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Aspiring Trainer
Anyone got a good decklist for a rayeels on the current format?..I'm trying bechtini and Keldeo EX with it but it is not that good..

3x Rayquaza EX
4x Tynamo
4x Eelektrik
1x Keldeo
1x Benchtini (victini)
1x Emolga (DEX)
1x Victini EX

4x N
2x Colress
4x Juniper
3x Skyla
2x Max Potion
2x Switch
3x Skyarrow Bridge
3x Energy Search
4x Level Ball
3x Ultra Ball

9x Lightning
5x Fire
1x Prism

Get Victini EX as active pokemon with a benched Rayquaza EX ASAP...Use turbo energize until set up your Eelektriks and from now on its just the old Rayeels strategy (with Skyarrow)...In cases you need to get rid of stats (paralysis or not being able to retreat) just use Keldeo EX or Switch. Benchtini is to counter PKK or Syghliph. (Emolga, Keldeo and Victini NVI are situational pokemons)

Benchtini is to counter PKK or Syghliph.
Cards I would remove:
-1 Keldeo EX (decent but through testing I have come to prefer a high switch count)
-3 Skyla (I find this deck benefits more from straight draw supporters than it does from Skyla)
-2 Max Potion (a good card but I would prefer to play more consistency cards over healing cards)
-3 Energy Search (you already play plenty of Fire Energy to draw into)
-1 Skyarrow Bridge (nice to counter Virbank City Gym but there really isn't room to play 3 as you could use this space for more search cards or Super Rod)
-1 Lightning Energy (8 is really enough and there are trainers that can be more helpful than 1 extra energy)
-1 Prism (5 Fire Energy is enough and there is no need for Prism)

Cards I would add:
+3 Bianca (great draw supporter in this deck as you play many cards to empty your hand allowing you to Biaca for 4 or more cards)
+2 Switch (without Keldeo you want to max out on switch and switch is generally better than Keldeo anyways)
+1 Ultra Ball (with so many fast decks like Big Basics and Darkrai I find maxing out on Pokemon search helps this deck keep up)
+2 Super Rod (with Landorus EX having the ability to KO Tynamo on turn 1 you need to be able to recover them)
+3 Pokemon Catcher (while not as useful in this deck as in others, it is still essential to be able to KO the Pokemon you want to sometimes)
+1 Computer Search (you don't have an ACE SPEC and Computer Search will make your deck much more consistent)

New list with above changes:

-4 Tynamo (Thunder Wave)
-4 Eelektrik (Dynamoter obviously)
-3 Rayquaza EX
-1 Victini EX
-1 Victini (V-create)
-1 Emolga (DRX)

-4 Professor Juniper
-4 N
-3 Bianca
-2 Colress

-2 Skyarrow Bridge

-1 Computer Search
-4 Ultra Ball
-4 Level Ball
-4 Switch
-3 Pokemon Catcher
-2 Super Rod

-5 Fire Energy
-8 Lightning Energy

Serperior said:
Could you update with a strategy please? Thank you.

The strategy of the Rayquaza Eelektrik deck is essentially to use Rayquaza EX's Dragon Burst attack every single turn discarding 3 Lightning Energies to do 180 damage and KO 3 EX Pokemon (which give up to prize cards) in 3 turns to take all six prizes. They way this deck does this is by using the Stage 1 Pokemon Eelektrik's (card # 40 from Noble Victories) ability Dynamotor which allows you to attach 1 Lightning Energy from your discard pile to one of your benched Pokemon per turn for each Eelektrik you have in play. So, if you have 3 Eelektrik's in play and 3 Lightning Energies in your discard pile you can attach 3 Lightning Energies to a benched Rayquaza EX and the attach a Fire Energy from hand to power up its attack Dragon Burst (which requires 1 Fire Energy and 1 Lightning Energy and does 60 damage for each attached energy you discard) for 180 Damage discarding the 3 Lightning Energies. The stadium card Skyarrow Bridge reduces the retreat cost of Basic Pokemon by 1 and Rayquaza EX only has a 1 retreat cost so Skyarrow Bridge gives it free retreat. So if you have 2 Rayquaza EX's, 3 Eelektriks, and Skyarrow Bridge in play you can Dynamoter 3 Lightnings to a benched Rayquaza and then retreat for free using Skyarrow Bridge and use Dragon Burst putting 3 Lightning Energies back in the discard pile for 180 damage. You can then repeat this next turn with your other Rayquaza EX. This deck runs cards like Professor Juniper, Ultra Ball, and Computer Search so it is able to get Lightning Energies in the discard pile early while simultaneously searching out Tynamos (Eelektriks pre-evolution) and Eelektriks to put on your bench and evolve into. Emolga has an attack that for 1 Energy allows you to search your deck for 2 Basic Pokemon and put them on your bench which allows you to get out your Tynamos to evolve the next turn. Victini EX has an attack that for 1 Fire Energy allows you to attach 2 Basic Energies from your deck to your benched Pokemon in anyway you like; this is helpful for powering up Rayquaza EX's Dragon Burst attack before you have Eelektriks in play (very good on turn 1 or 2). The regular Victini (with V-create) has an attack that does 100 for 1 Fire and 1 Colorless Energy as long as you have a full bench (5 benched Pokemon) and is used to counter a deck that uses only metal Pokemon that are weak to fire but has an ability to prevent EX Pokemon from attacking. Switch is useful in this deck because Eelektrik has a 2 Retreat cost and isn't Basic which means Skyarrow Bridge doesn't affect it. Switch also allows you to Switch an Active Rayquaza EX onto the bench so you can Dyamotor energies onto it and then still retreat back into it allowing you to Dragon Burst for 180 with only 1 Rayquaza EX in play. Pokemon Catcher (a card that allows you to pick an opponents benched Pokemon and move it to the active spot) is useful to make sure you are KOing EX Pokemon every turn to take the most amount of prizes per attack.

Thats the best I can do to describe the Rayquaza Eelektrik or Rayeels deck.
I hope this helps. =)

LOL I just realized you were a mod not a new player asking how the deck works oops.
Removing Keldeo is something i had in mind already. And setting a few more switch.

As you said Energy search is kind of odd since i got Victini EX too.

About Skylas and Max Potions ill think a little, its pretty hard to give away a max potion in times of need.

About the other cards it seems pretty consistent what you said. I'll try the decklist you wrote.