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Standard Rayquaza EX / Shaymin EX / Aromatisse


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone! I'm very new to Pokemon TCG but I'd love some help with my deck please and thank you!

  • 3-2 line of Rayquaza EX/M-Rayquaza EX (colorless)
  • 3 Shaymin EX
  • 2 Skarmory
  • 1-1 Swablu/Altaria
  • 3-2 Spriztee/Aromatisse
  • 2 Xerneas (Geomancy)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 2 Escape Rope
  • 2 Mega Turbo
  • 2 Robo Substitute
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 1 Shauna
  • 2 Teammates
  • 3 Tierno
  • 2 Winona
  • 2 Xerosic
  • 2 Rayquaza Spirit Link
  • 2 Fairy Garden
  • 3 Sky Field
Energy: 12
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 8 Fairy Energy

So this deck is built for post ban LTC as well as rotation(XY on I assume). I had a all colorless deck that was working very well except in certain situations. I couldn't put up a fight against Manetric so I took out 2 Bunnelby and added the Swablu/Altaria line as insurance. I took out a 1-1 of M/Rayquaza to add in the 2 Xerneas, because believe it or not I was having trouble drawing energy and I wanted to make sure I had a strong basic attacker to combat safeguard. The Spritzee/Aromatisse are pretty self explanatory but help out with set up especially if I have Fairy Garden in place. I added the two Fairy Garden because before the LTC ban I was running a basic Dragon deck(Hydreigon) and got very comfortable with free retreat. To the point I need it in this deck as well. But I am now having a trouble with by draw power getting stuck. any pointers or advice would be greatly appreciated
Another idea for moving energy is battle compressor because you already have mega turbo. I'd consider dropping the 2 fairy gardens for 2 battle compressors. Then you'd be able to move energy from Geomancy or (more easily than before) from the discard pile.
But I am now having a trouble with by draw power getting stuck. any pointers or advice would be greatly appreciated
Well, you have a lot of Supporters and 8 of them don't draw. 16 Supporters means you have a LOT of cards you can't put down right away, which hurts your draw ability with Shaymin. And of your 8 draw supporters, 3 are terrible and 5 are mediocre. Drop some of the non-draw supporters (if you really want them around, go to 1-ofs and use VS Seeker. Then, you can get a second copy if you need it but you can also choose a draw supporter instead. I would do this for Xerosic, Winona and Teammates). Sycamore is still the best draw supporter in the game. Remember, you can still afford to play fast the first couple of turns with this deck, a Mega Rayquaza that gets going will take KOs plenty fast enough to not deck yourself.
Another thing that will help both setup and draw power is running Ultra Ball. You have no way to grab Xerneas or Aromatisse. With Ultra Ball you have a way to search them out, and you also have a way to thin your hand out to draw extra cards with Shaymin.
Personally, I would play 4 Xerneas and no Skarmory since it's nice for your energy acceleration. Skarmory shouldn't be necessary to fill your bench if you have Ultra Ball and draw power. Geomancy is probably better for you than Call for Family, and attacking with Blow Through isn't really a spot you want to be in.
Fairy Garden is kind of counter productive. To get your free retreat you need to sacrifice three benched Pokémon. Even if your opponent has played their stadium to counter your Skyfield, you're better off getting another Skyfield down. I can see it being of use once in a while, just too situational.
Since you're playing Aromatisse anyway and M-Ray is tough to OHKO, Max Potion would be nice too if you can fit it in.
-3 Tierno
-1 Shauna
-1 Xerosic
-1 Winona
-1 Teammates
-2 Skarmory
-2 Fairy Garden
+3 Professor Sycamore
+3 VS Seeker
+2 Xerneas
+3 Ultra Ball

If you find the robo subs unnecessary, that could be your Max Potion spots. You might be fine with 7 basic Fairy energy also.