Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

I do like Emolga too, but you need to be careful with going overboard with it. Rayeels lists are very tight for space and 1 Emolga generally does the trick because you don't have a very high chance of starting with it anyway. It's useful if you can search it out T1, but don't run 2-3 and attempt to rely on it.

Edit: Yay for un-epic 2000th post.
I run two, just because my deck DOES rely on it. Getting it T1 is quite literally often the make-or-break point of the game. Trying to set up without it is slow and clunky. I think devoting 2 spots to that is perfectly justified. And just saying, nowadays a Rayeels list is no more stretched for space than something like Blastoise. It can fit everything it needs to just fine and has room for techs and consistency boosters, you just have a lot of options. You can't fit in Eviolites, Max Potion, Energy Switch, Emolga, every basic attacker, etc. but you don't have to. Make the decisions when it comes to deckbuilding as to which luxuries you'll take- and a second Emolga is definitely a good idea.
Also, I find it almost necessary to run a single BW Zekrom, to one-shot Lugia EX and the super popular Tornadus EX
Zarco said:
I run two, just because my deck DOES rely on it. Getting it T1 is quite literally often the make-or-break point of the game. Trying to set up without it is slow and clunky. I think devoting 2 spots to that is perfectly justified. And just saying, nowadays a Rayeels list is no more stretched for space than something like Blastoise. It can fit everything it needs to just fine and has room for techs and consistency boosters, you just have a lot of options. You can't fit in Eviolites, Max Potion, Energy Switch, Emolga, every basic attacker, etc. but you don't have to. Make the decisions when it comes to deckbuilding as to which luxuries you'll take- and a second Emolga is definitely a good idea.

I disagree. I run 4 Ultra Balls and 3 Level Balls and normally don't have an issue getting 3 Tynamo turn 1, and that was when I didn't run Emolga at all. If you have a consistent list (13 supporters minimum, 7 search cards, etc.) you normally only have room for about 4 preference cards, and those normally go to Tool Scrapper, Victini, and then an Emolga or some other starter like Victini EX. That leaves one space. I suppose having that spot for Emolga isn't the worst idea in the world, but Emolga has a big downside which is that it requires your energy attachment (instead of getting a Fire on Ray EX) and it takes up a bench space, which is a big deal. Having an extra Emolga also doesn't improve your chances of starting with it that much, and since you only need 1 over the course of the game, the only reason to run a second one is to make sure you don't prize it or to increase the chances of starting with it.

Given the fact that a good Rayeels list can easily function without Emolga, I find it's more of an emergency resource or a "hey cool, I started with it" rather than a crucial part of the structure of the deck. There are better uses for that last spot, namely Max Potion and Rayquaza DV (unless you already have that.)

DrunkSpinda said:
Also, I find it almost necessary to run a single BW Zekrom, to one-shot Lugia EX and the super popular Tornadus EX

Tornadus EX isn't as popular as it once was, and Lugia EX won't be used in this format except by random Seniors who built the deck without bothering to test it. I think Zekrom isn't much needed and Rayquaza DV is a better option if you want an attacker like that (very helpful against the mirror and helps out a bit against Klinklang).
You often won't attack with that Rayquaza EX again, you'd attack with a seperate one. It's really helpful to screw with Darkrai's perfect math and to stall against Landorus/Tornadus.
Like the Eels? If you spend time going for the Eels, you're going to fall behind in the game and it isn't hard for the Rayeels player to Super Rod + set up more Eels. Darkrai's main advantage over Rayquaza is Rayquaza's 170 HP in my eyes, and Max Potion just totally wrecks that.
I usually never play with emolga and usually substitute it for another keldeo.
It really screws with lando, which in maryland is usually played by the seasoned players that know what they're doing.
Emolga screws with Landy's early game too, remember.

I've found that Landy isn't THAT big of a nuisance as long as you don't get donked and you play it right. Force them to burn catchers on Tynamos, then Super Rod them all back in and set up from there. Landy's late game tends to be rather mediocre. 1-of Keldeo usually works fine, as most Rayeels run 2 Super Rod nowadays anyway.
On my Cities, I faced to Landorus/Terrakion/Mewtwo and won easily, donking him on t2 consistently with Ray EX
Remember that donking/benching is never something to rely on since it can only happen when an opponent has a horrible start.

On another note, how does everyone think this deck holds up against Garbodor? Garbodor was extremely popular at States yesterday and it might have put a damper on this deck's performance.
I played with 2 Tool Scrappers, as there were 5 people playing Garbodor variants, but, honestly, everyone should always run at least one
Ray Eels has won at least 2 States and 1 Regionals this weekend ( Arizona, Pennsylvania, Crawley Regionals). And people were thinking this deck was going to do poorly =p

Drunkspinda is spot on when he said if you play tool scrapper then you're good to go !
I play one Tool Scrapper and I'm still somewhat concerned...I've only done a little testing against Garbodor, are there other ways around it? Obviously the strategy is to just go straight for the Garbodor and Tool Scrapper at a crucial time but I feel like the Landorus/Tornadus combo is just going to outspeed this deck before it can take the Garbodor down.
Blah said:
I play one Tool Scrapper and I'm still somewhat concerned...I've only done a little testing against Garbodor, are there other ways around it? Obviously the strategy is to just go straight for the Garbodor and Tool Scrapper at a crucial time but I feel like the Landorus/Tornadus combo is just going to outspeed this deck before it can take the Garbodor down.

I saw a list which made top 2 at the Cities that ran 2 Enhanced Hammers and two Scrappers+ Keldeo EX