsing Machine

• 8 Fire
• 3 Lightning
At this point, you deck list has been refined several times and one can easily build a case as to "why" a certain card is included. Although you can justify the presence of the "critical" cards in your deck, there are some that definitely would have higher priority than others. I'd suggest that you don't "over think" your list; your list is solid, IMHO. Keep in mind, there is no "perfect" deck; just perfect your list as best as you can. At the end of the day, you'll need to make that final decision regarding the deck's critical and priority cards - don't second/third... guess yourself either. Note: your might go to the tournament and see that everyone is playing Blastoise... which would not be ideal for you, but "stuff" happens at every tournament.

Archa000x said:
What I'm trying to see is if I can fit in: Catchers,
But, how many and what do you replace? Catchers can provide that little, game-changing "extra" you need to win a match. There's also the real possibility that you can have a negative outcome on your coin flip too. After you identify the cards that are absolutely "critical" to you/your deck, you might find (if any) in the remaining group a card or 2 you feel has less priority than Catcher(s) - those card(s) are your targets for replacement then.

Archa000x said:
1 more Skyarrow (I don't want to die in a frozen city), more Switches, maybe another non-ex attacker with a type that is opposite the top decks.
You have included 2 Skyarrow Bridge Stadiums; and with Dowsing Machine, you have access to a "3rd." Just remember to perhaps "react only" to your opponent's placement of his/her Frozen City Stadium. If you can, you'll conserve and use your Stadiums efficiently.

Archa000x said:
...more Switches, maybe another non-ex attacker with a type that is opposite the top decks.
See above comments again. Don't let yourself fall into "analysis paralysis" - then you'll never finish your deck. Lol.

Playtest, playtest, and playtest some more till you know your deck and matchups well. Take notes during the tournament regarding what went well and what didn't; so you can perhaps tweak your deck after the tournament.

Lastly, HAVE FUN.
Thanks again, Tuxedo. Very helpful!

I have also played with the idea of throwing in 1-2 prism energy cards and a Yvetal EX? I dunno how well that would work in meta. To be really honest I just started playing "again" (played when I was 10) so I'm trying to grasp as much as possible X_X

also even laser banks...I think that's what the two, hypnotoxic and virbank, are called
Ok, so I've collaborated some more, and I ended up doing something totally different (stupid as it may be). I threw in a Yevltal EX and one darkness energy. I upped the Professor's Letter count to 2. I think the supporter line up I have is solid. And I'm just wondering how it looks. I only have one person to play test with so I'm swinging in the dark. That's why I post so much, and sorry for doing so.

  • 3 Rayquaza EX
  • 3 Emboar
  • 3 Tepig
  • 2 Delphox
  • 2 Fennekin
  • 1 Rayquaza
  • 1 Exeggcute
  • 1 Yvaltal EX

  • 4 Skyla
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 1 Shauna
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 2 Skyarrow Bridge
  • 2 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Switch
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 1Super Rod
  • 1 Dowsing Machine

  • 8 Fire
  • 2 Lightning
  • 1 Darkness

Basically I wanted to put Yvaltal in there as a "mewtwo". I know he clashes with the deck in theory but I wonder if it'd work? The Darkness energy would be fodder for Ultra Ball/Dowsing. Then you get it back with Superior Energy Retrieval. I also thought about throwing in a Prism energy instead, but I think that would be unwise: it's not a basic energy so you'd have to Super Rod the thing into the deck again. Also, I hope 2 Lightning energy is enough? Any advice is always appreciated!!
Try it out and see how it plays. You will need 3 Lightning I'm afraid, though. :( Also, Exeggute... I still have yet to come to a conclusion as to whether or not it's worth the risk of starting with it in the active spot. When you discard Pokemon, you can Super Rod them back into the deck with the two Super Rods that I run, and discarding energy is always great for retrieving it later. I'm not sure. If that 1 Darkness is prized, Yveltal is there to be death fodder. With RayBoar you really have no space for more Pokemon. Delphox was already just barely squeezed in, and it probably won't work with only one energy. Other than that, I like it! Question though, what's the Max Potion there for?
Well, That's the thing. Max Potion was originally there to get Rayquaza out of the red with non-OHKO pokemon. I think that will be my only problem though so I think it may come out. I tested Yveltal out...it works...Evil Ball and Fandago are amazing. I am also worried about exeggcute, but I can also see the uses it could have. The thing is, there's only 1 in the deck =/ I was thinking of potentially dropping the exeggcute and the max potion. Maybe a Lightning and Darkness?
Although there is only 1 Exeggcute, which is potentially a HUGE liability with its low HP, the BENEFIT it brings outweighs its associated risks, IMHO. Propagation provides easy discard fodder when you need it for Ultra Balls, SER and Dowsing Machine. Playtest 20 games with and without it, then decide.

With only 1 Dark energy, you definitely run the risk of not ever using Yveltal EX. It's a great Poké, but its D energy requirement disrupts your energy balance, IMHO. So, if you really want it, then you need to provide for it; i.e., include at least 2 D energy.
I think I may just run with a more linear deck. I will probably drop the Yveltal EX and the D energy for the conventional cards. No need to re-create the wheel I suppose. However I am going to be posting a Plasma deck, not really sure what the title of the architecture is, but I kinda like it. Thanks again, and please help with the Plasma deck, if at all possible. I need all the help I can get @_@
Hmm... It seems like I'm having a few consistency issues with this deck. I think it's the lack of Tropical Beach, and I'm not about to pay $600 for three. v.v
hmm. well I'm gonna roll with it. I have my finalized deck list now. the only things I would take out are the 2 Switches and 1 Escape rope. For maybe another Ultra Ball, Heavy Ball, Pignite, Max Potion. Something... But States are on the 22nd... It's the final countdown lol :D

*** I can post if you want
So I love this deck to death, but I was playing someone yesterday at League who was visiting from Denmark and who was playing Big Basics with Sigilpyh, Mewtwo, Landorus, and baby-Terrakion, and I dead drew in both of our games, in an otherwise favorable matchup for me (the second time though I did misplay and Ultra Ball for a Tepig instead of a Fennekin on T1). How can I make this deck's setup more consistent during the first few turns? The best answer would of course be Beach, but I can't afford that, and even if I could, it will (hopefully) get rotated out this coming season after Worlds. Any ideas on upping consistency? When I get it going, the deck is near unstoppable, but sometimes it struggles during those first few turns getting what it needs to set up an Emboar/Delphox on my first few turns.

Also, edited my list to what it is now.
I actually use 2 level and 1 heavy ball... This deck is so nice when it sets up...but I actually made a plasma deck that I'll probably be taking to states. The inconsistency without beaches is somewhat out-done with Delphox. But really.... it's a 1 card stadium or a 3 card as basic candy and stage 2. I don't know if I'll ever own beaches. But I think the deck is defined with them :(
I might have to try that out. I don't think Beaches are a necessity in this deck, and my two best Pokemon friends use Beaches in all of their decks, so hah. :p

Also, it'd be awesome if you went to States with RayBoar. I really wanna see how it goes!
I have until saturday... I'm playing Rift right now but I plan to play them against each other...millions?...of times to see what I want!