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Standard Rayquaza EX / Shaymin EX / Altaria


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys new member, check out this normal Rayquaza deck.

  • 3 Rayquaza-EX
  • 3 M-Rayquaza-EX (Emerald Break)
  • 4 Shaymin-EX
  • 3 Exeggute
  • 1 Pikachu XY
  • 1 Raichu XY
  • 2 Swablu
  • 2 Altaria (Clear Humming)
  • 1 Virizion-EX
  • 2 Acro Bike
  • 4 Battle Compressor
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 3 Mega Turbo
  • 4 Trainers' Mail
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Lysandre's Trump Card
  • 1 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Skyfield
  • 2 Rayquaza Spirit Link
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 3 Grass Energy

I find I'm trumping in my first turn. I get everything out I need first turn to the point where I've had to scale down the draw. My strategy is to discard, sycamore, eggs, az, lysandre, basic energy and possibly trump/colress in that order. This is made possible with four battle compressors, ultra balls and shaymin. It's then not hard to fly through my deck until I've set up mega ray. I also play four VS Seeker to ensure a supporter use after battle compressing. I recently took out two acro bikes and one eggs as I wanted an AZ to remove an egg start or shaymin and a thin Raichu line. And to be completley honest it's quick enough. It was like a powerful sports car that if I wasn't careful crashed and carded me out! I only play one sycamore but with the vs seekers it's enough to give the deck a little push when shaymin stalls. But honestly I trump as often as I supporter draw first turn, or occasionally AZ'in out a shaymin. Virizion stops all status and Altaria weakness. Then you know the drill 240 emerald break. I've found absolutely no need for Winona in this deck. Anyway tell me what you think of this list guys!! :)
You're probably right, I just kept cutting the basic energy. Toad/Silent lab would also do quite well. Any suggestions on what to cut for an extra two basic energies say? Mind you this deck is relatively consistent, I'll be playing it at my local league Wednesday and I'm hoping to set up enough turn one to do some major damage and hobble on from there. Incidentally the four shaymin, battle comp, trainer mail, acro bike speed combo works in every deck to fly through your cards. Mega Aggron and Primal Groudon are two that spring to mind. :)