RE: Rayquaza EX Eelektrik deck NEED last minute help for battle roads
I'm going to be honest, then you are playing the deck wrong.
If you are having to juniper them away then there is a problem else where in the deck.
the 4th eel is just taking up space and will almost never come into play.
Dweaver said:I thought the same thing but Ive been having trouble with my eels being prized, or discarding them off a juniper, or something else so Im not sure if I want to go down to 4-3 because I usually like to have ATLEAST 2 eels out and Ive had trouble with that with 4-3.
I'm going to be honest, then you are playing the deck wrong.
If you are having to juniper them away then there is a problem else where in the deck.
the 4th eel is just taking up space and will almost never come into play.