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Really need Scizor and Donphan Prime! H: Unopened Power Play theme deck! W:Excadrill (56) and Bearti

RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

gary182000 said:
I do have a gyardos from the Raichu/Gyardos Starter Kit.

Ok, that works. So how about my:

Aggron TR, Carnivine TR, Dugtrio (rh) TR, Ambipom (rh) TR, Rapidash TR, Lunatone TR, Sharpedo TR, Regigigas POP 9, Manaphy POP 9,

for your:

4x Team Rocket's Trickery (1 RH), Gyrados Col, Gyarados Trainer Kit, Noctowl Promo holo, hoothoot (as a throw-in).
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

i value the metagame cards much higher because i know that i can get rarer old cards for them, such as an ex for a collector for example.
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

foo895 said:
Ok, that works. So how about my:

Aggron TR, Carnivine TR, Dugtrio (rh) TR, Ambipom (rh) TR, Rapidash TR, Lunatone TR, Sharpedo TR, Regigigas POP 9, Manaphy POP 9,

for your:

4x Team Rocket's Trickery (1 RH), Gyrados Col, Gyarados Trainer Kit, Noctowl Promo holo, hoothoot (as a throw-in).

Could you do Electrode Prime instead of Regigigas POP 9 and Manaphy POP 9?
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

if you have any ex's i need then i'd definetely be willing to part with those other cards
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

foo895 said:
smp: Ok, do you have 3 of those Gyarados and/or two of the Noctowl? I'll make you an offer based on how many of each card you have.

I have 1 regular Gyarados, 1 trainer kit Gyarados, 1 normal Noctowl and 1 RH Noctowl.
RE: Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

foo895 said:
LegosLock: I am interested in your Donphan prime, Yanmega Prime, Machamp prime, Rare Candies, and PONT. Out of the other stuff you asked for I only have 1 rh Vulpix. :(

Would you like to make me an offer?
Well, do you have any of these RH?
3x Plus Power (UL/BW)
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Pokemon Communication
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Fisherman
1x Flower Shop Lady

11x Foil Fire Energy?
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

would you trade your holo rare charizard from secret wonders for my team rocket's trickery and hoothoot hgss?
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

gary182000: I don't really think it would be much of a fair deal if I throw in Electrode Prime. I know it isn't worth as much as a lot of other primes but I would be trading you a lot of rares for some promos, a few only ok supporters and a reprinted rare.

mewyoshi: these are the ex's I have,

Walrein PK
Scyther RS
Claydol PK
Ho-oh UF
Tyranitar DF
Armaldo LM
Latios DF
Rayquaza DF
Magmar RS
Salamence DX
Salamence PK
Electabuzz RS

smp: Ok, would you do both your gyarados, both of your Noctowl your Team Rocket's Trickery and your Golduck TR for my Raichu Lv X, Regigias Lv X and Palkia Lv X?

painIShere: none that I'm willing to trade right now, sorry.

LegosLock: I have a RH PlusPower from UL and one from BW. I also have 1 RH energy retrieval. All three are a little scratched a little bit. Not real bad but I've been keeping them with my other T/S/S so they have a few.
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

interested in these. the two salamence are the ones i'm interested in most. lmk what you could do.
Tyranitar DF
Latios DF
Rayquaza DF
Salamence DX
Salamence PK
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

So it would be

2 Gyarados (1 HGSS, 1 Trainer's Kit)
2 Noctowl (1 HGSS, 1 HGSS RH)
1 Team Rocket's Trickery
1 Golduck TR

Raichu Lv. X
Palkia Lv. X
Regigigas Lv. X
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

crobat prime
vileplume ud rh
interested in
typhlosion prime x2
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

mewyoshi: I don't really know how you value ex's so I'll make you an offer and if you don't find it acceptable then feel free to counter. My two Salamence ex's and Latios ex for your 2x Pokemon Collector, 2x Pokemon Communicaton, Rare Candy. You wouldn't happen to have any Professor Oak's New Theory would you?

smp: Yeah, would you be able to throw in a couple hoothoots though? Whether you say yes or no do you want to take this to pm now?

LegosLock: I found another RH Plus Power from BW. So I have RH Vulpix UL, 2x RH Plus Power BW, RH Plus Power UL, RH Energhy Returner, 2x Typhlosion Prime and Lucario Lv X that you are intersted in, right?

jgreen: I'm currently negotiating with my Typhlosion primes but if nothing comes from it than I will take a look at your list. Thanks.
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

my scizor prime and crobat prime team rockets trickery

for your:
palkia GE lvl X
hippowdon lvl X
lucario mt lvl X

if they are mint! Mine are!
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

Soariyant said:
my scizor prime and crobat prime team rockets trickery

for your:
palkia GE lvl X
hippowdon lvl X
lucario mt lvl X

if they are mint! Mine are!

The Palkia and Lucario Lv X's are being negotiated for right now, sorry. If nothing happens with those than I will get back to you. Thanks.
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

i dont have any pont unfortunately. would you mind if i tweak the trade just a teeny bit? how about this:
salamence ex deoxys
salamence ex power keepers
latias ex dragon frontiers
charizard holo secret wonders

2x collector
2x communication
1x rare candy
1x team rockets trickery
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

mewyoshi said:
i don't have any pont unfortunately. would you mind if i tweak the trade just a teeny bit? how about this:
salamence ex deoxys
salamence ex power keepers
latias ex dragon frontiers
charizard holo secret wonders

2x collector
2x communication
1x rare candy
1x team rockets trickery
I just got out my Charizard and I saw that it is RH. I'm really sorry. I must have forgot to put that on my list. I had no idea because I haven't even looked at it in so long. I understand if you don't want to trade now. Again, I'm sorry.
RE: **US** Bunch of new Haves and Wants! Take a look!

CML for Rayquaza Deoxys Full please?! :D
RE: **US Only** H: Some Primes, W: Primes I do not have

its fine we can still trade could we do the trade you originally suggested, but drop one communication on my end?