RE: New Trade Thread. Take a look!
foo895 said:
Would you do your:
2x expert belt
4x professor oak's new theory
2x interviewer's questions
2x pokemon communication
5x broken time-space
energy returner
2x Double colorless
For my:
Regigigas Lv. X
2x Lucario GL
Mespirit LA
Let me know. Thanks.
squallo said:
how about:
Fisherman x6
Professor Oak's New Theory x5
Pokemon Reversal x5
Volkner's Philosophy x7
for your Arcanine ex Legend Maker
let me know
Would you take out 2 Pokemon Reversal and 2 Volkners and throw in 3 or 4 Pokemon Collector? I'd really appreciate it. As soon as you let me know we can move this thing to pm. Thanks.
I would if i had that many ! i looked at my list to see if i listed 3-4 and i found that i listed it as xx >.< .. typo .. my bad !
i can throw the pokemon collectorx1 in the mix for you
.. But the card must be MINT!!
ok .. So here's the deal
i see many of my other wants on your list and i have many of your wants (on my list and unlisted as well). I would like to make the most out of this trade and save time and postage...
1) i'll post here my wants, let me know what you have out of that list (on your list and/or unlisted). Priority is to my big wants first
2) you post what you like from my list (please CML like i did with u
3) we'll arrange a larger trade!
does that sound reasonable to you?
Here's what i am looking for:
BIG wants
New Play-mats x2
Uxie LvX
Machamp LvX
93/101 Gardevoir ex
89/100 Aggron ex CRYSTAL GUARDIANS
97/100 Shiftry ex CRYSTAL GUARDIANS
83/92 Arcanine EX LEGEND MAKER
105/115 Lugia ex UNSEEN FORCES
111/115 Tyranitar ex UNSEEN FORCES
112/115 Umbreon ex UNSEEN FORCES
lower wants
7/99 Probopass x1
10/99 Tangrowth x2
11/99 Toxicroak x2
20/99 Hariyama x2
39/147 Primeape x2
16/100 Drifblim X2
17/100 Dusknoir X2
20/100 Machamp X1
31/100 Vespiquen X2
3/146 Froslass x2
8/146 Luxray x1
18/146 Armaldo x2
21/146 Cradily x2
31/146 Jirachi x2
6/100 Kabutops x2
16/100 Bronzong x3
8/106 Sceptile x2
6/132 Gallade Rare Holo x1
7/132 Gardevoir Rare Holo x2
13/132 Ludicolo Rare Holo x2
16/132 Raikou Rare Holo x2
18/132 Salamence Rare Holo x2
21/132 Absol Rare x1
27/132 Furret Rare x2
30/132 Jynx Rare x1
Mysterious Treasures
6. Bronzong x2
9. Garchomp x1
10. Honchkrow x2
13. Meganium x2
15. Raichu x1
16. Typhlosion x2
19. Abomasnow x1
22. Chimecho x2
26. Gyarados x2
8/130 Magnezone x1
39/130 Vespiquen x1
7/108 Cradily x1