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angry aggron

banette is a beast
okay so this deck is pretty basic you set up RDL(Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend) really fast and sweep with it it is a good md-on deck but i built a better hgss-on list and i do need some help with some things like
1. something to move the energy from one pokemon to another (hgss-on)
2. a easy way to heal not using pokemon but using maybe trainers....(hgss-on)
ok here is the list
18 pokemon
2-2 RDL
2-2-2 typhlosion (prime)
3-3 ninetales
1-1 dodrio
2 zekrom
25 T/S/ST
3 professor osk's new theroy
3 porfessor elm's training method
2 pokemon collector
2 team rocket's trickery
2 emcee's chatter
1 fisherman
1 interviewers questions
1 twins
1 judge
1 flower shop lady
3 pokemon communication
3 rare candy
2 indigo plateau
15 energy
10 fire energy
4 lighting
1 dce
that is the list it is pretty fast for it being hgss on but it does need work so help and any comment helps.....:ninja <lol
Well, Shaymin UL moves energies around when you play it. You could use SSU or Seeker to replay it.

Healing trainers that are good are Super Scoop Up (SSU) and Moo Moo Milk. Potion is OK, but not great.

As for your deck list:

-1 Judge (more harm than help)
-1 DCE

+1-0-1 Typhlosion

3 lines of Typhlosion are really handy for consistent set-ups and speed

Hope it helps :)
A trainr to heal, should be Max Potion (or is it Full Restore? I don't remember xD) when it comes out. It is Blissey Prime, but in a Trainer Card. As for the energy moving problem, just put Shaymin in.
ok so put in a shaymin hmmmm i notice though that i like to have room for 2 typlshion a dodurio and 2 nintales on bench so ... shaymin may be a slight problem and why in the world would max potion be a good idea it would get rid of lighting energy that i need....

why cant this be simple.....:headbang
In a deck that focus on RDL, you need 2-3 rescue energy. That way, RDL goes to your hand when it dies, and can pay the energy cost (and you don't have to discard it)