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Rayq of Reshiram - HGSS on


Aspiring Trainer
2 2 Rayquaza & Deoxy Legend (UD)
2 1 2 Emboar (BW With Power)
2 Shaymin
2 Pach
2 Cleffa


4 Collector
2 Rare Candy
4 Communication
2 Switch
3 Juniper
2 Fisherman
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Pluspower
2 Junk Arm


5 Electric
9 Fire


EDIT: Did some edits encompassing stuff from people checking it out and giving feedback.

Try to setup an early Emboar to feed energy onto Resh/Rayq, and you also have pach/shaymin to get the needed electric energy onto Rayq for super fast setup to start taking 2 prizes with him. You have cards to pull energy from your deck to reenergy when you have to discard the energy.
I run the same deck. Try 2-2 Bronzong TM for Legend Box. Sadly, Legend Box isn't that good. I run a 3-2-3 line of Ty and a 3-3 of Ninetale CL and maybe you try Dodrio UD for retreat - it's great! And take out the PP, you have enough damage output. Take the NRG Retrieval out and add 1 Flower Shop Lady and maybe 1 Fisherman. The Bronzong idea sounds weird, but it works. =)
That's just so many pokemon though. I thought the plus power would be nice because there are a quite a few 130h pokemon that that extra damage gives you the OHKO with Reshiram. How well does this deck play out? This was an idea I wanted to tamper with for a deck, so now I am curious since you've run it before.
I only tested against Scizor variants, MagneGatr, PlumeLock variants and DonChamp and it worked very well. You got right: PP is good for OHKO's, but I thought on PlumeLock or MisPlume and it's a hurt against them with so many trainers, just my opinion. =3
I'm not going to lie outrage scares me. It's a solid concern to worry about trainer lock, but Mis 5 cards to KO Resh/Zek. When I run Juniper and Oak it's typically pretty easy to get rid of cards from my hand, or the use then attack and then I outrage back for the KO. I did fit in Flower Shop Lady though that was a solid suggestion. I always tend to forget about her when making decks but shes so useful.
After doing some sim testing I decided to switch from Typhlosion to Emboar. Any other feedback on this list would be greatly appreciated.