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Rayquaza Eel


Oh no! Rotation in sight
Hi. ^^

Has been a while for me to build a deck, since last rotation, I just had no time to play...
So, here is my idear:

Use Raquaza Ex with Eel for a swing of 120-180 damage a turn. Quiet easy. :p

4 Rayquaza EX
4 Tynamo (NV)
4 Eelktrik (NV)

3 Ultra Ball
3 Evolite
4 Pokedéx
1 Tool Scrapper
2 Switch
4 Pokémon Catcher
1 Super Rod
2 Max Potion
4 Level Ball

Supporter (8):
4 Professor Juniper
2 Bianca
2 N

Stadium (3):
3 Skyarrow Bridge

9 Lightning Energy
4 Fire Energy

Some explanations:

Pokédex: For a fast start with Rayquaza, so you can get up to 4 energies on it on turn 1!
Tool scrapper: Everyone plays some tools, so helps to get rid of them.
And I'm only playing basic energies, to avoid hammer and such things. :p
Have considered to add Altaria, what do you think? Because with it, I can one-hit Garchomp for only one lightning energy...

Would love some idear and maybe tipps/tricks.
Looks good but what about Sigilyph? Maybe you could add a non-EX attacker. How is Bianca working out for you? I think 2 N's might be better than those 2 Bianca.
A non-EX attacker.... Hmm, haven't had any idear yet, maybe I'll take Zekrom in account or a I try to play around it.
Thought about Enchanced Hammer and a 1-1 Drifblim (Dragons Exalted) against Sigilyph.
But then the problem is the space.

Bianca ist quiet nice, when your hand it empty for a quicker refresh, since I play a lot of trainers... (Ultra Ball costing you 3 cards!)
Might cut one Bianca, for a 4th ultra ball and add some great balls... But don't know what to cut for the great balls.
IMHO I really do think that cheren would work out more than bianca and please add non EX attackers. like sigilyph, bouffalant, terrakion, zekrom. the list goes on and on.
You need to add ateast 1 non-EX attacker. You can also try and force your opponent to take 7 prizes instead of 7. Raikou EX also works well in this deck as you can give it 1 fire energy so volt bolt would only discard 2 lightning.
And don't add Altaria. You don't really need it since you can dynamotor the energies you discard. It would also make your deck more clunky.
I think Altaria is quiet an option, I only need to rely on 2 energies, instead of going for the full 3 each time! This way I can 1-KO Empoleon and Garchomp.
But no space.

Hate Cheren, don't know why, but only drawing 3 cards... Meh... ^^"

As non-Ex attacker I might add Zekrom kills everything, that needs killing.

Raikou EX is strong, yeah, but I prefer to stay to my plan of Rayquaza. ^^ Raikou EX would only be some kind of "toy", besides his figthing weakness makes him vulnerable.
I can't seem to figure out what pokedex does :( can someone post the wording of it or explain how it gets 4 energies on rayquaza? Sorry for asking a noob question :p
You mean the one that rearranges the top 5 cards of your deck? Cause that's the only one I can find and I don't see how that gets 4 energy on Rayquaza turn 1. If it's a different one, and you please post a link to the card picture? Cause I'm very curious.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see how it's done now lol I'm still fairly new to this game :p Sorry for wasting your time!